

A Research on the Communication of American Education Towards Modern China in the First Half of the 20th Century

【作者】 沈岚霞

【导师】 霍益萍;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中外教育关系, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 作为国家“软实力”的重要呈现方式,对外教育传播对国家发展的重要意义日益凸显。美国200多年的大国崛起之路,充分显示了除经济、政治、军事等“硬实力”之外,教育文化传播对提升美国世界影响力的重要价值。本文力图阐释20世纪上半叶美国如何通过对华开展教育传播,提升其在近代中国的教育影响力,从而获取全球化背景下中国提升自身实力的有价值经验。全文在宏观考察美国对外教育传播历史、根源和格局的基础上,以美国哥伦比亚大学师范学院对华教育传播为视角,阐述美国对华教育传播的基本情况及其对近代中国的巨大影响力,从传播学的角度寻找和分析教育传播得以成功的关键因素。全文主要分以下六个部分展开:绪论阐述课题的研究背景与研究意义;对本课题相关研究进行综述;厘定课题相关概念;明确课题研究内容和方法。第一章追溯美国对外扩张与传播的历史与文化根源;宏观概括20世纪上半叶美国对外教育传播的背景;分析美国对外教育传播的基本格局,借助传播理论,从传播环境、内容和效果等方面对宗教传播、非宗教的民间教育传播(以基金会和高等教育机构为主)的基本情况进行全面盘点分析。第二章鉴于TC是美国对华教育传播的缩影与典型,着重以TC及其国际教育研究所为分析视角,阐述其对外教育传播的状况,突出TC的国际化办学方向,分析其与中国留学生的渊源关系,同时着重分析其成立国际研究所的原因,探讨国际研究所的办学目标与课程设置对培养具有美国教育意识和观念的留学生的意义等。第三章以TC对华教育传播的重要使者——TC的教授学者,如杜威、孟禄等人为分析点,解析他们作为个体或群体如何通过思想理论与实践活动影响中国留学生,进而影响近代中国教育的发展;由此分析TC对华教育影响在传播内容、通道、效果等方面的独特性。第四章重点从教育思想理论、教育制度、教育实验等方面阐述美国在近代中国教育的巨大影响力,以获取美国对华教育传播与影响的整体印象。在此基础上,探讨美国教育文化的强势影响下,中国社会对美国教育文化的接纳与认同程度,反思美国教育文化在融入中国的过程中所面对的障碍,思考跨文化传播过程外来文化与本土文化的互动关系等问题。结束语剖析美国教育文化传播得以成功的关键因素,力图从文化传播的角度寻找美国在中国巨大影响力的内在原因;以此探讨全球化背景下中国在提升自身实力的过程中,如何借鉴美国经验,对外传播中国传统文化,增强软实力,走向大国之路。

【Abstract】 As an important reflection of one country’s "soft power", the communication of foreign education is becoming increasingly valuable for the development of a country. The America’ rise to a great power in more than 200 years has fully shown that in additional to "hard powers" such as economy, politics and military, the communication of education and culture is of great value to enhance the global influence of America. This paper intends to explain the valuable experience of how America enhanced its influence in modern Chinese education and enhanced its own strength under globalization in the first half of the 20th century.Based on the observation of the history, root and pattern of communication of America’ foreign education from a macro view, and from the view of communication of American education towards modern China students by Teachers College of Columbia University, the whole paper describes the basic information of the communication of American education towards modern China and its enormous influence on modern China, and researches and analyzes the key reasons for the success of communication of education from the perspective of communication. The whole paper is divided into the following six parts:Introduction:The Introduction part introduces the background and significance of research on the topic, summarizes the relevant research on the topic, defines the concepts related to the topic and clarifies the content and methods of research. Chapter One:Chapter One traces historical and cultural roots for the overseas expansion and communication of America, summarizes the background of dissemination of America’s foreign education in the first half of 20th century from a macro perspective, analyzes the basic pattern of the communication of America’s foreign education, gives an overall description and analysis on the basic situation of religious dissemination, non-religious civil educational dissemination (mainly by foundations and institutions of higher education) from the aspects of environment, contents and effects of the communication.Chapter Two:As TC is the epitome and typical mode of American education towards modern China, the chapter, with emphasis on the analysis on TC and the International Institute, describes the status of the communication of foreign education by TC, highlights the direction of international education of TC, analyzes its relationship with Chinese students, and further analyzes the reasons for the establishment of the International Institute, discusses the meaning of the purpose and curricular of International Institute on the cultivation of Chinese students with awareness and thoughts of American educational ideology.Chapter Three:Chapter Three further analyzes the important envoys of American education towards modern China:professors and scholars of TC, such as John Dewey, Paul Monroe, explains how they, as individuals or groups, influence Chinese students through theories and practice, thereby affecting the development of modern Chinese education, and based on the foregoing, analyzes the particularity of TC’s education towards modern China in terms of the content, channel, effect of the communication.Chapter Four:Chapter Four focuses on education theory, education system, educational experiment to describe the huge influence of America on modern Chinese education and gives an overall image of the communication and influence of American education towards China. On the foregoing basis, Chapter Four discusses the degree of acceptance and recognition by Chinese society of the American educational culture under the great influence of American education, and rethinks the obstacles faced in the process of integration of American education into China, considers the problems such as the relationship between overseas cultures with local culture during cross-cultural communication.Conclusion:The Conclusion part analyzes key factors for the success of the communication of American education and culture, tries to seek the internal reasons for America’s huge influence in China from the perspective of culture communication, studies how China can learn from America to spread Chinese traditional culture, enhances soft power and leads the way to a powerful country under the context of globalization and in the process of upgrading China’s soft power.

  • 【分类号】G571.2;G521
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1046
  • 攻读期成果

