

History in Shanghai Children’s Daily Life (1927-1937)

【作者】 刘媛

【导师】 忻平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 1927-1937年,由于现代化运动的蓬勃发展,上海城市处于社会高速转型期,市民的生活方式也在经历着由传统到现代的变迁,儿童日常生活场景已不同于传统生活和乡村生活,上海城市在日常生活中塑造儿童成长为现代人才,儿童的成长成才又为城市的现代化建设增添活力。文章主要依靠上海市档案馆馆藏档案,国民政府、上海市政府和其他社团的各种统计、年鉴,《申报》等为主要史料,辅以时人著述、儿童书籍和图像,以实证分析的方法对20世纪20-30年代上海儿童的日常生活进行了专题研究,通过再现上海城市为儿童构建的物质精神生活环境,传达社会转型期上海城市的现代化与人的现代化之互动关系。导论部分界定了文中研究对象的基本范围,讨论了研究二三十年代上海儿童日常生活的学术价值和现实意义;然后回顾了国内外儿童史的研究现状,肯定学术界在儿童史研究领域取得的成绩,指出这些都为本文的儿童史研究提供借鉴。同时,介绍了文章的研究思路、框架、方法、史料来源和研究中的不足之处。文章主体又可分为三个部分,共四章。第一章为第一部分,总论社会转型期中的上海儿童概况;从上海儿童人口、上海儿童生活环境两个方面分述社会转型期间上海对现代人才的需求以及为儿童发展提供的契机。分别考察了儿童人口在上海总人口中的比重、儿童的社会分层问题和儿童生活背景的改变。提出城市按照自身需求来教养儿童的问题,上海把儿童定位为城市未来现代化建设的接班人和主力军,儿童培养的目标应符合上海城市发展的需要。第二、三、四章为第二部分,分别从儿童的物质生活、儿童的精神生活、儿童的群体生活来描述分析儿童日常生活。第二章叙述儿童的物质生活。物质生活是反映社会转型时期人们生活状况和生活水平的基础性指标,这一时期上海儿童日常生活还是具备了很多现代性特征,涉及到很多具体内容,本文主要研究了儿童物质生活中的衣食住行、医疗卫生、儿童消费来做为进一步分析的依据。在研究过程中,考虑到儿童的分层分类,注重不同社会阶层儿童的物质生活条件的差异,并特别突出研究了工人家庭中儿童的物质生活状况,在内容和层面上都能反映出1927-1937年问上海儿童物质生活水平的轮廓,又可见微知著,在社会给儿童提供的物质生活层面上展示上海的社会变迁。第三章择取儿童的教育、儿童的娱乐为分析对象,通过对社会给予儿童的教育环境的度量、教育内容的实施、新型娱乐方式的出现和儿童节的设立来建构起儿童精神生活的概貌。发现儿童的教育以顺应社会转型潮流、服务上海城市、促进儿童全面发展为依归,儿童娱乐方面突出了与时俱进的儿童图书、塑造新民的儿童玩具、应运而生的儿童电影和呼唤现代人才的儿童节与儿童年。无论是初等学校教育的快速前行,还是全方位社会教育的熏陶,以及与时俱进的儿童娱乐,还有专门成立的儿童节和儿童年等,都表达上海社会对现代人才的呼唤和教养。第四章分析了儿童的群体生活和现代人格的养成。群体生活也是儿童日常生活的重要组成部分,文章从儿童的家庭生活和团体生活两方面着手,以孩子剧团这一纯粹的儿童团体为例,分析儿童群体生活的现代成份,社会转型期的儿童群体生活以儿童为中心,体现儿童的能动性和主体性。儿童进行日常生活也是儿童社会化的过程,物质生活、精神生活、群体生活的现代化特征将1927-1937年上海儿童锻炼为具有现代人格特征的现代人,人的发展和现代化建设方可得到辩证的统一。第四章还从儿童生活技能的积累、社会角色的塑造、行为规范的约束和价值观念的养成来透析儿童的现代人格以及儿童发展和社会变迁的互动。第三部分是结语,指出人的现代化与社会的现代化密不可分,儿童发展是社会发展的一部分,同时儿童的发展对社会发展具有反作用,他们在成年后将对社会的发展承担责任。儿童培养理念的确立既要符合社会和时代发展的要求,同时反作用于社会的发展和时代的变迁。家庭、社会、政府对1927-1937年问上海儿童的成长发展均具有无可替代的作用,他们的合力造就未来现代化建设接班人;1927-1937年间上海儿童日常生活是现代化和传统社会交相渗透的结果,生活方式在传统中趋新和超越;而上海社会转型与儿童日常生活现代化又具有全方位的、渗透式的、彼此互动的特点。

【Abstract】 From 1927 to 1937, because of the rapid development of modernization sport, Shanghai city situated a rapid social transformation period. People’s lifestyle was also undergoing changes from traditional to modern, children’s daily life has been different from traditional and rural life, Shanghai city shaped the growth of children in daily life into modern personnel, children’s growth and success has added to the modernization of urban vitality.This dissertation mainly depends on archives in Shanghai Municipal Archives, kinds of statistics, yearbooks written by Nationalist Government of Nanjing, Shanghai Municipal Government or other associations and newspapers as historical data, also with contemporaries’writings, children’s books and pictures, carry on an investigation into Shanghai children’s daily lives in 1920s and 1930s by means of positive analysis, through the reproduction of material and spiritual environment built by Shanghai city, convey the interaction between people’s and Shanghai city’s modernization during the period of social transformation.Introduction defines the basic research areas, discussing the academic value and practical significance of Shanghai children’s daily life in the 1920s and 1930s, then reviews the status of domestic and international research into the history of children, commending the achievements in the academic field of history of children, points out that these provide a reference to the study in this paper of the children’s history. At the same time introduces the research methodology, frameworks, methods, data sources and shortcomings in the article.The main text can be divided into three parts, four chapters in total. Chapter 1 is the first part. Summarizes the profile of Shanghai children in the social transformation period. Depicts the demand on people with modern ability and the provision of opportunities for child development from 2 aspects, one is Child population in Shanghai, the other is Shanghai children’s living environment. Studies the children population in Shanghai’s share of total population, children’s social stratification and the changes in children’s lives background. Proposes the opinion for city to rear children in accordance with their needs. Shanghai looks on children as urban future successor and the main forces of modernization, the aim of children training meets the needs of Shanghai urban development.Chapter 2-4 are the second part, describe and analyze children’s daily life from material life, spiritual life and group life respectively.Chapter 2 describes the material life of children. Material life is the basic indicators reflecting people’s living conditions and living standards.In this period, Shanghai children’s life has some modern characteristics, concerning many contents, this article mainly research on clothing, food, shelter and transportation, medical care, children’s consumption to have a further study. During the writing, considering hierarchical classification of children, pays more attention to the contrasts of children in different social classes, particularly stands out the material living conditions of children in working-class, gives expression to the material living profile of Shanghai children in 1927-1937 by contents and dimensions, this also can show Shanghai’s social changes from the children’s material living provided by the city.Chapter 3 selects children’s education and entertainment to analyze, through measuring educational environment offered by society to children, the implementation of educational content, the emergence of new forms of entertainment, the establishment of Children’s Day to construct the general picture of children’s spiritual life. Find that children’s education goes by conforming to the trend of social transformation, servicing Shanghai City, promoting the comprehensive development of children. Children’s entertainment highlights the children’s books, children’s toys, children’s films, Children’s Day and Children’s Year. Both rapid progress in primary school education and the full range of community education, both children’s entertainment advancing with times and Children’s Day and Children’s Year setting up specially, can express the call of modern human resources and education of children in Shanghai city.Chapter 4 analyzes children’s group life and modern personality foundation. Group life is an important part of daily life. This article makes two ways to proceed which conclude children’s family life and community life, take Children Theatre for example,analyzes the modern elements in the group life, it takes children as the center, reflects children’s initiative and subjectivity.Children in activities of daily life are the process of socialization of children. Modern features of material life, spiritual life, and social life make Shanghai children be the modern people with modern personality characteristics. Chapter 4 also analyzes modern personality dialysis of children and child development and social change in the interaction from the children’s life skills, social role of the shape, bound by norms and values to develop 4 aspects.The third part is a conclusion, Points out that the modernization of people closely related to modern society. Children development is a part of social development,At the same time children’s development is counterproductive on the social development, they will be on the social development of adult responsibility. Training children complying with both the Conception of the development of society and the requirements of the times, but also counterproductive to the development of society and changing times. Family, community, government all have an irreplaceable role in 1927-1937 Shanghai children’s growth and development, their forces together bring successors in modern construction. Shanghai daily lives of children in 1927-1937 is the modern and traditional society, the result of cross-penetration, New trends in the traditional way of life appear and beyond, Shanghai Social Transformation and the children’s daily life have a full range of modern, immersion, and interactive features.

  • 【分类号】K263
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1507

