

Studies the Fictions Ebbs in Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 谢仁敏

【导师】 陈大康;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 这是一篇尝试“文学低潮期”研究的探索性论文,分析样本是宣统朝小说界,核心任务是勾勒“低潮期”小说界的运行状况及其演变轨迹,考察彼时的小说界为何陷入“低潮”,又如何为酝酿“高潮”作预前准备。论文主要分四大板块:导论——中国本土小说研究编(1—7章)——海外华文小说研究专编(末章)——附录。此外,若干章添设“附论”,为该章话题的延伸。导论,主要阐释基本研究思路,厘清基本概念,概述宣统朝小说界运行轨迹的典型性和非典型性,例如,某些文学常规在宣统朝如何“走样变形”、评判晚清小说适用的价值标准、海外华文小说的独特参照价值等。“附论”包括前人研究评述、未来研究走向以及选题缘由,最后提出关于“文学低潮期”研究的命题。第1章,通过数理分析和文献考察得出结论:从宣统朝开始,晚清小说迅猛发展的势头被遏制,陷入一个约为时五年的“低潮期”。其原因是政局动荡、小说内部机制失衡,两者导致“小说界经济危机”,进而形成恶性循环。本章重点是对中国小说史上爆发的第一次“经济危机”进行考察,论证该命题成立的可能性。“附论”则进一步延伸,提出影响小说演变的“第三种力”命题,并以此考察《域外小说集》传播失利的原因,提出最新的看法。第2章,提出将三大小说载体区别对待、相互比照的命题并阐释其意义,讨论低潮期中单行本、期刊、日报三大载体小说的博弈、调适以及各自发展模式的最终确立。第3章,通过数理分析发现肇始于宣统朝前夜的一个特殊现象——翻译小说与自撰小说比例出现逆转,从小说发展驱动力角度切入,考察两者易位的深层原因,并勾勒其渐变过程。第4章,勾画晚清小说理论界的“三派一群”格局,重点讨论其在低潮朝如何演进和调适。大致情况是“社会派”勉力支撑场面,但疲态渐显;“美学派”几乎集体失语;“现代派”理论前卫新颖,但收效甚微;“消闲群”寻求“正当性”之呼声日高,但理论建设乏善可陈。第5章,考察低潮期中的作家众生相。“小说界经济危机”(低潮期)对作家生活、心理造成之冲击甚大,部分作家选择离开,部分选择留守。论文重点考察留守群体的文学选择及其生存状态,最后以陆士谔为样本进行个案考察。“附论”是关于陆士谔的一组考辨文字。第6、7章,作品研究专题。论文将宣统朝小说作品大致归纳为四大类型:旧小说、“新消闲小说”、“时闻小说”和“先锋实验”小说。论述各个类型作品的特征,重点考察其在低潮期中如何加速演变、调适及其未来走向,并将之置于传统旧小说与“五四”时期小说(包括新、旧小说)的历史坐标中,对其文学史地位作出大致描述。第8章,海外华文小说专编。论文将晚清华文小说大致划为四大板块:中国本土、东洋、南洋、北美。本章以中国本土为参照中心,通过联系和比照,重点勾描后三者小说界的发展历程、文史地位及其作品特征,并考察当时境况下各板块小说“本土性”的生成有无可能。附录,含统计表和“宣统朝小说编年”(合作),将披露一批最新的统计数据和新发掘的近代华文小说文献。

【Abstract】 This thesis studies the low ebbs in literary history. The fictions in XuanTong Dynasty are taken as samples in the study. The main purpose of the research is to find out the characteristics of the novels and their development paths in the low ebb periods.The thesis is divided into four sections:Introduction, China’s domestic fiction(1-7chapter), overseas Chinese novels (the end of chapter), appendix. In addition, there are some sections are followed with some "attachments",which are extensions of the topics of these chapters.The Introduction focuses on basic research ideas, the basic concepts and an overview of the novel’s typical and atypical operation, for example, how some laws of literature are "deformed" in the XuanTong Dynasty. The "Attachment" is the evaluation of previous studies and the reasons for choosing this subject and finally Concludes with "literary ebb period" research.The first chapter draws the following conclusions:The rapid growth of fictions stopped and fell into an ongoing five-year literary ebb period from Xuan Tong Dynasty in late Qing Dynasty. The reason is the unstability of politics, the unbalanced internal mechanisms of novels, and the novel economic crisis triggered by these factors. Next, this chapter discusses the first "economic crisis" in the history of Chinese novels. The "Enclosure" proposes the proposition of "the third force" which causes the change of novels.And on this basis, this chapter examines the causes for the failure of communication of "the collection of foreign short stories",and then put forward some new ideas.The second chapter regards the pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers as one system and gives the meanings for doing this.The discuss focuses on the "play", the adaptation and the establishment of developing modes, among the three factors in the literary ebbs.The third chapter puts forward a particular phenomenon in early Xuan Tong dynasty through the analysis of data:the ratio between translation fictions and native fictions reversed. Then I examine the underlying causes of this change between the two, and outline the development process.ChapterⅣ, I put forward the formation of "three factions, a group" pattern in theoretical circles in late Qing fictions, and the process of its formation, focusing on how they change and adapt in the "literary valley period ".The general situation is "social group" reluctantly support the scene, but it exposed a tired state; "aesthetic factions" had virtually disappeared; "modernist" theory is new but not welcomed; "leisure group" to find their own "legitimacy",But the theory-building is not prominent.The fifth chapter, I examine the living state of the writers in the "literary ebbs",and point out the "economic crisis in the novel world" caused great psychological impact on their lives.Some writers choose to leave, some chose to stay. Then I examine these Writers who insist writing their literary choices. In the end, Lu-shi’e for the sample to conduct investigations. "Enclosure" is a by-product of the study.The sixth, seventh chapter focus on the texts of works. This thesis divides the novels in Xuantong Dynasty into four types:old novels, "The new leisure novel","review and news stories" and "pioneer experiment" novels. I mainly discusses the characteristics of these works, their evolution and future developing directions; from the traditional novel, judge their status in literature history by compare them with the new novels in "May 4th"period.Chapter VIII discusses the overseas Chinese-language fictions. The late Qing Dynasty Chinese-language novels can be divided into four sections:Chinese mainland, Japan, Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States. In the comparison between each other, I try to outline the late three sections their developing process and the work features, and examine the possibility of the embryo of their "nativity" at that time.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1153

