

【作者】 穆罕默德·阿里

【导师】 郜元宝;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 当中国进入改革开放年代,新的思想、新的潮流再次使中国现代化面临新的机遇,城市生活和城市中的人们再次成为现代生活的一种标记。与此同时,乡村“城市化”进程是社会结构变迁的关键词,城市对乡村的冲击不仅表现在地域空间与人口比例上,更重要的是文化的占领,这种占领对于“进城”作家来说是沉重的。贾平凹的文学创作与他的身份存有十分密切的关系,这种身份不仅影响了他的文学题材选择、价值取向,而且也影响着他整个文学创作趋向的变化,是他的文学呈现出一种由审美对象化到审视自己内心,由外而内的变化态势。贾平凹在文学创作上表达出了转型时期中国社会某方面特征与趋势,而且他的文学中所反映出来的精神的演进趋势及特征,也代表了城市与乡村二元对立社会对于城乡都发生关系的冲击。本论的研究对象是贾平凹创作中的城乡冲突,创作主要表现作家对传统文化与现代文化的立场。除了前言和结语,论文共分五章。第一章题为“改革开放与中国的变化”。一提出改革开放就会想到前后两个时期的区别,但二者并非相互割裂,更不是相互对立的,而是相互统一的。随着改革开放的深入,原有的政治、经济、社会、文化状况,也随着发生了重要变化。随着改革开放和思想解放的深入发展,中国当代文学创作获得了前末有的广阔空间,而文学只有进入“商品化”才能保有自身,知识分子与农民的关系也出现了很大的变化;与此同时,中国文化开始走向世界,并与世界文化之间产生交流,上述因素导致城乡冲突题材小说的重新呈现。第二章题为“贾平凹创作的文化涵蕴”。对于贾平凹创作的文化涵蕴的相关内容,本章先提出地域文化因素对每一个作家的影响,它是无数文人创作灵感的源泉。不同地理位置和文化形成了乡土文学作家们独具特色的创作风格和创作内容,而对风俗习惯的描述和方言土语的使用,是乡土文学作家们深入直观地表现了家乡的风土人情。贾平凹的创作具有典型的秦汉地域特征;而他与商州的关系是许多学者提及,他的心理图式中早已带有了商州文化基因。第三章题为“贾平凹的生平与身份”。由于童年与故乡是作家个体生命、精神文化的根,因此笔者把该章记述了童年经验对作家的刻骨铭心。当代作家中有许多人来自乡村,进入城市以后,他们的身份出现变化。贾平凹是这类作家之一,进入城市以后我们可以看到他有民、士、官三位一体,而以民与士为主。在他身上,农民、市民、现代文人、隐士以及官文化共存一体,构成了一种鲜明的复合型文化身份。综观他的文学创作,这种多重复杂性的体现是显而易见的。实际上兼有农民与城市文化人的双重性;在他的文化心理和价值观念中,也实际上兼有乡村文明与城市文明的双重因子,并且二者之间与其说是和谐统一的,不如说更多时候表现为矛盾冲突。贾平凹文学创作上表达出了转型时期中国社会某方面特征与趋势,而且他的文学中所反映出来的精神的演进趋势及特征,也代表了城市与乡村二元对立社会对于城乡都发生关系的冲突。第四章题为“创作结构的城乡冲突”。本章笔者把贾平凹创作分为两个大历史时期;这两个研究时期一是,1978-1988年,为清新、淡雅的发轫期;也与时共鸣的成熟期;二是,九十年代以来至今以社会转型带来其创作转型。纵观第一时期的贾平凹小说研究,大略又可以分为三个阶段;第一个阶段:草创、发端期(1978-1982年)、第二个阶段:商州系列小说——寻找乡土文化价值(1983-1987年)、第三个阶段:浮躁的时代(1987-90年代初)。上世纪九十年代,贾平凹步入四十岁后,他的小说创作开始从对社会的政治、历史以及文化层面的关注转入生命本体层面的思考与探求。他已经跳出了商州的单一视角,建立了商州——西京的文化视角,或者说是城市与乡村,现代与传统的文化视角。纵观贾平凹创作三十多年,我们可以看贾平凹灵魂奔波于城乡两地之间,由乡而城,又由城而乡,“城乡”这两个概念始终纠缠在作家的心间。第五章题为“创作的城乡性别意识”。贾平凹创作是以男女爱情为轴心,创作的主人公主要是农民或者农民出生的其他的身份者,平凹创作中经常叙述的是一个女人和两个男人;或一个男人和几个女人。但贾平凹又不是简单地写男女情爱中的悲欢离合,而是在明确的改革背景中写出了情与爱的社会性。笔者把贾平凹的女性人物分为三个阶段:第一个阶段,“纯情少女”;第二阶段,“婚变中的女人”;第三阶段,“性奴隶的女人”。而男性人物,大致经历了农民、土匪、知识分子三类不同角色的演变。纵观贾平凹小说创作的人物形象,笔者觉得有一个非常明显的特征,即作家从一个城乡徘徊的视点来折射人物性格的变迁、人物在资本主义开放市场的碰撞、人物在现实的困境,贾平凹创作中的大多数人物都迷惘在城市与乡村之间。

【Abstract】 Along the "Reform and opening up" policy that China implemented during the 80th of last century, new ideas and trends became the challenge and opportunity that China’s modernization has to face once again, during which urban life style and urban dwellers became the symbol of modern life. At the same time, the urbinization of rural areas became the milestone of a changing social structure, such urbanization did not only impact the geo-demographic status but most important the cultural one.Many contemporary writers came from rural areas, after spending their childhood and adolescence acknowledging rural culture, their exposure to urban modernization made them recognize its superiority, since then the dilemma of representing either culture started, but such a choice would affect the theme, conception, characters and artistic skills of their creative work.JiaPingwa’s identity and his literary creation have a very unique relation; such an identity not only affected the choice of his literary theme as well as his value orientation, but also shaped the changes in his literary trend in general. His literary creations show Chinese society’s characteristics and tendency during the transition period, also represents the urban-rural opinions and how such an opinion led to urban-rural conflict.Looking at 30 years of literary creation, we can say that Jia Pingwa’s writing was mainly focused on reflecting rural and urban areas. His early creations were narrowed to the countryside, in which Shangzhou became the main source of his creativity; but after "Feidu-Ruined Capital", he had to face a spiritual split from rural to urban, in which Xi’an became his sacred city; while after "Huainianlang", he glanced back again to the countryside.During more than 30 years of creation, Jia Pingwa’s soul have been dashing between rural and urban life, once from rural to urban, then again from urban to rural, "rural-urban" these two concepts captured the writers heart. As one of them is where he spent the first 19 years of his life, where he felt pain, where he still have all his good memories; one is where he received modern civilization, learn about cultural achievements and became a famous writer, here is his success but also his suffering and frustration, thus these two captured his mind heart and soul.Such a conflict did not only affect Jia Pingwa but it played a major role in shaping the souls and minds of an entire generation, such a generation that carried out the tourch of contemparory Chinese literature.This dissertation have been divided into 5 main chapters, the first chapter discusses the "Reform and Opening up" policy and its influence not only on the political or social life but cultural one as well, which we can see clearly on the modern Chinese literature; while the second chapter show the local culture’s effect not only on the writer personality but in his writings as well; the third chapter will take us through the childhood period and how it shapes the writers personality, through the fourth chapter we will divide Jia Pingwa’s novels according to the time frame into 2 main frames the first is from 1978-1990 and the second frame from 1990th till now, and finally in the fifth chapter we will look at his novels from an urban-rural gender awareness point of view.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2305

