

【作者】 李军

【导师】 桑玉成;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中共党史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 对于党内法规而言,它是改革开放以后才逐渐成为学术界研究的对象。当下,对于党内法规的有关研究往往偏向于用政治学的视角对一些抽象的概念进行阐释和对出台的党内法规的具体文本的解读。这些研究缺乏史料的支持和法学理论的建构。这样导致的结果就是对于党内法规的研究不能深入。由于不能深入地阐述党内法规所具有的法的本质属性,因此对于如何有效地发挥党内法规在解决现实问题的效果方面,相关研究就有些落后于时代了。本着这样的认识,本文主要从法学研究的视角对党内法规进行一个全景式地建构。本文以对党内法规的概念进行法学意义上的界定为开篇,以对中国共产党建党以来所颁布的党内法规的史料梳理为基础,相继探讨了党内法规关系以及建立党内法规关系在研究党内法规中的意义,并在此基础上,按照法学研究的进路建构了党内法规体系。在党内法规体系的研究中,本文着重探讨了党内法规体系的三级结构,即以党章为核心的根本法规:以准则、条例和规则为纽带的基本法规;以规定、办法和细则为基础的具体法规。在对党内法规的运行机制和功能目标的研究中,本文主要考察了党内法规的运行机制,即党内法规的立法和实施;以及党内法规的功能目标,即党内法规是规范党内主体行为和党内关系的前提;是发展和巩固党内民主的保障;是建立反腐倡廉制度的主要支柱。在以上研究的基础上,本文探讨了党内法规与国家法律之间的关系。党内法规的研究并不以党内法规对党内关系的调整为最终目标。由于中国共产党在中国社会的特殊地位,中国共产党所颁布的党内法规是探索有中国特色法治化道路的一个重要举措。对于这一部分的研究是本文的重点和落脚点。随着中国社会现代化发展的不断深入,法治是一个必然的选择。通过党内法规的不断规范和完善,在中国共产党党内逐渐实现依法治党。并以此为基础,通过依法治党来推动依法治国的实现。

【Abstract】 For law of Communist Party of China (CPC), it became the object of research of academic circles little by little from the age of reform and openning-up. For research of law of CPC, it is partial to the visual angle of politics to explain some abstract concepts and to expound some version of law of CPC. The researches were often short of the sustain of datas of history and the frame of law. The result is that the researches couldn’t come into the core of law of CPC. Because of the reason, the researches couldn’t explain the attribute of law, so as that, how to validly give free rein to law of CPC to resolve questions of reality, it is backward the age for the researches of law of CPC.According to the reason, the thesis want to build a frame of total for law of CPC from the the visual angle of law. It is beginning to define the concept of law of CPC for the thesis, and it bases to arrange the history of law of CPC from beginning of CPC. The thesis discusses the relation of law of CPC and the significance of law of CPC in research. At the base, according to way of research of law, building up the system of law of CPC. In the research, the thesis mainly discusses the three-series of the system of law of CPC, as the essence of law in rules of CPC, as the base of law in norm, regulations and rule, as the operating rules of law in stipulation, measure and regulations. In the research of mechanism and function of law of CPC, the thesis mainly examine two aspects. In mechanism, it is legislation and enforce law. In function, there are three points. firstly, law of CPC is presupposition of adjusting action and relation. Secondly, law of CPC is safeguard of expanding and solidding democracy of CPC. Thirdly, law of CPC is mainstay of building style of objecting degeneracy and initiating honesty.With the research of law of CPC, at the base of achievement, the thesis discusses the relation of law of CPC and law of state. It isn’t the final target for the research of law of CPC to adjust the relation in CPC. Because of special position for CPC in China, law of CPC is an important act to look for the way of rule by law in China. It is emphasis and stopover for the thesis. With the development of modernization of China, it should is a inevitable choice to rule by law in the future. With the development of law of CPC, we should govern CPC by law of CPC at first. Then, following the way of governing CPC by law of CPC, we should realize to govern the state by law.

【关键词】 中国共产党党内法规法治
【Key words】 Communist Party of China(CPC)law of CPCrule by law
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】D262.13
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1853

