

【作者】 朱霞梅

【导师】 高国希;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 贫困作为困扰世界各国发展的全球性问题,是当今世界最严峻的挑战之一。在人类已经进入21世纪后,不仅在生产力比较落后的发展中国家存在着严重的贫困问题,即便是生产力高度发达的资本主义国家也同样面临着贫困问题。所以,消除贫困不仅是人类社会为之奋斗的理想,更是当今世界各国面临的共同目标和任务。作为发展中的人口大国,我国是背负贫困历史包袱最重的国家。虽然经过三十多年的反贫困努力,取得了举世瞩目的成就,充分体现了社会主义制度的优越性。但面对当前在科学发展观指引下全面建设小康社会的新目标,中国的反贫困任务依然十分艰巨。事实表明,贫困是社会经济、政治和文化等现象落后的总称。贫困不仅涉及人的基本生存,而且也关乎人的未来发展。世界范围的贫困问题已受到前所未有的关注,但反贫困的行动十分艰难。因此,本文主要以反贫困研究为起点,选取了人的发展这一切入点,深入到纷繁复杂的贫困问题背后,剖析什么才是贫困的实质和反贫困的真正目的,在反贫困中凸显人的意义与价值,力图为反贫困研究开启一个新的视角。本文力求在马克思主义思想的指导下,基于人的发展的视角,对贫困的涵义以及反贫困的目的进行了界定和阐释。同时,在对反贫困的理论和实践进行总结评述和比较研究的基础上,具体联系到我国反贫困的现状,通过分析我国新时期反贫困面临的新情况和新挑战,结合社会主义的本质和构建和谐社会的要求,尝试在科学发展观的思想理论指导下思考和探索具有社会主义中国特色的反贫困指导理论以及实践路径,从而为指导当前我国的反贫困工作的开展提供一个努力的目标和方向,更好地推进社会主义中国反贫困事业的发展与和谐社会的构建,在不断摆脱和消除贫困的基础上促进人的全面发展。

【Abstract】 Poverty, as a global problem which impedes the development of all countries, is the most serious challenge to the world nowadays. In the 21st century, poverty not only exists in the developing countries, but also troubles the developed countries. Therefore, to eliminate poverty is the ideal of human society and the common goal of all the countries in the world. As a developing country with large population, our country has been burdened by poverty for a long time. Although great achievements have been obtained through several decades’fighting against poverty which shows the superiority of socialism, the task of anti-poverty in our country is still arduous due to the new goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way in the frame of the scientific concept of development.Facts make it very clear that poverty is a general term summarizing the comprehensive phenomena of economy, politics and society, etc. It is concerned with basic survival and future development of human being. Unprecedented attention has been paid to the world-wide poverty problem, yet it is quite tough to carry out the anti-poverty action. Then, this thesis, based on the anti-poverty research and taking human development as a breakthrough, intensively studies the complicated poverty problems, analyzes the substance of poverty and the genuine purpose of fighting against poverty and highlights the value of human being. Thus, I intend to propose a new perspective for the anti-poverty research.Guided by the Maxist thoughts, this thesis tries to define and expound the connotation of poverty and the purpose of fighting against poverty from the perspective of human development. Moreover, my research connects the anti-poverty theories and practices with the status-quo of anti-poverty in our country. By analyzing new circumstances and new challenges of fighting against poverty at present together with the essence of socialism and the requirements of building a harmonious society, this thesis, in the frame of the scientific concept of development, attempts to explore the guiding theory and the practicing path of anti-poverty with Chinese characteristics so as to provide the objective and direction for carrying on anti-poverty in our country, better advance the development of anti-poverty in socialized China and the construction of harmonious society, and promote the all-round development of human being by casting off and eliminating poverty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】3146

