

【作者】 马国彦

【导师】 刘大为;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究现代汉语篇章的组块与管界。主旨是从篇章常态理解过程中受话者所采取的自上而下的组块处理策略出发,运用标记和管界对组块进行分析,研究篇章的结构问题。第一章是绪论。介绍了本文的研究对象、涉及的基本概念和术语、相关文献综述、各章的内容安排,以及研究方法和语料。第二章讨论组块与语言理解。首先以“自上而下”和“自下而上”为关键词对目前的篇章研究情况进行了简要评述,讨论了认知组块原理,然后提出以篇章的自上而下组块处理为基础的篇章组块分析方法。第三章考察组块标记。以基本话语的两个层面和观察话语的三个层次为依据,以形式为标准,将组块标记分为同位型和独立型两大类,讨论了如何根据结构关系和语义关系进行组块,即将篇章中的结构块识别和切分出来,并分析了组块标记的管领力问题。第四章探讨组块的管界判断。提出了管界判断的结构、语义原则和语用原则,讨论了确认管界时可以借助的语言手段,通过问卷调查等方法考察了管界的判断情况,并分析了呈示型言语行为中管界模糊的修辞意图。第五章研究篇章组块类型。在组块标记分类和管界确认的基础上,重点讨论了组块标记在话轮内实现的基本组块类型:话题组块、限定性组块、支配性组块、指称性组块;真值条件标记语组块;话语标记语组块和元话语标记语组块,并探讨了组块标记跨话轮组块的问题。第六章分析篇章层级性。从组块标记管领力的跨越式覆盖性出发,探讨结构块之间的嵌套关系,通过推导篇章高阶行为层的存在,进一步说明和解释了篇章整体结构的层级性。第七章是结语。对全文进行了总结,指出了本研究的不足之处和有待继续探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is to study chunking and boundary of a text in Modern Chinese. Starting from the process of a normal course comprehension about a text which is adopted by the speaker’s top-down chunking processing strategy. The gist of the paper is to research the structure of a text.ChapterⅠis an introduction. It gave descriptions to subjects and scopes that are related to the dissertation, also research methodologies and corpus, the basic concepts and terminologies involved, as well as each chapter’s arrangements.ChapterⅡdiscussed on chunkings and language comprehension. First of all, using the "top down" and"bottom up"as the key words making a brief review on the present research situation of this kind of text, also discussed the principles of cognitive chunking, then proposed to Text-based chunking analytic method based on texts top-down chunking processing.ChapterⅢinspected into chunking markers. In this chapter we discussed how to organize chunking according to structural relationships and semantic relationships in a text. i.e. trying to identify structural chunk out and cut them from a text. we analyzed chunking markers governing power. Above we inquired are on the basis of two perspectives of natural discourse and three levels of observation discourse, form as the standard, dividing chunking markers into two categories:independent types and appositive types.ChapterⅣexplored issues of chunkings’boundary. Proposed the structure-formed of the boundary, semantic mechanisms and principles of boundary-identified, discussed language means which are helpful when to identify a boundary, and inspected boundary-checking through questionnaires and other methods.ChapterⅤstudied text chunking types. On the basis of chunking markers classification and boundary identification, focusing on basic types of chunking during chunking markers realization in a discourse turn:topic chunking, determinative chunking, dominant chunking, allegations of chunking; truth Conditions chunking marker; discourse marker chunking and meta-discourse marker chunking, and inquired into issues of chunking markers how to formed in cross-discourse turn.Chapter VI analyzed text hierarchy. From the point of properties of conductive force related to chunking markers governing force, investigated the nested relationships between the structural chunks, by deducing the high layer behavioral existence of a text, further explained the properties of hierarchy in a text overall structure.Chapter VII is the conclusion. It is the summary of this dissertation, which points out shortcomings existed in present research and issues needed to continue to investigate in order to further clarify and explain the level of the overall structure of a text.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】H14
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】633

