

【作者】 潘玮琳

【导师】 章清;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 专门史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文是一个关于锡箔的社会文化史研究。以民国时期江浙地区的锡箔业为个案,探讨了锡箔这种特殊形式的纸钱在江浙一带的兴起,及其生产工艺、制造与流通网络。锡箔是中国祭祀礼仪中常用的一种纸钱。但是由于相关资料的零散,锡箔生产与流通的历史较少引起研究者的瞩目。然而,在现代中国反迷信运动的过程中,由于政府需要对使用和生产锡箔的行为进行控制与改造,使这一原本鲜为人知的行业进入了人们的视野。锡箔在中国社会中所承载的社会功能与文化内涵,表现在人们对锡箔起源的追溯中。这种追溯又可分为两个部分,首先是对纸钱起源的追溯,其次是对锡箔这种特殊纸钱的追溯。在对纸钱起源的追溯中,儒家构建起了一个从明器到瘗钱再到纸钱、焚烧纸钱的发展谱系,从而赋予了纸钱合乎礼仪规范的特性。而反对纸钱者则提出了不同的起源可能性。对于锡箔起源的说法,不见诸史籍记载,而来自江浙一带的民间传说。这些传说指出,锡箔的起源与明太祖朱元璋有着直接的关系。这些传说反映了锡箔的兴起与明代贵银思想之间的关联。杭、绍、甬是江浙锡箔的主要产地。上海则在近代开埠以来,成为了江浙锡箔产销网络中的枢纽。本文通过对锡箔的生产工艺、生产组织与流通网络的考察,力图揭示的是,尽管现代反迷信话语将锡箔业塑造成一种落后、衰败的地方产业,实际上,锡箔的产销却拥有一个辐射全国的严密而活跃的网络;锡料的进口和锡箔成品的出口,更牵涉到一个国际贸易网络。民国时期江浙地区锡箔业的个案,为我们探讨现代反迷信的表达和实践提供了一个新的角度。在南京国民政府初期的反迷信运动中,政府对江浙锡箔业征收“迷信捐”,以期达到“寓禁于征”的目的。围绕着这一税收的名义与税率,箔商与政府、地方与中央之间展开了长时间的博弈。“迷信捐”将改造国民和改革税制这两个现代国家政权建设中的重要环节纠结在了一起。在此过程中,锡箔业作为江浙地区的一种重要地方产业,与地方的利益紧密地联系在一起,表现出不绝如缕的生命力,折射出具体历史场景下反迷信运动的复杂性。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is a social and cultural history of tinfoil. Focusing on the tinfoil business in Republican Jiangsu and Zhejiang, I examine the rise of this special paper offering in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, as well as its craft, and its network of procurement and distribution.Burning imitation silver ingots made of tinfoil formed an indispensable part in ancestor and god worship in many parts of China, but the tinfoil business was little known to the public until the Republican government decided to levy a heavy tax on it at the height of the Anti-Superstition campaign in the late 1920s.The social function and cultural meaning of tinfoil in the Chinese society, is best reflected in the study of its origin. On the one hand, the paper offering as a whole, being connected to Mingqi in the ancient time, was justified in the economy of the Confucian ritual. However, people against the using of paper offering often questioned this discourse. On the other hand, the folklore in Zhejiang and Jiangsu had it that this business could be traced to the first emperor of Ming Dynasty, which hinted that the popularity of tinfoil was due to the popularity of silver in Ming Dynasty.The major producing areas of tinfoil in Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces were Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Ningbo; while Shanghai, due to its significance as an international port in this region, soon became a crucial connecting point, in the whole network of this business. The study of this regional network reveals that, contrary to the impression created by the Anti-Superstition discourse, the tinfoil business represented a dynamic network of procurement and distribution, both domestically and globally, which was interwoven with the cultural needs of local society.Lastly, the study of the relation of the government and the tinfoil industy at the height of the Anti-Superstition campaign shows, the revenues generated by this "sin" tax were used to pay for military affairs and higher education. The tax caused tensions between the central government and local business interests and also between elites and commoners. Whatever the agenda of the authorities, the local business managed to not only survive the campaign but also boom with the local society. This shows a perplexing picture of the Anti-Superstition campaign in Republican China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】K258
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】492

