

【作者】 赵高辉

【导师】 殷晓蓉;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 传播学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 从孙志刚事件开始,人们对于网络的影响,尤其是在政治领域所起的作用有了一种全新的认识。但是在网络不断促进社会变革的同时,对于其到底能否在政治生活中发挥实质性的作用,在学界并未达成共识。持乐观态度的学者认为,网络促进了公众的政治参与,推动了政治民主化的进程。持悲观态度的研究者则坚持,由于网民自身原因以及当下国家体制或制度的制约,网络不可能在政治生活领域产生实质性的影响。本研究认为,网络所具有的虚拟性、开放性、平等性、参与性和互动性特点,影响了政治生活中的政府和公众,加上中国目前特殊的发展环境,这些要素相互影响,为网络在政治生活领域发挥作用提供了可能。网络对于政治领域的影响是全方位的。从公众视角来看,网络首先促进了公众的政治参与。网络自身平等、开放的特点为公众发表意见、进行商讨提供了便利,从而使公众有了更多的机会来参与国家政治事务的讨论。此外,网络加强了公众之间、公众和国家之间的协商。网络为国家的法规、政策提供了便捷的发布平台,公众也可以通过网络来对之进行商讨,从而使得国家的意图和公众的诉求实现沟通和互动,在商讨中达成一致。从公众的视角来看,上述网络产生的政治作为,主要是通过网络民意来实现的。当下,网络民意发挥政治作为的一般模式是:公众在网络上发表对政治事务的看法,参与政治议题的商讨,汇聚成网络民意,这些经过整合的意见形成巨大的影响力,引起国家层面的重视,并在决策程序中予以考虑。但是这种模式存在着一定程度的不确定性,网络民意只是一种软权力,对于国家层面的回应缺乏一些制度性的约束,因此,网络要想发挥更大的作为需要建立一些制度性的保障。本文立足当前现实,对网络民意如何进入国家法规政策制定过程提出了一些制度化的模式设想。同时也指出,政府在执政过程中应该转变观念,重视网络民意,积极回应网络上公众提出的诉求。为什么公众对网上政治参与有这么大的热情,从而导致网络这种技术性的工具会在中国产生这么大的政治作为?通过对当前社会发展情形的分析,我们发现,中国当下市民社会发展的不成熟,以及传统媒体所构建之公共领域公共性的不足可能制约了公众对国家政治生活的参与,而网络刚好在一定程度上弥补了市民社会发展中的不成熟,且在部分上替代了市民社会的一些功能。同时,网络的平等开放的特性,也在一定程度上提高了传媒公共领域的公共性。此外,网络所带来的公众参与,在一定程度上代表着政治正义的实现,这种实现满足了公众追求社会公平正义的需求,这也是公众积极参与使网络产生政治作为的原因之一。当然,任何事物都有两面性,在网络给政治领域带来积极影响的同时,由于各种现实原因,以及公众结构和行为上的差异,网络政治作为的产生也存在着一些局限,有时候还会给国家的政治生活带来负面的影响。但是,就目前来说,这些问题都是发展过程中出现的困难,伴随着网络的进一步普及,以及公众政治素养和政治参与能力的提高,网络在国家的政治生活中必将会有更大的作为。

【Abstract】 People tend to look at the contributions Internet makes,especially to political sphere in a brand-new way since Sun Zhigang Event. But, there is yet no concensus reached inside academic circle on whether Internet can act substantially in politics while promoting social changes. Optimists hold that Internet encourages the public’s participation in politics and thus helps push forward political democratization, while pessimists believe in the non-substantial role it will play due to constraints of the quality of netizens and the present system and institutions. This research is for the possibility of Internet’s active contributions to politics based on analyses of its properties of virtuality, openness, equality, participation, and interactivity, its influence on governments and the public, the particular developmental environment in China and interrelation of them all.Internet is believed to contribute to politics in an all-round way. First, Internet enables equality and openness among the public, opinions and advices on political affairs are finding more outlets, convenient discussions are made possible, too. Second, Internet enhances negotiation between government and the public, serving as a platform on which the government easily releases regulations and policies, and agreements are reached through discussion and negotiation.The above-mentioned contributions by Internet are achieved through public opinion online, the general model of which is:the public expresses opinions on political affairs online; diversified opinions form online public opinion; its great impact draws attention of state-level and the opinions are taken into account in decision making. However, there is uncertainty for this model because online public opinion is a soft power, and therefore, an institutional guarantee for state-level response to it is absent. So, an institutional guarantee is desirable if more active role for Internet is needed. This research explores in depth how online public opinion gains access to the process of national law and policy making. And it is pointed out that a change in ruling philosophy should be realized so that online public opinion is emphasized and actively responded to.The paper, by analyzing the status quo of the present civil society in China and the publicity of the public sphere constructed by traditional media, concludes that the great political impact of technically instrumental Internet resulting from tremendous public zeal in online participation in politics, may stem from the facts that the civil society is underdeveloped and the public sphere lacks publicity. Internet, however, compensates partly for the lack of organizations in the civil society and realizes in a sense some functions that civil society should perform. Other reasons are:the equal and open Internet extends the publicity of media-based public sphere to some extent; the realization of political justice represented by public involvement online meets the public’s needs of persuing social equality and justice.Of course, every coin has two sides. On one hand, Internet plays positive roles in political sphere.Such factors as social environment and the differences of the public in structure and action limit its influence, on the other. Sometimes there may be negative influence for Internet on national political life. But, this research holds that it is natural difficulty commonly seen in any developmental process and is to be settled with the enhangcing of the public’s political literacy and participant ability. The internet will make much more c5 to national politics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2033

