

【作者】 陈虹

【导师】 陈淳;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文根据文化生态学和系统论,对华北地区旧石器时代晚期人类的文化适应开展了尝试性探讨。从“文化适应性”的新视角,以华北地区南部的柿子滩、下川、柴寺(丁村77:01地点)、薛关以及泥河湾盆地的虎头梁等旧石器时代晚期遗址的细石叶工艺为研究对象,运用技术—类型分析、微痕分析、数理统计等方法,对比揭示出不同石制品组合石器技术、维生策略和居址形态等方面的差异性。进而从文化的动态进程、演化动力及影响因素,构建晚更新世华北地区人类的文化适应系统——细石叶工艺系统。对五个石制品组合的“操作链”复原和文化适应系统研究表明,华北地区的细石叶工艺,是特定气候环境和人类智力、能动性共同作用下出现的一项复杂工艺技术,符合人地互动过程中各种变化和不同压力,可以维持人类文化适应系统的能量运转。就外部因素而言,晚更新世的环境因气候剧变而变得干冷,加剧了资源限制。一方面,随着干冷气候和植被的减少,人类生存所必需的维生型资源主要以动物为主。依赖动物资源使得人群不得不提高狩猎技术以维持生存。动物资源的流动性,给狩猎者造成了捕猎时间的压力和生存风险,迫使人群利用各种复合工具、提高工具有效性,采用专门化技术加以应对。另一方面,流动性增大使得原料必须便于携带,以免原料偶然的短缺引发生存风险,人群因而采取强化利用石料的节约行为。同时,严酷的环境和资源的限制,反过来也加剧了人群的流动性。在节省石料和高度流动性的双重需求下,狩猎采集群选择了精致技术来应对压力。从内部因素来看,人群石器制作技能的传承性和文化传统,既可以维持自有的稳定性,又可能受到外来文化或游群的影响,促发对新技术的吸收。专门化、节约行为、精致技术和认知方面的改变,共同促成了“细石叶工艺”的产生与采纳。史前人类的文化适应,既表现出对周围环境变化的应对,同时通过积极的调节作用来改善适应的效果,是被动适应和主观能动两个方面共同作用的结果。

【Abstract】 On the basis of Cultural Ecology Theory and Systems Theory, this research attempts to explore the Late Pleistocene human adaptations in North China. The lithic specimens are selected from five typical late Paleolithic sites in North China, including the Shizitan, Xiachuan, Chaisi (Dingcun Loc.77:01),Xueguan in South Shanxi Province and Hutouliang at Nihewan Basin, Hebei Province. I examine them by different analytical methods such as techno-typological approach, microwear, comparison and statistics from the new perspective of cultural adaptations.The results review some variations on lithic technology, subsistence strategies, mobility and settlement patterns exist to a certain extent among the five assemblages. Moreover, I propose that the microblade technology is a proper cultural adaptive system for the Late Pleistocene humans in North China, and try to explain its dynamic and factors.It is suggested that the microblade technology system in North China is a complex technological product of the certain ecological environment combined with human’s intellectual evolution and agency. This adaptive system might be essential response to the various changes and pressures of the reactions between human and circumstances, which might maintain the normal operations of the energy. During the Late Pleistocene, the climate and environment underwent the dramatic changes.On the one hand,the human had to rely on the consumption of animal resources as the reduction of the plant resources, and they had to improve their hunting techniques.The high mobility of animals provided more pressure and crisis of time budget and living on the hunter-gatherers.Thus, the groups were driven to invent and adopt specialized technology and curated tools to increase their subsistence ability and efficiency. On the other hand, the higher mobility requires the lighter stones to be carried with hunters in order to avoid the shortage of raw material and economic venture. So, we can find the apparent intentional and economizing behavior in some sites. Meanwhile, the severe conditions and resource constrains might make the human’s mobility flexible.According to both the requests of economizing raw material and high mobility, the hunter-gatherers have adopted the curation technique to response all the pressures.In addition, the microblade technology possesses continuity and standardization which make the groups maintain the tradition, sometime they might be influenced by exotic cultures or new technologies.To sum up, the different aspects of specialization, economizing behavior, curation and cognitive together contribute to the innovation and adoption of the microblade technology by the Late Pleistocene human in North China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】K875
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】564

