

Research on the CPC’s Interest Integrating Capability (Since 1978)

【作者】 黄颖

【导师】 臧志军;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中外政治制度, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 利益是一切社会现象的根源,也是政党存在和发展的源动力。政党既是利益冲突的力量,也是利益整合的工具。成为执政党后,政党所具有的利益表达和利益综合功能与政府宏观协调功能结合在一起,利益整合功能表现得更为突出。有效发挥利益整合功能是执政党促进政治发展的必然要求,也是实现社会稳定发展,巩固自己执政地位的重要使命。中国共产党作为一个无产阶级政党,在利益整合上有着自身的特点,他以实现人的利益得以全面实现的共产主义为终极奋斗目标,这一终极目标的实现又无法脱离对现阶段分化复杂利益格局的协调与整合,“领导党”和“执政党”的双重角色以及社会主义初级阶段的阶段性特点让其所承担的利益整合功能更为重要和艰巨。从中国共产党诞生之日起,他就为革命目标的实现而进行利益整合。执政以来,中国共产党在利益整合方面有过成功的经验,也有过失败的教训。1978年以后,中国共产党构建了“总揽全局,协调各方”的利益整合格局,在发挥自身利益整合作用的同时,积极调动和发挥民主党派、人民代表大会、政府、政协、社会团体等在利益表达、综合、决策咨询等方面的作用,使利益整合的过程得到了较大的发展,取得了较好的利益整合成效。随着改革开放的深入和市场经济的发展,我国的经济成分和经济利益日益多样化,利益主体及诉求日趋多元化,收入差距日益扩大,不同阶层、区域、群体之间的利益矛盾也大量出现,影响了社会的和谐稳定,也对中国共产党提出了一系列的挑战,党自身的团结统一,执政的阶级基础和社会基础、合法性以及利益整合的能力无不受到利益分化和博弈挑战。要巩固中国共产党的执政地位,实现党全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,并为今后改革发展的进一步深化创造一个安定团结的社会局面,使中国社会始终朝着最终的奋斗目标前进,就必须增强中国共产党的利益整合功能。执政党的利益整合是一个由目标、主体、过程、对象、环境等要素有机构成的系统,利益整合功能的增强必须从与要素和结构的相互关系中来综合考量。当前增强中国共产党的利益整合功能,首先,必须提升中国共产党自身利益整合的能力和素质。要加强思想建设,使党员在树立发展理念的同时,更加注重树立民主、法治和共享的理念;要通过党内民主的发展来确保党员参与利益整合的权利;要加强内外监督,以确保党员特别是党员领导干部在利益整合中行为的正当性和公益性;要加强党的组织建设,更好地发挥党组织尤其是基层组织在利益协调方面的作用。其次,要对利益整合的过程进行改革完善。要努力形成一种以包容、协商、均衡、增量为主要特点的利益整合结构,进一步发挥民主党派、人大、政协、社会团体等组织在利益整合中的重要作用。要加强机制建设,对利益表达、利益综合、利益决策、利益分配、利益补偿、利益矛盾调解等利益整合的相关环节进行改革和完善。要深刻认识不同领域利益格局中存在的问题,对党内利益、区域利益、阶层利益、部门利益、集团利益、民族利益等进行更为合理有效的整合。第三,要发挥中国共产党思想政治工作的优势,加强对利益主体的教育和引导,注重对参与型政治文化、责任型利益观念、组织化利益参与意识、理性妥协利益博弈观念的培育和利益参与素质和技能的提升。

【Abstract】 Interests are the root of all social phenomena and the motive force of the party’s existence and development. The party is the force of interest conflict and the tool of interest integration. As the ruling party, the party’s interest integration function strengthens as its expression and synthesis function are well combined with the government’s macro-coordination function. It is the necessary requirement of promoting political development to fully play the ruling party’s interest integration function, and it is also the important mission of achieving social stability and consolidating its ruling position.As a ruling party, the Communist Party of China has its characteristics in terms of interest integration. The fundamental goal that it strives for is to achieve people’s interest and hence realize all-round communism. To realize the goal, it is necessary to coordinate and integrate the divided and complicated interest situation at the current stage. The dual role of "leading party" and "ruling party" and characteristics of socialist preliminary stage make its interest integration function more important and daunting. Since 1978, CPC has constructed the landscape of interest integration featured by "grasping the overall situation and coordinating all sides". While it plays the role of interest integration, it actively mobilizes various forces of minority parties, National People’s Congress, government, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and social groups to make them play the role of interest expression, synthesis and decision-making consultation, continuously improve the process of interest coordination and have achieved effective results.With reform and opening-up deepening and market economy developing, divisions of interest subjects in China are intensified, interest gaps continuously widened and interest contradictions increasingly sharpened, which poses a series of challenges to CPC. Its solidarity, basis of class and society and capability of interest integration are subject to interest division and gaming challenge. To consolidate its ruling position and make Chinese society advance towards the fundamental goal, CPC’s interest integration function will have to be enhanced.The interest integration is a system composed of such factors as objective, subject, process, target, environment and etc. Enhancing the interest integration function makes it necessary to take its relation with factors and structure into consideration. Currently, in order to enhance the function, firstly, CPC must improve its capability and quality of interest integration, specifically to improve party members’ethical quality, guarantee their rights to participate in interest integration, strengthen supervision on them, especially party officials and better play the role of party organizations, especially grass-root level organizations. Secondly, CPC must optimize the interest integration process. It should make great efforts to form a structure of interest integration featured by tolerance, consultation, balance, increment, further making minority parties, NPC, CPPCC and social groups play an important role in interest integration. CPC needs to reform and improve mechanisms relating to interest integration such as interest guidance, interest expression, interest synthesis, interest decision-making, interest allocation, interest compensation, interest contradiction reconciliation and etc. CPC must have a deep understanding of problems in interest landscape of different areas and effectively integrate intra-party interests, regional interests, inter-departmental interests, group interests and national interests. Thirdly,CPC should strengthen the education and guidance to the interest subjects, to influence them to form participative ,responsible,compromise and mutual benefit interest concept.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】D25
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】935

