

【作者】 王志

【导师】 倪世雄;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际关系, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文试图分析美国多边贸易政策和多边贸易体系之间的关系,其核心问题在于美国国家权力变迁对美国多边贸易政策有什么影响,以及这种影响又如何影响到多边贸易体系的发展演变。本文从国家角度出发,结合国际体系、国内社会视角分析美国多边贸易政策制定的过程,从美国国家权力兴衰角度论述美国多边贸易政策变迁及这种变迁对多边贸易体系的影响。在此基础上本文提出了两个核心概念,国家国际行为权力和国内行为权力,美国这两种权力变迁导致了美国多边贸易政策的变化,进而影响到多边贸易体系的发展。因此,本文以国际/国内结合为分析框架,以便人们更好理解在全球化条件下国际/国内互动及其这种互动所产生的影响。根据美国国际行为权力的特点,本文把美国多边贸易政策的发展分为三个时期:第一个时期从1934年至1970年,这一时期美国国际行为权力逐步形成,美国致力于贸易自由化,并主导建立了多边贸易体系;第二时期从1971至1995年,这一时期美国国际行为权力衰落,美国逐渐采取多边、地区、双边和单边贸易政策,它对多边贸易体系的控制力量遭受削弱;第三时期从1996年至2009年,随着WTO建立,世界进入新的全球化时期,美国国际行为权力进一步削弱,多边贸易体系发展也陷入困境之中。根据美国国内行为权力特点,本文也把美国多边贸易政策的发展分为三个时期。第一个时期为“1934年体制”的建立和稳固。在这种体制下,行政机构控制了美国贸易政策制定,美国较容易制定多边贸易政策和推动多边贸易体系发展。第二个时期为“1934年体制”的弱化。国会逐渐削弱了行政机构主导美国贸易政策制定的能力。美国贸易政策也逐渐从自由贸易向公平贸易和管理贸易转变。第三个时期为“1934年体制”的崩溃。行政机构、国会、特殊利益集团、公民社会都影响了美国贸易政策的制定,进一步削弱了美国政府制定多边贸易政策的能力。通过考察美国国际行为权力和国内行为权力变化以及这种变化对美国多边贸易政策的影响,本文认为美国国家权力的变化,影响了美国多边贸易政策的制定和多边贸易体系的演变。随着美国国家权力逐步削弱,美国制定多边贸易政策和推动多边贸易体系发展的能力削弱,美国同时采取多边、地区、双边和单边贸易政策,美国贸易政策也表现为自由贸易和贸易保护的混合,世界贸易体系也逐渐由美国主导向真正意义上的多边贸易制度方向发展。

【Abstract】 This dissertation analyzes the relationship between Amercian multilateral trade policy and the multilateral trading system. The fundamental question lies in the influence that American multilateral trade policy can be affected by its power changes and how this influence affects the evolution of the multilateral trading system. Analyzing from the state actor this dissertation focuses on the development of American multilateral trade policy which it combines with international level and domestic level so as to discuss the change of American multilateral trade policy and its influence on the multilateral trading system on the basis of the rise and fall of the American power. There are two core concepts which can be defined by the dissertation:these are international agential power of state and domestic agential power of state. Their changes influence Amercian trade policy and the multilateral trading syste. The dissertation combines international level and domestic level so as to discuss the influences of the combination on the condition of globalization.American multilateral trade policy can be divided in three periods according to its international agential power. The first period lasted from 1934-1970. Because of its international agential power, America pursued free trade and controlled multilateral trade system. In the second period (1971-1995), with the decline of American international agential power, Ameician adoped multilateral, bilateral and unilateral trade policy and the ability for controlling the multilateral trading system was weakened. Since 1996, with the development of WTO, American international agential power has been influenced by globalization in the third period, it was hard to make multilateral trade policy and the multilateral trading system was prevented. That weakens the power of international agential power further and makes the multilateral trading system into trouble.Amercian domestic agential power had been changed in three periods too. The first period lasted from 1934-1970, which was named "1934 institution".the administration controlled the power of making trade policy and promoted the trade liberalization in domestic and international level. In the second, "1934 institution"was weakened and the congress was threatening the government’s capacity of making trade policy. The U.S trade policies had gradually altered from free trade to fair trade and manageable trade. The last period was the collapse of "1934 institution".in this period, the participation of interest groups, congress and government had a great influence on American ability to make multilateral trade policy.By examing the influence of American multilateral trade policy and the multilateral tradeing system based on international agential power and domestic agential power of the US, it can conclue that the transition of American power made a vital impact on its multilateral trade policy and the multilateral trading system. When state power was weakened, the United States adopted a cobined policy involving the multilateral, regional, bilateral and unilateral trade policy while mixed free trade policy and trade protection.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】F757.12
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】735

