

【作者】 梁志平

【导师】 张伟然;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文以近现代太湖流域的水质环境变迁与饮水改良为主要研究对象,在对以往研究成果进行评析、充分挖掘资料的基础上,从环境、政府、社会、技术四个层面探讨了晚清至改革开放初期太湖流域水质环境变迁过程与饮水改良活动进行了系统的研究,展现这一复杂的历史过程。在开埠后的一百多年时间里,随着西文工业的传入,城市的扩张,太湖流域地表水水质环境变迁机理经历了一个由自然的污染向人为的工业污染和化学污染转化过程。在晚清时期,水体污染主要是由河流自然的淤塞与居民生活造成,水质恶化主要发生几个大的城市;民国时期,特别是一战后,因各地工业的发展,工业与化学污染源没有得到有效的处理,逐渐超出了水体的自净能力,以致污染面越来越大,越来越多的城市出现了水质污染与饮水危机;解放后,这种污染进一步延续,并扩大到广大乡村地区,地表水水质彻底恶化,饮水危机全面暴发。面对不断恶化的饮用水水质,中国传统的有关水源保护知识与体系显得有些苍白无力。清代的饮水改良尚未成为官方日常工作的基本内容,成效与范围都十分有限。民国时期的改水活动已相当成熟,特别是南京国民政府建立后,饮水改良作为各级政府日常工作内容之一,在各地广泛推行起来。同时,颁布了部门齐全、种类繁多的法律法规,规范饮水改良活动,有力的推动了改水活动的展开。不过,改水活动虽然在一些城区取得了一定的成绩,但是由于种种原因,特别是经费缺乏以及战争的影响,最终常常无法得到完整的实施,完美的改良计划只是停留在纸上。建国后至改革开放前改水活动,虽说在城区通过建设自来水等取得了一定的成绩。但在广大农村地区,由于缺乏经费与科学指导,以运动形式,按照任务,强行推广土井。在要求农民自筹开挖土井经费与材料的情况下,为完成任务,农民一再降低土井的标准,最终导致开挖了数量庞大泥井,这些泥井完全不合卫生,水质很差,农民大都不使用的,饮水条件基本没有得到改善。直到拨乱反正以后,农村地区才开始了真正科学意义上的改水活动。

【Abstract】 In the assessment of the results of previous studies, this paper focus on the changes of water quality and the reform of drinking water in Taihu Lake Basin.With the incoming industrial and urban expansion since 1842, the mechanism of environmental changed from natural pollution to industrial pollution and chemical pollution. In the late Qing period, the water pollution was mainly blocked by the river and the crisis of drinking water was mainly in several large cities. During the Republic of China, especially after World War I, due to industrial development, many rivers were polluted. So more and more cities have drinking water crisis. After the liberation, industrial pollution expand to the rural areas. Almost all rivers were polluted and the crisis of drinking water outbreak in all area of Taihu Lake Basin.In the late Qing period, the reform of drinking water was not the daily work of the government. So the reform of drinking water just carry out in several large cities. During the Republic of China, the reform of drinking water was quite mature, it has become the daily work of the government and conducted in many cities. Meanwhile, the government promulgated various laws and regulations to promote the reform of drinking water. There were some achievements in some urban areas. However, for various reasons, particularly lack of funds and the impact of the war, most plan of reform drinking water failed to conduct.After the liberation, the government took care the reform of drinking water, constructed running water in many urban areas. But in the rural areas, due to lack of funds and scientific guidance, the reform of drinking water was failed. As lack of funds, the peasants dug mud wells in order to complete the task of dug wells. However, these mud wells were poor in water quality, even the peasants do not use. Until 1978, the reform of drinking water become scientific activities in rural areas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

