

A Review on Huang Yuansheng from the Perspective of Thingking Public

【作者】 王红军

【导师】 章清;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 专门史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 黄远生是清末民初一位著名的新闻记者,是通讯文体的奠基人。对于黄远生及其思想,学者们已进行了多方面的研究,并出版了不少值得借鉴的成果。然而,上述研究所依赖的材料主要是《远生遗著》,要重建基本史实,还有待发掘黄远生在当时报刊上发表的论著。在前人研究的基础上,本文依据笔者搜集的散见于清末民初报刊杂志上的材料,包括黄远生发表的通信在内,辅以其他材料,主要采用实证的方法,对黄远生在清末民初三次学生风潮中的不同态度及原因、与马相伯和李盛铎的交往以及新闻撰述活动进行梳理,尤其关注其新闻撰述生涯,考察他“不偏不倚”思想的产生及实践。重新发掘的新的史料,主要通过笔者重新编写的“黄远生年谱”加以呈现。全文共分八章。第一章为导论,总结前人对黄远生研究的成就,指出有待挖掘的材料和需要进一步研究的问题。第二章,讨论黄远生在清末民初浔溪公学第二次学生风潮、留日学生取缔风潮和京师大学堂预科生风潮发生时所持的不同态度及其变化的原因,从中展示蔡元培、杜亚泉、马相伯和李盛铎与黄远生之间的亦师亦友的关系。第三章,探讨他何时加入《时报》,在该报发表的通信和反响以及离开《时报》的情况。第四章,探讨他在何种情况下担任《申报》的驻京通信员,在该报发表的通信和反响、通信员业务的中止以及结束的情况。第五章,主要讨论他参与创办《少年中国》周刊的情况、在该刊发表的文章和反响。第六章,主要分析他担任《庸言》报撰述后却很少为该刊撰稿的原因,也涉及他接任主编后对该刊的革新、在该刊发表的文章以及停刊原因。第七章主要探讨他与《亚细亚日报》的关系,起初只是该报的读者和投稿人,后来担任其“评论撰述”,并曾担任该报辩护人的情况。而该报也非常关注他的言论和活动。最终因在变更国体问题上存在分歧,黄远生终止与其合作。第八章,综述黄远生的经历及其在思想史上的地位,分析清末民初政治力量结构对其新闻撰述职业及命运的制约。通过分析,笔者认为,在清末民初,政治势力的结构是多元的,清政府、袁世凯群体、东南立宪群体、梁启超群体、孙黄革命群体、包括租界在内的外国在华势力等共同构成了这一时期的国内政治力量版图。不能说这一情况绝对有利于新闻撰述,但它的确提供了可资借助的条件,这是出现报刊史上繁荣时期的政治背景,也是黄远生从事新闻撰述并取得成就的重要条件。到了1915年,国内形成了复辟帝制和反对复辟帝制“两大阵营”,黄远生“不偏不倚”的思想和实践走入困境。

【Abstract】 So many achievements which are worth considering have been made on Huang Yuansheng, a famous reporter in the late qing and early republican periods, and on his thoughts by now. On the basis of these achievements, and with the aid of historical materials including newsletters wrote by Huang Yuansheng which having been collected from newspapers and magazines of the day, and other mateials, this thesis analyzes mainly using positive method why HuangYuansheng took various attitudes on three students protest movements during this period, and his meets with Ma Xiangbo, association with Li Shengduo, and journalistic activities, by which this thesis reviews the emergence and practice of his Impartial Thought.The thesis consists of eight chapters.The first chapter is introduction, in which makes a concise review on the research of HuangYuansheng and his thoughts, and indicates materials that to be collected and questions to be answered.The second chapter analyzes why Huang Yuansheng took various attitudes on the Second Students Protest Movements of Xun Xi Public School, Hoo-Chow-Foo, Zhe Jiang Province, Protest Movements of Chinese Students Studying in Japan, and Protest Movements of Peking Imperial University, and brings forth a friend as well as teacher relationship between Cai Yuanpei, Du Yaquan, Ma Xiangbo, Li Shengduo and HuangYuansheng.The third chapter focuses on when and how Huang Yuansheng became Shibao’s Beijing correspondent, what news letters he published in it and what remarks made on these news letters at that time, and Why he left Shibao later.Chapter four is concerning his turning in Shenbao and remarks brought about by his newsletters published in Shenbao, and why and how he paused and terminated his career.Chapter five is mainly about the establishment of Young China Weekly, articles published in it and repercussion provoked.As one of writers of The Jusitce, which was founded by Liang Qichao in Dec.,1912, Huang Yuansheng did hardly write any article for it except for The Whole Story of Negotiation On Loan For a Year. Chapter six deals with this question, then analyzes the measures he took to improve the journal and articles he published in it, and brings some opinions on its cessation.Chapter seven demonstrates that Huang Yuansheng became a reader then contributer of The Asia Daily, founded in Beijing in March,1912, also a defender while this newspaper was under an accusation, vice versa, the newspaper paid more attention to his speechs and behaviors. However, this mutually beneficial cooperation run out of road when the two sides split up in late 1915 because of this newspaper’s approving of restoration of monarch by changing state system.After a simple overview of Huang Yuansheng’s experiences and his position in New Literary History, the last chapter analyzes the limitation set by political powers in the late qing and early republican periods to his write, even to his fate.In other words, we could not think that the map of political power composed mainly of the Qing government, Yuan Shikai Group, the Southeastern Constituent Group, Liang Qichao Group, Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing Revolutionary Group, and Foreign Forces Including Concession in China in the late qing and early republican periods was absolutely advantageous for news compilation, nevertheless there were actually some conditions could be made use of. It was against this background that the development of newspapers came in Golden Times, in which HuangYuansheng took on news compilation and made great achievements, but the practice of his Impartial Thought got in trouble when Restoration Bloc and Anti-Restoration Bloc gradually came into being in the late 1915.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】K252
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1614

