

【作者】 陈琍

【导师】 周振鹤;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 上海道契是1843年后上海土地永租交易的原始记录,它最直接地反映了上海土地城市化的过程,为研究开埠前后上海城郊地区由乡村形态向近代城市发展的历史提供了丰富的史料。本文主要通过对目前已公开出版的三十卷本上海道契档案的数据化处理与分析,在道契分地空间定位的工作基础上,复原与分析开埠前上海县城外西、北郊区的乡村景观,以及自1843年开埠至1863年近代城市景观的形成过程,并以此考察近代上海的城市化进程。全文主要分两部分展开讨论。一是开埠前的乡村景观。通过对道契档案的梳理与考订,论文复原了上海县城外西、北郊区县、乡级以下的社会基层组织——保、图、圩、氏族村落、本地业户的田产、坟冢和河浜水道的空间分布。同时,运用大量中、西方人的文字描述与记载,把实体景观与景观感知相结合,复原与分析上海县城外西、北郊由自然村落、则田滩涂、田地间的农作物和大量坟头墓冢以及纵横交错的河浜水沟所构成的乡村景观。又通过“桑田”、“坟冢”和“水域”这三个专题的讨论,考察数量众多的农地、坟墓与河浜三类景观元素在开埠前后发生的巨大变化,由此反映乡村景观在近代城市化进程中被城市景观所取代的历史。二是考察自1843年开埠至1863年这二十年间近代上海城市景观的形成过程。这一部分的讨论以1847年、1853年为节点,划分成三个时间段分别展开。在纵向上既保持时间的连续性以展现城市景观的发展,又能以五、十年为一阶段,对比前后不同时期景观发展的特点。在横向的景观讨论方面,论文主要从土地城市化的角度观察城市景观的形成,并辅以人口、建筑、市政建设等因素综合衡量实际的建成区和城市景观的范围。这部分的讨论中,除了道契档案为基本研究资料外,也着重运用了早期租界区的地图和西方人的游记这两类资料,一方面辅助城市景观与城市建成区的判定,另一方面也以此考察城市形象与景观感知。

【Abstract】 Shanghai Title Deed is the most important land deed file after 1843 in Shanghai. Title Deeds record the land deal information which contains the course of the land utilization, and therefore, they afford the primary sources for the study of the landscape in modern Shanghai. This study deals with the Shanghai Title Deed published from 1847-1911 methodically including establishing a database and categorizing landscape elements. On the basis of locating the lots of Title Deeds, this study rebuilds the rural landscape before 1843, and reveals the formation process of urban landscape from 1843 to 1863.This paper is divided into two parts to discuss the landscape transition. One is the rural landscape before 1843. Through clarifying the Title Deeds, this study rebuilds and analyzes the distributing of rural items around northern and western suburbs of Shanghai as follows:Shanghai subdivisions, such as tythings and wards, small village associated by clan, native countrymen’s land, tombs and creeks. At the same time, personal accounts written by the western travelers are used to analyze the relationship between real landscape and landscape perception. Besides, three kinds of landscape elements are picked out to study the landscape transition after Shanghai’s opening up in 1843. They are fields, tombs and creeks. These three are the typical rural landscape elements but disappeared little by little in the process of urbanization.Another part is to discuss the formation process of urban landscape from 1843 to 1863. In order to get a clear idea, the twenty years is divided into three periods by 1847 and 1853. It can both give an outline about the formation process of urban landscape, and compare the different character of urban landscape in different periods also. In this part, the study focuses on the land urbanization to estimate the extension of the built-up area and urban landscape, while population, architectures, city constructions and other factors are also considered. As for the research materials, Title Deeds are still the main source of research materials, and several maps of early settlements and descriptions from westerners are used as well.

【关键词】 城乡景观道契上海城市地理
【Key words】 Urban and rural landscapeTitle DeedShanghaiUrban geography
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】K295.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】566

