

【作者】 石涛

【导师】 吴景平;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中央银行是一个国家最高的货币金融管理机构,是国家金融体系的核心,在各国金融体系中居于主导地位。近代中国,随着银行业的发展,以及国外先进银行理论知识的传入,特别是中央银行思想的传播,开始出现了自己的中央银行制度。从清末的户部银行到大清银行,再到北洋政府时期的中国银行和交通银行,或定位为中央银行,或发挥了中央银行的一些职能,但职能均不健全。南京国民政府建立后,为了改革币制,整顿金融,更为了支持财政,巩固政权,于1928年正式在上海成立了中央银行。南京国民政府的中央银行,是近代中国存在时间最长、影响最大的中央银行。而且,中央银行几乎与国民党政权在大陆的统治相始终,与这一时期的货币金融、财政税收,乃至派系斗争,都有着密切关系。从1928年到1937年抗日战争爆发前这一时期,是国民政府中央银行创立并取得快速发展的上升阶段。中央银行的业务部门,由简到繁;中央银行的分支机构,由少到多;中央银行的实力及其在金融市场中的地位,突飞猛进。中央银行的主要职能,在这一时期则取得了程度不同的发展。其中,作为“政府的银行”,中央银行在代理国库、经理内外债等为政府财政提供服务方面,成效最为显著,职能也较为健全。作为“发行的银行”,中央银行在这一时期的币制改革中发挥了重要作用,货币发行取得了令人瞩目的成就,并为统一发行奠定了一定基础,但是,独享发行权的目标未能实现,统一发行的职能终未完成。作为“银行的银行”,本应是中央银行最重要的职能,但由于各种因素限制,中央银行在这一方面乏善可陈,职能最不完善。1935年法币政策的实施,加强了中央银行的力量,推动了中央银行职能的发挥。国民政府改组中央银行为中央储备银行的计划,为中央银行职能的进一步健全,尤其是成为真正的“银行的银行”,提供了契机,但这一切均因抗战的爆发而中断。

【Abstract】 Central bank is the highest-ranking administratiive institution of currency and finance in a country. It is the core of the finanical system, holding the dominant position in the financial system in many countries.China developed its own central bank in the modern era with the development of banking industry and the input of advanced foreign theories on banking, especially the ideas about central cank. The Bank of Ministry of Households (Hu Bu Bank) and the Great Qing Bank (Da Qing Bank) in Qing period, as well as Bank of China and Bank of Communications during the North Ocean Period were all central banks to some extent for some of them were labeled as central bank and some others functioned as central bank. However, none of them was well-found central bank because the functions were not fully developed. After the establishment of Nanjing National Government (NNG), the Central Bank was formally created in Shanghai in 1928 with the purpose of reforming currency system, modifying finance and supporting taxation. The Central Bank of NNG was the most long-lasting and influential central bank in Modern Chinese history, existing with Kuomintang’s control in China’s mainland. It played a crucial part in various important events such as currency, finance, taxation and even factional struggle.Central Bank developed rapidly from 1928 to 1937 when the Anti-Japanese war broke out. Its business departments became more complicated. More and more branches were established. Its capacity and standing in the financial market increased dramatically. It also got some progress in developing its main functions to some degree during this time. As a bank of the government, Central Bank served the government by manageing the national treasury along with the national debts. It fared very well in this respect. As a bank of issuing, Central Bank played an important role in reforming currency system. It worked well in this issue and layed a foundation for unified issuing of currency. However, Central Bank failed to achieve the goal of monopolying the power of issuing currency, even though this should be the most important function of a central bank which is the "banker’s bank". Central Bank performed poorly in this regard. The implementation of the reform of currency in 1935 strengthened the power of Central Bank and propelled the development of its functions. A very good opportunity was there while the NNG planed to change the Central Bank into the Central Reserve Bank in order that it could become a real "banker’s bank". Unfortunately, all these potential processes were interrupted by the Japanese invasion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】F832.9
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2477

