

【作者】 金玉萍

【导师】 陆晔;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 广播电视学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国的受众研究自二十世纪八十年代发端以来基本都是在发展传播学的视野下展开,采用以量化为主的实证主义研究路线,个别使用民族志方法进行的研究则是针对相对封闭、电视刚刚进入的村民社会,与新受众研究越来越关注日常生活情境中的受众、电视与身份认同之间相互关系的发展现状存在很大不同。本文把研究聚焦于社会急剧变迁中的维吾尔族受众,运用民族志方法考察他们的电视实践、对日常生活的重构及其表征的身份认同。本文建立在日常生活实践理论基础之上,既肯定受众处于社会政治经济秩序的宰制之下,又强调能够通过日常实践活动创造出自己的意义空间。所以,论文的核心问题是托台维吾尔族受众日常生活电视使用的实践逻辑是什么?这一核心问题细化为以下具体问题:托台维吾尔族受众在电视技术的采纳与使用方面有什么特点?他们是否利用媒介技术实现自己的某些特殊需求?托台受众如何接触和解读具体的电视文本?电视是否被用来建构托台人的某种身份和认同?如果确实如此,其特征是什么?研究发现:一、在政治、经济因素的制约下,托台村的电视技术使用形成无线电视的普及,有线电视在经济制约下缓慢发展和卫星电视在政策缝隙中快速成长的格局。在托台家庭中,受电视物理空间位置的影响,家庭收视关系以父母为中心,这决定着电视技术的使用特点。家庭中主张安装地面卫星接收设施的通常是男性家长,技术的采纳者是父辈而不是年轻人,新技术被用来维系族群传统。这一发现质疑了前人的研究成果。二、托台受众通过对电视节目的选择、挪用和改造,巩固着族群传统文化,也建构着对国家的观念,是一种日常生活战术原则的灵活运用。主要表现为:把汉语节目挪用为学习工具,通过外语节目实现族群文化和宗教认同,在节目解读中形成对不同行政层级国家政权的不同态度。在这种状况下,主流意识形态所期望的“把党的声音传下去”,在受众那里是被挪用和改造的。而挪用和改造之后与主流意识形态一致性的程度又取决于政府给村民带来的实际利益,基层政权的建设效果以及村民追求自己利益的方式。三、托台受众的电视接触和解读与其所处的语境存在密切关系。托台是一个深受族群传统影响的人们之间联系密切的稳定共同体,国家力量对托台村民的影响是有限的、割裂的和悬置的。现实生活中,国家、族群都利用媒介扩展自己的影响力,形成既合作又争夺的关系。通过以上经验研究发现:托台电视实践的特点表现为电视技术使用与节目接触受族群文化规范的显著影响、受众接收的去意识形态化和文本解读中国家观念的层次性。这种电视实践融入日常生活,创造出流动的社会空间界限,重构了村民的仪式化生活并提供了新的安全感来源,为托台人建构认同提供了新素材。由此表征的认同体现为族群认同的强大和国家认同的疏离与分散。这与托台日常生活中国家和族群力量的分布状况非常相似。两种认同何时在何种层面上得以表现,主要取决于行为的目的和表现的场景。在理论层面,本研究发现了日常生活实践背后存在一定的逻辑性,是对德塞托日常生活实践理论的修补与发展。在现实层面,研究表明托台电视实践及其表征的认同不能孤立于语境之外来看待,而是和当代中国社会的变迁历程及当地社会环境产生互动的结果。虽然国家认同和族群认同存在矛盾和张力,但二者并不必然是对抗关系。国家是一个抽象概念,村民只能通过具体的行动以及某些象征才能够感知、认识和理解国家,建构起国家的形象与观念。国家认同的提高需要从社会环境建设和国家意识形态建设两方面入手。这样才可能达到国家认同和族群认同的良性互动与和谐共存。

【Abstract】 Audience research in China has been conducted from the perspective of development communications and the positivist approach mainly based on quantitative method sience 1980s. Very few studies with ethnographic approach are carried out in the obturate villages which TV has just entered, which are significantly different from reception studies that pay close attention to the relationship among audience, TV and identity in everyday life. This dissertation intents to study Uigur audience’s TV use and their identity with ethnography in the rapid-changing society.The dissertation is based on the theory of the practice of everyday life, which affirms not only the dominance of political and economic order, but also the audience’s ability to create meaning with practices of everyday life. So the core question is: what is the logic of Uigur audience’s TV use in everyday life in Tutey village? It includes a few more specific questions:what is the characteristic of Uigur audience’s adoption and use of TV technology? Have they met some of the special needs by media technology? How do they access and interpret television texts? Is television used to construct their identity? If so, what is that identity?Here are some of the findings:1. In Tutey village, wireless TV’s popularity, Cable TV’s slow development and satellite TV’s rapid development is the basic distribution pattern of television technology, which are under the restrictions of national policy and economic factors. In families, it is usually male parent who advocates to install satellite TV antennas. That means technology adopters is the elder rather than the young, and new media technology is used to maintain ethnic traditions. This finding questions the results of previous studies.2. By means of the choice, use and transformation on TV programs, Tutey audience consolidates the traditional culture of ethnic groups, and constructs the concept on the nation. That is a flexible application of the tactical principle of everyday life. Villagers regard Chinese programs as a learning tool, achieve ethnic group’s cultural and religious identity through foreign language programs, and form different attitudes to various administrative levels’governments in the course of interpreting news programs. In this situation, "passing the voice of the party", which the mainstream ideology expects, is transformed by audience. Their consistency with the mainstream depends on the vital interests that government brings to the villagers, and the way villagers pursue their interests.3. Social context plays an important role in the audience’s interpretation to TV texts. Tutey is a stable and closely-tied community in which villagers are deeply affected by ethnic traditions, while the nation’s influence on the villagers is limited, fragmented and suspended. In real life, both nation and ethnic group make use of media to expand their influence, and form relationship of both cooperation and competition.The above empirical studies show that Tutey audience’s TV technology use and program watching are significantly affected by ethnic cultural norms, their reception is de-ideology, and the concept of nation is hierarchical in their text Interpretation. This kind of TV practice creates mobile social space boundaries, and provides new materials to construct their identity——strong ethnic identity and alienated national identity. When and how the two different identities are showed mainly depends on the practice’s purpose and performance scene.In theory, the study finds that there is a certain logic in the practice of everyday life, which repairs and develops Michel De Certeau’s theory of the practice of everyday life.In reality, the study shows that Tutey audience’s TV practice and its identities are not isolated from social context, which includes social changes in contemporary China and local social environment. Though contradictions and tensions exist between national identity and ethnic identity, they are not necessarily irreconcilable. Nation is an abstract concept, only through actual behaviors and some symbols, villagers could perceive and understand the concept, and construct nation’s image and ideas. The improvement of national identity is based on strengthening the construction of both social environment and national mainstream ideology. Positive interaction and harmonious co-existence between national identity and ethnic identity may be achieved only in this way.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】G223
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1289

