

【作者】 胡春丽

【导师】 朱维铮;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 专门史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 毛奇龄是清初著名的学者,在经学、史学、诗、文、词、戏曲、绘画、书法等多个领域均取得了令人瞩目的成就。对毛奇龄这样一位在明清之际有着特殊经历,并在清代学术史上有着广泛影响的人物展开研究,无疑具有重要的意义和价值。本文以毛奇龄与清初《四书》学为研究对象,主要采用因人究学、微观与宏观相结合等研究方法。论文在整体框架上,分为上篇和下篇。上篇为毛奇龄与清初《四书》学研究,包括三大部分:第一部分是毛奇龄生平和思想的研究,首先对毛奇龄的家世作大致的梳理,挖掘出毛奇龄家族的家世背景,简析家学对毛奇龄学术的影响。并客观考述清楚毛奇龄各个阶段的生平事略,作为了解其人其学的基础。接着,将探究毛奇龄思想发展的轨迹,以及他思想成熟时期所提出来的经学思想,藉此了解毛奇龄的思想理路及学术性格,做为理解其《四书》学的背景。第二部分就毛奇龄对《四书》的研究进行分解式的叙述和讨论,整理毛奇龄在各书研究中所提出的主张,藉以了解他在诠释解析各书时的立场与理论重心,探究毛奇龄在《四书》研究中是否有一贯的理路,而此一理路与其经学思想又有多少相关之处。同时考察其《四书》学中的“反朱子四书学”特质,做为下一部分综论毛奇龄《四书》学的依据。第三部分为综论毛奇龄的《四书》学。依据第二部分的讨论材料,综理毛奇龄《四书》学的思想脉络。并且将他的主张与清初的《四书》学风气作比较,以呈现毛奇龄《四书》学在时代中受到的影响,以及他试图超越时代而表现的前瞻与坚持。最后,尝试阐明毛奇龄《四书》学在学术史上的意义,以明确毛奇龄《四书》学在《四书》学史以及清代学术史上的地位。下篇为毛奇龄年谱,客观真实地展示出毛奇龄的生平事迹、交游及著述概况。

【Abstract】 Mao Qiling is a famous scholar in the early days of the Qing Dynasty.He has achieved remarkable success in various fields such as the Study of Confucian classics, the Study of history, poetry, proses,ci,drama, drawing,and calligraphy. It is important and significant to study Mao Qiling,who having peculiar experience between Ming and Qing Dynasty and having broad effect in scholarship history in the Qing Dynasty.The dissertation select Mao Qiling and the Study of The Four Books in the early Qing Dynasty as. an object.Meanwhile,the dissertation mainly adopt the research method such as investigating learning according to person and combining with the macroscopic view to microscopic view. The dissertation includes two parts, the upper part aims to introduce Mao Qiling and the Study of The Four Books in the early Qing Dynasty,it could be divided into three parts. The part describes Mao Qiling’s life story and idea. Firstly,we generally comb his family and genealogy in order to simply analyze the effect on his learning .As well as we clearly inspect each stages of life about Mao Qiling, Such description is the foundation for understanding Mao Qiling. Furthermore, we survey the development track of Mao Qiling’s thought and the concepts of his Study of Confucian Classics he presented when his thought advanced toward maturity in order to understand his concepts about the Study of The Four Books.In the second part, this dissertation discusses how Mao Qiling study The Four Books. According to the formation of analysis,we sort out Mao Qiling’s viewpoints in his research of each classic.For the purpose of demonstrating Mao Qiling’s stand and theoretical key point,we start with exploring painstakingly Mao Qiling’s studies of the four classics.We hope to find out whether Mao Qiling followed a consistent thinking mode to analyze the four classics.If such thinking mode exists,we would like to know the correlation between it and Mao Qiling’s concepts of the Study of Confucian Classics.Meanwhile,we point out some observations and inferences in order to demonstrate the "anti-The Four Books research" characteristic of Mao Qiling’s research of The Four Books and employ this characteristic as the discussion basis in the next part of thesis.The third part deals with Mao Qiling’s research of The Four Books.We elaborate the structure of Mao Qiling’s research of The Four Books with the information introduced in the second part.Then we compare Mao Qiling’s viewpoints with the research tendedcy of The Four Books in early Qing Dynasty,so as to reveal how Mao Qiling’s times influenced his research of The Four Books and how Mao Qiling surpassed his times and displayed his foresight and insistence.Finally, we come forth with the meaning of Mao Qiling’s research of The Four Books concerning the scholarship history so as to establish the due value and position in the history of The Four Books research and Qing scholarship for Mao Qiling’s research of The Four Books.The lower part is a chronological list showing the life-long deeds, the general situation on making friends and work of Mao Qiling.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】B249
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】678

