

【作者】 胡毋意

【导师】 孟建;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 电视新闻, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 创意是最近常被引用的名词,运用在市场上代表了新经济,在个人代表一种新的生活态度和工作型态,在国家则代表无限希望和竞争能量。人类的文明和进步就在于面对问题解决问题的能力,它从生活出发,经年累月由无数人的智能自然凝结形成文化。近代,从大工业化、科技化到近十年的数字化,知识经济时代来临,都是因为人类不停的梦想,为谋求更好的生活,将头脑中的创意变为真实的结果。在工业时代,创新是科学家和企业家的工作,但在知识社会,创新将成为国家实力和社会参与的普遍事业。胡锦涛同志在十七大报告中强调,文化越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉,越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素,必须提高国家文化软实力,使人民基本文化权益得到更好的保障。文化创意产业在中国已经上升到了政策位置,其中核心关键就在于人,在于人的原创力。怎样酝酿创意的土壤?怎么将创意实现,甚至众志成城变成一种产业?如何在目前众多的商品市场中辨别出原创力的强弱?有哪些因素会影响原创力的发生?都是本论文意欲研究的方向。公共艺术是最为接近市场接近民众的一项文化活动,也是最基本培养人们原创力的基础工程,从台北奔牛节与上海现场张江两项活动当中可以了解艺术家的创作来源和面对市场化的思考与挣扎。

【Abstract】 Creative is often to be mentioned. It reprents the new economics in the market, a new living style and working class for individual, and the unlimited hope and competitive power for Nation.Man’s capability to resolve the critical issues accumulate the wisdom and the ways leading to civilization and improvement. In the modern times, industrilization, technological construction and furthermore digitalization, the era of Knowledge-driven economy is coming caused by who making the dreams day by day to looking forwards to a better and better living. The creativity becomes reality.In the 17th national Congress of China Communist Party, Mr. Hu said,"Culture has become a more and more important resource of national cohe-sion and creativity, and also be the very significant factor of a nation’s power among the global competition. We must enhance the culture as part of the soft power of China in order to guarantee the people’s basic cultural interests."Creative industry has already been rising up to the policy lever in China. The core of it is man and his creativity and the originality. It is the most important how to raise the originality, how to arouse the originality and let the creativity melt into the product lines, turn out commodities. Among masses of creative industries and products, which one is the really original? And how many factors affect original and originality? They are all the points I’ll research into.Public art is the most close to the public, will be the groundwork to cultivate public’s originality. Between Cowparade in Taipei and Public Art of Zhangjiang in Shanghai, the arts remind their thinking and the process of creative work while facing the audience.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】G124
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2716

