

Study and Application about Safety Monitoring Method and System of Large Span Suspension Bridge

【作者】 岳丽娜

【导师】 姜德生; 黄俊;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 光电子及信息材料, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国目前已经进入土木工程建设的大规模发展时期。地锚式悬索桥由于构造简单,受力明确,材料利用效率高,已经成为跨径超过千米桥型的最有利竞争者。我国大跨度悬索桥的建设规模及设计、施工水平均已达到世界先进水平。大跨悬索桥的健康与安全运营成为大家关注的重点问题。随着传感测试技术、数据分析处理技术、计算机网络技术、系统集成技术的发展,桥梁健康监测关于传感测试元件、海量数据处理等难题得到解决,桥梁监测的软、硬件条件都发生了大的改变,使得桥梁健康监测成为可能。我国的大跨悬索桥修建起步较晚。大部分大跨悬索桥投入运营不到二十年。欧美大部分悬索桥已经服役几十甚至上百年,运营期间出现了大量病害甚至危害结构安全。本文主要进行了以下几个方面的研究:(一)结构安全影响因素分析及安全监测系统监测内容研究1.针对大跨悬索桥结构体系特点,对大跨悬索桥各构件体系,包括:缆索体系、锚碇体系、主塔体系、加劲梁体系进行结构安全影响因素分析。2.根据结构安全影响因素分析结果及主要病害情况,确定大跨悬索桥安全监测在线监测内容及定期检测内容。(二)既有大跨悬索桥运营期安全监测系统及监测手段研究1.我国大跨悬索桥运营时间短,相关经验资料积累少,本文详细调研分析了欧美及日本大跨悬索桥运营期间技术状况及相关安全监测系统技术手段。2.目前大跨悬索桥“生命线”-主缆无有效监测手段,完全依赖于耗费人力、财力、影响交通的开放式检查;吊索索力无长期实时在线监测手段,仅可进行定期检测。大部分监测系统仍采用电类传感器。大跨悬索桥安全监测系统面临主要技术指标缺乏实时在线监测手段的现状。(三)多项针对大跨悬索桥远程实时在线光纤光栅(FBG)传感技术研究1.结合主缆内部钢丝构成及工作状态,基于FBG传感测试技术,研发了主缆内部钢丝应变温度监测系统。2.针对悬索桥吊索索力无长期实时在线监测手段的现状,研发了新型FBG应变传感器长期实时在线监测,振动索力传感器标定测试吊索索力的新方法。3.针对悬索桥新型无粘结可更换预应力锚固体系,研制了长效监测FBG压力传感器,对锚索索力进行实时在线监测,真正实现预应力锚固体系的可更换。5.对大跨悬索桥主塔、主梁应变采用FBG埋入式应变传感器及FBG表面式应变传感器进行监测。对于主梁、主塔、吊索、主缆温度场分别采用专用FBG温度传感器进行实时在线监测。6.采用FBG高速解调仪器结合专用FBG传感器,监测吊索、锚索索股、锚箱吊耳的疲劳应力。(四)监测内容完善的大跨悬索桥长期安全监测系统研究将研发的FBG传感系统应用于武汉阳逻长江公路大桥健康监测系统,构建了监测内容完善、规模较大的长期实时在线监测系统。为大规模采用先进FBG传感测试技术的大跨悬索桥健康与安全监测系统。分析各监测子系统监测数据,证明各子系统工作正常,监测数据准确有效。(五)实用大跨悬索桥安全状况评估系统研究针对大跨悬索桥安全状况评估的实际需要,提出了在线监测与定期检测数据相结合的评估策略。充分发挥监测系统长期实时在线监测数据及离线检测数据的功能,确定了各层次指标评估标准及各层指标权重,开发了适用于武汉阳逻长江大桥的安全状况评估系统。为其他大跨悬索桥安全状况评估提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Currently China has come into the large-scale development period of of civil engineering construction. Anchored suspension bridge has become the most favorable competitors as a bridge span more than 1000 m because of its simple structure, unambiguous forceing and effective material useing. In China, the large scale, designing and construction of large-span suspension bridge have reached the world advanced level. Healthy and safe operation of large-span suspension bridges become a focus of attention. Large changes have occured in bridge monitoring software and hardware condition, which maked it possible for bridge health monitoring with sensing technology, data analysis and processing technology, computer network technology, system integration technology, bridge health monitoring on the sensing element and mass data processing problem have been resolved.As late start of large-span suspension bridges construction, the operation period of most large-span suspension bridges is less than two decades. Contrarily in Europe and the United States, the period is dozens or even hundreds of years and a mass of disease have appeared on the bridges which possibly menaced the structural safety.This paper carried out the following research contents:(I) Analysis of the influence factors of structural safety and research on the contents of safety monitoring system1. Analyse the influence factors of structural safety for the characteristics of the various components of large-span suspension bridge system, including: cable system, anchor system, the main tower system, stiffening girder system.2. Determine the large-span suspension bridge safety monitoring online contents and regular inspection contents according to the analysis of influence factors of structural safety and major diseases.(II) Study on safety monitoring system and monitoring instrumentality on existing large-span suspension bridge in operation1. Because of the short-term operations of large-span suspension bridges in China, we hane less accumulation of empirical data. This paper has investigated and analysed detailedly the technology condition and related safety monitor system techniques of large-span suspension bridge in Europe, United States and Japan during the operation of large-span suspension bridge.2. The main cable is the "lifeline" of large-span suspension bridge but depends on the open-examination which costs large of human and financial resources, impacts traffic and without an effective monitoring method. The hanging cable tension without long-term real-time online monitoring method and rely on regular inspection. Most monitoring systems still use the electric sensors. Large-span suspension bridge safety monitoring system is facing lack of real-time online monitoring methods of major technical indicators. (III) Study on long distance real-time and online monitoring FBG sensing technology of large-span suspension bridge1. The main cable wire strain and temperature monitoring system has been developed and combined with the main cable wire form and working condition based on FBG sensing technology.2. A new real-time online monitoring method of the hanging cable tension using FBG strain sensors and calibrated by vibration cable force sensors has been proposed, in allusion to the condition of hanging cable tension force has no long-term and real-time online monitoring method.3. According to the new prestressed anchorage system of suspension bridge which can be replaced without bond, a long-term monitoring method with FBG pressure sensor has been developed.The monitor method of anchor cable force is on-line and real time and make the anchorage system interchangeably.4. The tower and beam strain of largr-span suspension bridge has been monitored by using embedded FBG strain sensors and the FBG surface strain sensors. The temperature of the tower, beam, hanging cable and main cable were real time and on line monitored by special FBG temperature sensors.5. The high-speed FBG demodulation equipment combined with special FBG sensors were used in monitoring the fatigue stress of hanging cable, anchor cable unit, anchor box hanging ear.(IV) Study on the long term safety monitoring system with improved contents of large-span suspension bridgThe proposed FBG sensors have been used in the longterm health monitoring system of Wuhan Yangluo Yangtze River Highway Bridge which built an improved contents and large-scale long term real time monitoring system.The health and safety monitoring system of this bridge used large-scale advanced FBG testing technology. The subsystems are working properly and the data are accurate and effective by analysising the monitoring data of the subsystems.(V) Study on applied safety condition evaluation system of large-span suspension bridgeAccording to the actual needs of large-span suspension bridge safety condition evaluation, the evaluation strategy with combination of online monitoring and periodic inspection has been proposed. This strategy fullly used the function of long-term real-time online monitoring data and offline inspection data, and the evaluation standards and weigh of each level indicator have been determined. The safety condition evaluation system for Wuhan Yangluo Yangtze River Highway Bridge is developed. And the system provided reference for other large-span suspension bridges safety condition evaluation systems.

  • 【分类号】U448.25;U446
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】941
  • 攻读期成果

