

Research on the Construction of Emergency Logistics Management System for Natural Disasters

【作者】 程琦

【导师】 云俊;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 应急物流是救灾应急管理中必不可少的内容和环节。自然灾害应急物流管理体系,则是为了实现在突发自然灾害环境下对应急物资、人员、资金等进行有效组织和保障这一目标的需要而建立的综合体系。随着自然灾害发生频率、规模与影响程度的与日俱增,它们对世界各国及时而有效地组织应急物流提出了很高的要求,同时也带来了不可预知的运作风险,考验着应急物流管理体系的运行能力。目前,无论是从战略运作层面还是技术操作层面,我国都缺乏科学、系统、高效、经济的应急物流管理体系来支撑灾时应急管理体系的有机运转,对应急物流管理体系如何构建这一问题进行研究,具有很强的现实意义和理论意义。本文立足于对我国近年来几次特大自然灾害爆发后应急物流管理实践的考察分析,以及国内外对应急物流及其管理体系的文献研究,以管理学为基础,综合运用灾害学、物流管理、预警管理等相关理论,以自然灾害应急物流管理体系为研究对象,对基于自然灾害背景的应急物流管理体系如何构建的一系列问题进行了研究,包括构建应急物流管理体系的理论和实践动因、应急物流管理体系的整合架构,应急物流分类分级分期的整合与协调管理、应急物流管理体系运行风险的识别和评价、应急物流管理体系运行能力的评价、应急物流预警管理体系的构建、应急物流公共信息平台的建设,以及有效建设应急物流管理体系的举措,等等。本文的主要结论与创新点如下:(1)探析了自然灾害应急物流体系构建的实践动因。通过与美国、日本、德国的应急物流管理进行比较,发现我国尚未建立起规范运行的、现代化意义的自然灾害应急物流管理体系,而且存在许多现实问题,从而明确了我国构建应急物流管理体系的工作重点。(2)对自然灾害应急物流管理体系的构成和运行进行了系统研究,提出了自然灾害应急物流管理体系的概念、构建作用和五要素框架。自然灾害应急物流体系的界定是,为保障应对自然灾害的物资需求,以时间效益最大化和灾害损失最小化为目标,由组织体系、运行机制、运作体系、资源保障系统和法律预案体系等有关要素相互联系、相互制约而构成的特殊物流管理体系。这突破了现有文献对应急物流系统和应急物流体系的研究范畴,将研究视角投向了一个更加偏重宏中观管理视域的领域。(3)提出了自然灾害应急物流管理体系分类分级分期(简称为“三分”)管理的思路和运行机理,并在基础上提出了分类分级分期整合与协调管理的机制。首先,提出了应急物流分类管理的对象和实现路径;其次,构建了按需应急物流管理模型和动态模糊分级算法模型,对应急物流六要素进行了分级评价;第三,提出了应急物流生命周期概念,明确了各阶段应急物流管理体系的特点、任务和能力要求。最后提出了分类分级分期整合与协调管理的框架和策略。目前还未见有系统地探讨应急物流管理机理的研究的报导。(4)提出了自然灾害应急物流管理体系运行风险与运行能力的概念,探讨了二者的互动关系,分析了评价工作对应急物流管理体系的作用。提出了二者与预警管理的作用机理,即运用预警管理对风险因素和能力波动进行监控、预警和干预,将有效推动应急物流管理体系的良性运行。提出了基于“决策、指挥调度、组织协调、执行控制、资源保障”等五要素的应急物流管理体系运行风险指标体系和运行能力指标体系,并运用模糊综合评价方法进行了评价。(5)提出在自然灾害应急物流管理体系的建设中要构建预警管理体系和公共信息平台,以及自然灾害应急物流管理体系有效建设的“三化”措施,包括自然灾害应急物流管理体系建设,应“体现社会化支持”、“提升专业化能力”和“尝试市场化运作”。

【Abstract】 Emergency logistics (EL) is the essential content for natural disaster relief management, and the Natural Disasters Emergency Logistics Management System (NDELMS) is the comprehensive system established to achieve the objectives of effective organization and ensuring emergency supplies, personnel and funding under the environment of sudden natural disasters. Natural disasters happened globally and frequently in recent years not only call for a timely and effective NDELMS, but also bring unpredictable operational risk, and test the operation capability of NDELMS. At present, both from a strategic or technical level, the scarcity of scientific, systematic, efficient and economical ELMS is worrying the China government to support the operation of emergency management system. From the literature review of domestic and international, the study of ELMS has not started yet, but the research on the EL has attracted attention gradually. So it’s great significance practically and theoretically to study the issue of how to establish the ELMS.Based on investigation and analysis on EL management characteristics of several serious natural disasters in China in recent years, according to the theories of Management Science, Disaster Science, Logistics Management Science, and Early Warning Management Science, this dissertation analyzed the construction of NDELMS, including the reasons of constructing ELMS, the integrated framework of ELMS, the integration and coordination logistics mechanism by classification, grades and stages of natural disasters, the evaluation on operational risk of ELMS, the evaluation on operating capability of ELMS, the establishment of EL early-warning system, the system framework of EL public information platform, the improvement of ELMS construction, and so on.The conclusions and innovation of the dissertation are shown as follows:(1) Analyzed the reasons of constructing ELMS. Compared to the ELM of USA, Japan and Germany, we could find that a modern standard operated ELMS wasn’t established in China, and the existed questions were found, further, the focus of future work were confirmed. (2) Systematically studied on the structure and operating mechanism of ELMS. This dissertation put forward the concept and elements frame of ELMS. ELMS is a kind of special logistics management system, which responds and to satisfy the material demand to natural disasters, aiming at maximized time benefits and minimized disaster losses, and consisting of some interrelated fators, such as organization system, operating mechanism, operation system, resources supporting system, and legal plans systems. This broke existing literature on ELS, and with a more macro view to study this field.(3) Preliminary raised the logistics management organization by classification, grades and stages of natural disasters, and the integration-coordination mechanism to them, including the object and route of classification management, the On-demand model for the flow and traffic of Natural Disasters Emergency Logistics, the Life Cycle of Emergency Logistics. This dissertation also probed the dynamic fuzzy classification algorithm to quantitative research on how to grade-to-grade and stage-to-stage management in NDELMS.(4) Established an operational evaluation model and method for operational risk and operating capability of NDELMS. The relationship between the operational risk and operating capability of NDELMS, and the significance of evaluation were discussed. A concept was raised, that early-warning management would monitor, forewarning and intervene the occurrence of operational risk and the fluctuation of operating capability. This dissertation built a designed an evaluation indicators sytem for operational risk and operation capability of ELMS, and supplied the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation methods.(5) Research on the establishment of EL early-warning system, the system framework of EL public information platform, and the improvement countermeasures for ELMS establishment, such as to reflect socialization support, to enhance professional capacity, and to try market operation..

  • 【分类号】F224;D632.5;F259.22
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】3967
  • 攻读期成果

