
法象明器 占施知来——先秦鼎文化考论

The Research on the Culture of Bronze Ding in Pre-Qin Dynasty

【作者】 曾曦

【导师】 郑建启;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文从青铜鼎形器入手,以先秦时期为背景,探索青铜鼎的设计发展进程及其相关的先秦物质、社会和精神文化内涵。全文重点研究四个方面的内容:一、青铜鼎的形式及其设计演进逻辑;二、先秦时期青铜鼎的生产方式,包括冶铜技术的发展与铸鼎技术的革新;三、先秦时期围绕青铜鼎的功能有关的人类生活方式,包括饮食方式、社会礼制与宗教文化;四、通过对先秦青铜鼎这一典型器物之设计文化研究,探索人类社会生产方式、生活方式与设计行为的相互关系;五、通过与中国古代设计文化的互读互释以及对设计哲学的深入思考,探讨传统文化的继承方式。青铜鼎形器是中国古代青铜文化的代表,也是较为特殊的一种青铜器,不论是对于作为食器的饮食功能而言或是作为礼器、祭器的社会功能或宗教功能而言,青铜鼎都是使用最广、地位最高的一种青铜器,因此在形制和纹饰方面的设计形式也较为复杂。商人尊神重鬼,所以青铜鼎作为祭器的功能排在首位,纹饰设计的发展是这一时期形式演进的重点,尤以动物纹图案的各种抽象变化最为明显。形制设计上的局部调整也多为突出青铜鼎庄重、浑厚、严肃的意象,表现了商人对祖先神灵的无限敬仰,同时这一时期的青铜鼎也是商代帝王借助人神关系来维护和巩固统治地位的工具。周人尊礼尚德,伦理思想在青铜鼎的形式设计中占据主导。由于周人的饮食文化替代了商人的饮酒文化,礼制思想替代了神制观念,所以青铜鼎作为饮食器具和礼器的功能排在首位,形制设计的发展是这一时期形式演进的重点,尤以器身、鼎足、立耳等结构的变化最为明显。因为饮食功能的需要,所以青铜鼎开始出现不同的形制分类;由于社会功能的需要,所以诞生了列鼎的形式。这一时期青铜器的形式设计不断表现出系统化、规范化的特征。至春秋战国时期,因为礼乐制度的瓦解,青铜鼎的形式设计不再趋于统一标准,而是随着地域的变化表现出明显的地方特征,形制设计上的迥异则更为突出。青铜鼎在形式上的演进是先秦人类生存方式不断发展的表现。其形式设计的变化决定于生产方式,来源于生活方式。此不仅是针对青铜鼎这一种器物设计发展演进的规律,更是从古至今人类的设计行为所不能违背的哲理。首先,青铜器的生产资料决定了生产技术的选择,而生产技术又决定了器物设计的方向,正是这种先秦社会区别于其它文明的生产方式之不断革新,使得青铜鼎的诞生与发展成为可能;另一方面,生活方式的变化对青铜鼎的功能属性产生了巨大影响,功能的变化直接促使了设计形式的变革。所以,青铜鼎的设计决定于生产方式,来源于生活方式。设计行为介于生产与生活方式之间,是对二者关系平衡的协调,共同促成人类生存方式的进步与发展。透过对传统工艺典籍与思想经注的探寻,追溯古代设计文化的源头,从文化途径研究古代设计进程的规律,既不同于一般的中国传统设计史侧重于对设计历史发展的时空描述,也不同于工艺美术史着力于对“器”、“物”本身的关注,而是将人类对于青铜鼎形器的设计活动这一复杂庞大的历史进程作为一个事物发展的哲学系统,一方面研究它类似于艺术的感性与科学的理性之创造活动的缘由,另一方面将设计行为的发展放到先秦时期的社会物质、经济、制度、精神等人类之生产、生活方式因素中去审视,从文化途径的视野来关照古代设计演进的逻辑和过程,从中探索设计的本质与哲理,找寻当代设计对传统文化适应性的继承方式。

【Abstract】 This research is to seek the process of design development on bronze Ding and its related traditional culture which including material, social and mental culture through the artifacts of bronze Ding during Pre-Qin Period.This paper focuses on five aspects of the form of bronze Ding and its related rules of design development, the Pre-Qin Period mode of production which including the advancement of smelting on copper and the development of casting technology on bronze Ding, the human life styles which is related to the function of bronze Ding such as diet habits, the social etiquette and the religious culture, seeking the relationship during the mode of production, the life style and the design in human society through the study of design culture on the typical container of bronze Ding in Pre-Qin Period, researching on how to inherit Chinese Civilization after exploring Chinese traditional culture of design and the design principles.The bronze Ding is the representative of Chinese Bronze Age culture and it’s a special kind of Bronzes. Being a kind of eating utensils on diet or Being a kind of ritual Bronzes on social function and religious activities, the bronze Ding was a certain Bronzes for wide use and highest rank. So it’s very complex on the design of the shape and the patterns.Human being adored gods in Shang Dynasty, so the widest use of the bronze Ding wass containing in sacrifice.The patterns design was much more important than the shape design. And this could be found obviously in the abstract animal patterns in eternally changing. A solemn and grave image could be felt at the local changes on the shape of the bronze Ding which showed the deep reverence to gods and ancestors of human in Shang Dynasty. The bronze Ding was some kind of tool for the monarch in Shang Dynasty to maintain and consolidate their own rein with solidifying the relationship between the gods and themselves. Otherwise, human being adored the code of etiquettes in Chou Dynasty. And the moral thoughts could be found in the design of the bronze Ding. Diet Culture took the place of Wine Culture in Chou Dynasty and the moral thoughts took the place of religious belief in Chou Dynasty. So the bronze Ding was used for diet and social etiquette mostly. The shape design was much more important the patterns design, especially on the handles,the foot and the main body of the bronze Ding. The bronze Ding was design into various kinds on different shapes for diet. And Sequence bronze Ding was generated for its social function. The systematic and canonical shapes of the bronze Ding appeared in different areas with the extreme local features.The development of human living style was manifested by the constant change on the shape of the bronze Ding. The form of the bronze Ding was decided by the mode of production and it was also influenced by the human life style. This rule not only affected the process of the bronze Ding’s development on design but also affects all kinds of design in human history. First, the production technology was decided by the means of production on Bronzes.And the design was decided by the production technology. The very mode of production in Pre-Qin Dynasty which was so different from other civilization made the bronze Ding possible. Second, the constant change on human life style in Pre-Qin Dynasty exerted a strong influence on the function of the bronze Ding, and the change of functions was related to the change of design on the form. So it can be decided that the design of the bronze Ding was decided by the mode of production and it was also influenced by the human life style. The design is base on the mode of production and the human life style. It keeps the balance between the production and life, which bring the human living style to highly developed state.The study on the process of Chinese traditional design by the way of culture analysis on the ancient codes and records is different from the study of Chinese design history which only focus on the facts of history, and it also different from the study of Arts and Crafts which only focus on the products.This article will create a system of philosophy which contains the design process,the mode of production and the human life style in Pre-Qin Period. The research on this system will focus on two aspects.One is the process of the combination of Art and Science in the human act of creating. The other is how to put the action of design into the background of human living style which included the material, the economic, the society, and the mental activities.Seeking the rules on the advancement of design by the study of Chinese traditional culture is the rational method to explore how to inherit the spirit of our own culture on the modern design.

【关键词】 青铜器先秦生产方式生活方式文化
【Key words】 DingBronzesPre-Qin Dynastythe mode of productionthe life styleculture

