

【作者】 霍志军

【导师】 傅绍良;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 唐代御史与文学,是唐代文学史上一个值得关注、又久被忽视的文学现象,本文以文史结合的方法,从一个新的角度审视唐代文学,立足文学文本与史实资料,在制度文化与文学演进的交织中考察唐代御史制度与文学的关系,探究藏于其后的士人人格、思维方式及人文意蕴;御史活动与文学的关系,御史群体思维方式对其作品风格的制约等问题。绪论部分主要考察了学界对唐代御史制度、御史与文学关系的研究现状,详细阐述了开展“唐代御史与文学”研究的思路、方法、目的及意义。全文共分六章:第一章主要是对现有唐代御史制度研究成果的总结。对存在的问题如贞元年间御史大夫“官不常置”,李商隐任御史职务等,通过考证提出了新的看法。第二章着重论述唐代御史群体的人格特征、思维方式。认为:一,唐代御史刚直骨鲠的个性是其人格形成的基础;职业意识的自觉极有利于御史群体的人格形成;传统监察文化及御史台文化氛围的熏陶,对其人格发展有重大影响;监察实践的锤炼是其人格形成的决定因素。就总体而言,唐代御史表现出刚直骨鲠,清介自守,杰出特立,忠君报国、维护正义的人格特征。当然也有一些御史趋炎附势、以柔媚自进,此种个别的例外乃至少数的异常情况是存在的,但并不代表唐代御史的主体。二,唐代不同历史阶段御史表现出不同的政治品格:武后朝酷吏人格的膨胀;天宝时期监察制度的变化与御史刚直人格的淡化;政治衰败与中、晚唐御史的多元心态。三,与其他行政行为相区别,监察活动本身包含发现错误、查找问题等否定性含义,“肃政弹非”的职业职责、监察实践培育了唐代御史批判性、求实性的思维方式。中国古代政治思想家往往将治国与医人相提并论,以“医人”来喻指“治国”。唐王朝无论在统治理念还是监察制度建设上,以“医人”喻指“治国”的治国理念都得到加强。唐代士人普遍有着较为丰富的医学知识,一旦他们有条件从事监察实践时,医学体验、医学知识无疑给予他们深刻的思想启迪。监察官为社会“治病”,医者为病人治病,这种职业特点上的相似性使唐代御史在监察实践中体现一种医学思维模式。唐代御史的思维模式与一种治疗型智慧密不可分:以社会“治疗者”的身份切入现实政治,通过整饬吏治来维护纪纲。第三章综合考察唐代御史活动对唐代文学的影响。认为:一,唐代御史制度是一个注重文学的职官体系,唐代御史的任职制诰中,有文德并举、文儒相合、文与吏才相称三种现象。唐代谏官任职资格中的文学因素,综合了文、儒、吏、行、史诸方面,超越了纯粹的艺术范畴,赋予了文学和文学家御史重大的政治使命和责任。二,御史通过知贡举、监选、监考,举荐、拔擢优秀人才,而且往往代表一个时期的国家文化政策走向。御史监考、监选职能的缺失对天宝时期的文学生态影响甚大。三,中唐御史的思维方式对中唐文学的写实倾向有一定影响:(1)以批判性思维审视社会,促使中唐御史的诗歌消减了盛唐时期昂扬奋发的青春气息,在关注现实中产生了“直面人间疮痍、革除吏治之弊”的精神指向。(2)时局的动荡是诗歌急剧时事化的根源,御史思维的批判性则磨砺了他们对时事的敏锐,诗歌成了中唐社会动乱年代的诗化编年史,时事也在御史文学家笔下被诗化了。(3)医疗型智慧,使中唐御史特别强调文学干预现实的功能,有助于其诗学理论的形成。考虑到韩、柳、刘、元等御史的著名文学家身份,在盛唐诗风向“元和诗风”的嬗变中,中唐御史的思维方式实具有一种“牵引”作用。第四章重点考察唐代御史活动与诗歌创作之间的关系。认为:一,以批判时政弊端为主要目的的“直言极谏”是中国古代官僚社会的一个亮点,具有明显的改造君主专制制度的功能。相比较西方文学,中国文学更为重视文学干预政治的教化功能。中国传统社会直言极谏的强势地位和中唐监察官许国忘身的参政意识、参政实践,塑造出中唐谏政诗的独特风格和精神价值体系,主要表现在一是文学教化功用的极端凸显;是强烈的批判性;三是语言的通俗性等。文章还对谏政诗的界定、相关争论及其原因作了论述。二,唐代御史纪行诗对御史所至地域自然风光、民风民俗的描写,拓展了唐代文学的地理空间;御史出行是唐代边塞诗、山水诗的繁荣的推动因素之一。唐代御史唱和诗,既有雄健气度、忧国情怀的抒发,也有颓靡士风、轻薄调佩、诗酒淫乐之作。一些御史纵情声色的同时,颇有无聊的狎荡、消遣、玩乐作品。这一类诗作格调、价值固然不高,但毕竟真实地反映了唐代御史台文十生活的不同侧面。三,唐代御史诗歌创作具有独特的审美特质:其一,刚直人格与刚劲风格。刚直心性和传统监察文化的洗礼,对唐代御史的审美心理有重大影响,使其更易对刚性、止义之物产生审美的冲动,獬豸、埋轮、破柱等意象及刚、直、铁、峭等坚硬之词的大量使用,形成了唐代御史诗歌以刚强、劲健为主的风格。其二,“特立”心态与雄健气度。御史群体的“特立”心态,促使他们明确地开发鹰、隼、雕、鸥、鹗等英隼、猛禽意象去契合自己的人生理想,既酣畅淋漓地阐释了其进取不息的生命感受,也铸就了其诗歌创作的雄健气度。其三,凝挺、冷峭之美。御史诗歌多用气氛肃杀、物理属性刚硬、形象尖利之词,尖利之物给人以锐利、疼痛感;寒霜、霜台、风雪、严霜等意象又营构出清冷之氛围,此类峭硬之物、肃杀之气相叠加,无论读者的感受,还是作品的风貌,都呈现出凝挺、冷峭之美。其四,晚唐御史诗歌创作的感伤意绪。晚唐御史群体普遍有一种虚戴铁冠、无可奈何的矛盾心态,悲凉空漠之感时常触绪而来,诗歌创作呈现出明显的感伤意绪。第五章是对唐代御史活动与散文创作关系的探讨。认为:一,弹文是唐代监察制度与文学结合而形成的奇葩。唐代文学研究中对弹文的研究几乎是空白,究其原因,盖因学术界对于古代文体的研究相对不足,弹文本身也不是一种纯文学性的文体。从更为开阔的研究视野看,它是一种历史悠久的文体,尤其在唐代,弹文兼应用性、文学性于一体,颇受朝廷、士人的重视,它不但对唐代文学风气、士子生活产生一定影响,而且在文体内部对于后代的叙事文学形式也产生了一些影响,弹文研究具有特殊的文化与文学意义。虽然朝廷党争、相互倾轧也导致一批弹文的产生,但多数弹文产生了积极影响,其澄清吏治的作用是主要的。二,唐代弹文具有独特的美学意蕴:首先,弹文与弹劾过程共同构成一种“有意味的形式”。纯文学的诗、词、赋等,在“白纸黑字”(语言文本)阶段其文本意义就生成了,而弹文则包括“文本”和“弹劾”两个阶段,其运用于弹劾实践,才能说实现了目的。弹文的起草体现着法律的尊严,甚至上升到国家意志,任何单纯的文学写作都无法与之比拟。弹劾的动机、过程,专用服饰都充盈着浓浓的艺术精神。其次,弹文中腾涌着御史群体惩治腐败、整饬纪纲的责任意识,不畏权势、敢说真话的政治胆略,关心民瘼、忧念民生的政治良心,彰显着一种人格之美。再次,弹文强悍任气、情理交融。三,御史活动对唐代判文文体的成熟具有促进之功:一是御史在唐代判文写作中具有引领作用。一些御史本来工文,又有司法实践经验,他们倾力于判文写作,这类“how to”类著作对一般士子学习判文制作实际上起到了引领作用,张鷟《龙筋凤髓判》是典型代表。是唐代判文的叙事结构瓣香于御史的司法审判实践。三是御史的“法律思维”对判文修辞的影响。唐代判文写作中的情感取向、注重修辞,伦理感染等,均可谓传统法律思维在判文制作中具体而生动的体现。四,柳宗元的传记文尤好为平民立传,传主身份的平民化,从一个方面昭示出唐代御史注重吏治、民生的价值取向。柳宗元传记文大多兼用叙事、抒情、议论等多种表现方式,在貌似客观的叙事中,注入极其鲜明的主体意识,切中时弊,激烈针砭,甚至直接引发议论,表达见解。传记文既是柳宗元进步政治主张的特殊阐释形式,也昭示了作为伟大文学家和卓越思想家的柳宗元二者契合的独特方式。第六章是对唐代御史活动与笔记小说创作之间关系的研究。认为:一,御史活动是唐代笔记小说繁荣的推动因素之一:首先,闲话是产生笔记小说的基础,唐代御史职业生涯的传奇经历,正好为民间闲话提供了丰富的资源。其次,御史文学家以其丰富多彩的生活阅历为背景,记述了一个个异彩纷呈的艺术世界,丰富了唐代笔记小说创作。再次,唐代御史由于职事活动、宦海浮沉等原因,出入于馆驿、客舍之中,其流动性为搜集故事、小说传播带来方便。二,唐代公案传奇尽管“非有意为小说”却颇有小说风神;公案传奇摆脱了魏晋小说中志怪因素的束缚,突出了人的智慧;公案传奇在对不同类型人物的叙写中,彰显其惩恶扬善的价值取向;公案传奇还塑造了一批断案机智的能吏形象。上述几方面不但形成唐代公案传奇浓烈的文学意味,而且丰富了古代小说的叙事艺术,对于我国清官文化的形成具有重要先导作用。三,唐代御史活动与唐代公案传奇生成之间具有内在联系:(1)御史活动与公案传奇故事的生成。唐代御史的监察、断案活动为公案传奇创作提供了丰富而便捷的素材。(2)御史“精察”思维与公案传奇“变故”叙述的生成。作为一种审美形态,“惊奇”是由故事的“变故”形成的,而御史断案中的“精察”正有助于公案传奇的变故叙事,形成富有“突转”性、惊奇美的叙事张力。(3)御史活动的伦理内涵与公案传奇价值取向的生成。御史活动的伦理内涵为公案传奇创作提供了明确的导向,进而培育了御史文学家“寓意于事”、“借事明义”的创作理念,促成公案传奇独特的价值取向。总之,唐代御史经由特定职事活动所形成的传奇事迹、思维方式和伦理取向,成为公案传奇生成的催化剂,并在一定程度上造就了唐代公案传奇的鲜明特征。

【Abstract】 Tang censor and literature, is the Tang Dynasty in the history of a concern, but also long-neglected literary phenomenon, this method of combining literature and history, a new perspective from the Tang Dynasty, based on literary texts and historical information. the evolution of culture and literature in the study of Tang Dynasty censorial system of interwoven relationship between literature and explore the Tibetan scholars after their personality, way of thinking and human meaning, censor the relationship between activities and literature, censor groups, their way of thinking such problems as work style. Introduction examines some of the major scholars of the Tang Dynasty censor system, the relationship between censor and Literature Research, described in detail to carry out "Tang Censor and Literature" of the ideas, methods, purpose and meaning.Text is divided into six chapters:The first chapter is available in the Tang Dynasty censorial system summary of research results. The existing problems between the royal doctor if Zhenyuan "officials do not often buy" any censor office-yin, research presented by the new view.ChapterⅡfocuses on the personality characteristics of the Tang Dynasty censor groups, ways of thinking. That:1, Tang stuck censor straightforward personality is formed on the basis of their personality; career Consciousness is conducive to the formation of personality censor groups; traditional culture and Imperial monitoring nurturing culture, have a major impact on their personality development ; to monitor the practice of temper are the determinants of personality formation. Overall, the Tang Dynasty show straightforward stuck censor, Qing Kai respectable, distinguished Teli, patriotic loyalty, justice of the personality characteristics. Of course, there are some censor those in power to and lovely self into this and even a few individual exceptions to the unusual circumstances exist, and do not represent the main body of the Tang Dynasty Censor.2, different historical stages of the Tang Dynasty show different censor the political character: Empress Wu merciless towards the expansion of personality; Tempo change during the monitoring system and censor straightforward personality dilution; political decline and in multi-Tang censor mentality.3, to distinguish from other administrative acts, to monitor the activity itself contains an error is found, find the meaning of negative issues, "Su political bombs are not" professional duty of monitoring the practice of cultivating the Tang Dynasty censor critical, realistic way of thinking. Ancient political thinkers who tend to compare the country with the doctors to "cure" and to Yu means "country." Tang dynasty ruling idea, both in the construction of monitoring system in order to "cure" and Yu means "rule" of the country concept have been strengthened. Tang scholars generally have a more extensive medical knowledge, once they are engaged in monitoring the practice, conditions, medical experience, medical knowledge will undoubtedly give them a profound ideological inspiration. Ombudsman for the community, "medical treatment", doctors who treat patients, such professional characteristics similar to the Tang Dynasty on the censor to monitor the practice embodied in a medical way of thinking. Therefore, the mode of thinking Tang censor with a therapeutic wisdom are inseparable: the social "therapy" cut into the reality of identity politics, through the ramparts to defend Jigang Official.ChapterⅢCensor comprehensive survey activities on the Tang Dynasty Literature. That:1, Tang censor system is a focus on literature of the Official system, the representation of the Tang Dynasty Patent censor, there Bonaventure simultaneously literati consistency, the text was commensurate with the Officials of three phenomena. Ancient Advisors qualification factors in the literature, combines text, Confucianism, clerks, traveling, history, aspects beyond the pure arts, literature and the writer gives a great mission and responsibilities.2, censors through knowledge Imperial Examination, the election supervisor, invigilator, recommend, promoted to talented people, often on behalf of a period of national cultural policies. Censor examiners, the absence of electoral functions of literature on the Tempo period of great ecological impact.3, in the way of thinking censor Tang Tang literary realism tend to have some influence:(1) to examine the critical thinking community to promote poetry in the Tang Censor reduce the Tang period of youthful high-spirited work hard, paying attention reality created a "human face wound, get rid of disadvantages of officialdom," the spirit of the point. (2) the current situation of instability is the root of current events with dramatic poetry, censor critical thinking, while sharpening their keen on current affairs, poetry became the era of social unrest in the Tang annals of poetry, current affairs, also censor literature Poem of the brushes are. (3) medical-type wisdom, so that in the Tang censor intervention with particular emphasis on the reality of the function of literature to help the formation of his poetic theory. Taking into account the Han, Liu, Liu and Yuan censor’s well-known writers as, in Sheng Tang Dynasty to "dollars and poetry" of evolution in the thinking in the real censor Tang has a "traction" effect.Chapter IV focuses on inspection activities and censor the Tang Dynasty poetry relationship. That:1, in order to critique current politics as the main purpose of abuse "very bluntly admonished" bureaucratic society in ancient China a bright spot, with the obvious function of transformation of autocratic monarchy. Compared to western literature, Chinese literature more attention to the political intervention in the Educational Function of Literature. Respect the traditional Chinese society and a very strong position in the advice and Hsu Kuo-Tang Ombudsman forget body awareness of political participation, political participation practice, shaping the political poetry of the Tang admonished unique style and spirit of the value system, mainly in the first literary enlightenment function of the extreme highlights; 2 is strongly critical; third language and so popular. The article also admonished political poetry on the definition, the relevant arguments and the reasons are discussed.2, Notes on Poetry of the Tang Dynasty Censor Censor Centre at area scenery, folk customs of the description, the geographical expansion of the Tang Dynasty space; censor the Tang Dynasty Travel is Frontier, landscape poetry of one of the factors promoting prosperity. Tang censor sing poetry, both vigorous bearing, obsession to express feelings, but also persons stumbles have helped boost the wind, light banter, the Poem Yinyue for. While some of debauchery censor, quite boring child sex swing, entertainment, fun work. This type of poetry style, while the value is not high, but after all, a true reflection of the Tang Dynasty Imperial scribe different aspects of life.3, the Tang Dynasty poetry censor has a unique aesthetic characteristics:First, outspoken personality and vigorous style. Straightforward to monitor the nature of mind and the traditional culture of the baptism of aesthetic psychology of the Tang Dynasty censors have a significant impact, to make it easier on the rigid, things just produce aesthetic impulse, Xie Zhi, buried round, broken columns and other images, and just, straight, iron, steep and so the extensive use of hard words, the formation of the Tang Dynasty poetry to censor strong, Jin Jian-oriented style. Second, "special legislation" mentality and vigorous bearing. Censor groups "special legislation" mentality, encourage them to develop a clear eagles, falcons, eagles, Zhan, osprey and other British falcon, raptor images to fit their own ideals, to explain both hearty elixir of life of their aggressive feelings, also cast his Poetry vigorous bearing. Third, the coagulation Ting, is cool beauty. Multi-censor poetry chill atmosphere, physical properties of hardened, and the image of sharp words, sharp things gives a sharp pain; frost, frost sets, snow, frost and other business organizations has a cool image of the atmosphere, this Class steep hard things, and chill the gas stack, regardless of the reader’s feelings, or work style, show very coagulation, is cool beauty. Fourth, Tang Poetry sentimental meaning censor thread. Late censor groups generally have a virtual Daitie Guan, helpless ambivalence, feeling desolate desert air from time to time contact Xu, poetry has a clear sense on sentimentality.Chapter V of the Tang Dynasty censor activities and relations of Essays. That:1, the text is the Palace to the bomb and the literature that forms the wonderful work. Literature in the Tang Dynasty research paper on the bomb is almost empty, reason, Gein academic research for the relative shortage of ancient style, playing the text itself is not a pure literary style. View from the broader research perspective, it is a long history of style, especially in the Tang dynasty, playing the paper and applied, literature of the whole, well received by the court, scholar attention, not only on the literary culture of the Tang Dynasty, Scholars lives of some influence, but in the style of narrative within the literary form for future generations also had some impact, playing the Man of special cultural and literary significance. Although the court party struggles, and mutual strife has also led to a number of shells produced text, but most of the text had a positive impact bomb, its role is to clarify the officials in the main.2, Wen Tang bomb has a unique aesthetic implications:First of all, playing the Man with the impeachment process together constitute a "significant form." Pure literature, poetry, words, Fu, etc., in the "black and white" (language text) phase of the text generates meaning, while bombs updated version includes "text" and "impeachment" of two stages, which used to impeach the practice, be able to say achieve its purpose. Shells of drafting embodies the dignity of the law, even up to the will of the state of any pure literary writing can not match. Impeachment of the motives, processes, special clothing are filling a deep artistic spirit. Second, the bomb was censor text Teng Chung groups against corruption, reorganize Jigang sense of responsibility, afraid of power, say the truth of political courage, caring people distress, worry about reading people’s livelihood and political conscience, reveals the beauty of character. Again, playing the powerful text of any gas, reasonable blend.3, censor the activities of the maturity of the Tang Dynasty style sub-culture has for the power: first, sub-censor in the Tang Dynasty has a lead role in writing the text. Some censors had work culture, but also judicial practice, they Qingli Writing in the sub-type of "how to" class of works on the general sub-wen scholars to study and actually played a leading role, Zhang Zhuo, "Long Jin Feng Sui sentence "is a typical representative. Second, judicial proceedings in the Tang Dynasty structure of the text of the sentence. Sub-text of the narrative structure, valve Hong judicial practice in the censor. Third, the censor’s "legal thinking" on the rhetoric of verdicts. Writing in the Tang sentenced to emotional orientation, focusing on rhetoric, ethics, infection, etc., can be described as traditional legal thinking in the production of specific sub-text and vivid expression.4, Liu’s biography in particular good for the civilians in the text biographies, biographies of the identity of the civilian population, from one side clear to focus on the Tang Dynasty censor political corruption, people’s livelihood values. Liu Wen mostly used along with biographical narrative, lyric, discussions and other expressions, in the seemingly objective narrative, into the very distinct consciousness, like a scalpel usually hits the mark, intense point out errors, or even directly lead to debate and express opinions. Liu biography article is a special interpretation of progressive forms of political ideas, but also made clear the great writer and a thinker Liu excellent fit between the two unique way.Chapter VI is the Tang Dynasty novel censor activities and notes the relationship between the research. That:1, censor activities to promote the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty Sketchbooks one of the factors:First, gossip is the basis of production sketches, Tang censor the legend of his career, just as the civil gossip provides a wealth of resources. Second, censor writers and its rich and varied life experience as the background, one a colorful account of the art world, enriching the Tang dynasty novels. Again, because ministry activities censor the Tang Dynasty, officialdom drifting and other reasons, out of the inn, guest houses among its liquidity for the collection of stories, novels and communication convenience.2, Detective Tang Legend though "non-intention for the novel" is quite novel Fengshen; detective fiction legend out of the Wei and Jin Ghost factor binding, highlighting the wisdom; Detective legendary figure in the descriptions of different types, the highlight of their punishment for good in the value orientation, Detective legend also create a group to settle a lawsuit Officials image of wit. Of the above not only the formation of the legendary detective Tang strong literary means, but also enriched the ancient art of narrative fiction, for the formation of Palace Culture of China has an important leading role.3, Detective Tang Tang Legend censor activities and generate intrinsic l(?)nk between:(1) censor activities and the legendary detective story generation. Tang censor to monitor the activities of the detective legend settle a lawsuit provides a wealth of creative and convenient material. (2) The Censor "fine police"Detective Legend of thinking and "misfortune" narration. As an aesthetic form, "surprised" by the story of the "extraordinary" form, while the censor settle a lawsuit in the "fine police" is helping the legendary detective narrative turn of events, amazing beauty narrative tension. (3) the activities of the Ethics censor content and value orientation of the legendary detective generation. Censor the activities of ethics content for the legendary detective created to provide a clear direction, and then cultivate the censor writers "implication in the matter", "take things out justice", the creative idea to promote the unique value orientation of the legendary detective. In short, the ministry of the Tang Dynasty censor specific activities through the formation of the legendary stories, ways of thinking and ethical orientation, as the legendary detective generated a catalyst, and to some extent, created the distinctive features of the legendary detective Tang Dynasty.

【关键词】 唐代唐代御史唐代文学
【Key words】 Tang dynastyTang censorTang literature

