

The Study of the Thought about "Inner Sage and Outer King" of Zisi-Mencius School on Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts

【作者】 谢耀亭

【导师】 王晖;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古典文明, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文以新出土的战国楚竹书为切入点,结合马王堆汉墓帛书及传世文献,以思想史的研究方法,从“内圣外王”的角度对先秦儒学史中的思孟学派进行系统地研究。本文由以下七个部分组成:第一部分,绪论。就本文的选题意义、研究现状、研究基本思路、研究方法及目的予以说明。本文以出土简帛为突破口,结合传世文献,从“内圣外王”的角度对思孟学派进行系统地研究,可以弥补以往因资料相对缺乏而导致思孟学派研究中的一些不足之处。通过对思孟学派的研究,以便使古代思想学说中的一些精华思想在当代社会中再一次发挥其价值。在对研究现状的分析中,总结已有的成绩,指出以后的研究发展方向,即对出土文献的综合性研究是新的研究趋势。在研究过程中力图做到“知人论世”。因为思孟学派的思想在先秦并未真正地实践于社会,是以在探讨其具体思想时,尽量以其人之思路研究其人之思想,即“循其思而述其论”,不以现代的眼光来评价其思想的价值及不足。第二部分,思孟学派、内圣外王及其相关问题论析。思孟学派是现代学术语境中的一个学术术语,学术界许多争论俱因对思孟学派理解不同而致。本文对思孟学派在现代学术语境的合法性进行了论证。对思孟学派产生的历史背景及其在历史上的变化,以及本文研究思孟学派选材的原则进行了相关论述。“内圣外王”一词并非源于儒家经典,我们考察了“内圣外王”一词由道家话语转变为儒家话语的历程,并进一步说明儒家“内圣外王”思想的内涵及其特点。第三部分,从出土简帛看思孟学派的“内圣”思想。思孟五行曾经成为判定思孟学派成立的依据,本文也由此入手,对原始五行与思孟五行之间的关系做出说明。心性论是思孟学派体现出的最大特征,结合新出土的竹简对其具体内容展开论述,且由此上溯至思孟学派以前古代流行的人性论传统,藉此突显思孟学派的心性论特色。天人关系是思想理论产生的大背景,是以对天人关系的演变进行了相关的研究。第四部分,从出土楚简看思孟学派的“外王”思想。社会思潮往往对实际的现实会产生影响,战国初期在政治领域最为突出者便是禅让思潮。结合新出竹简,对先秦儒家禅让思想进行全面的梳理,进而突显思孟学派禅让思想的独特之处。关注社会,实践于社会,是先秦儒家矢志不渝的奋斗目标,思孟学派的政治思想是其思想学说的重要组成部分,本文对此进行研究。最后,对思孟学派“以德抗位”的思想予以专门论述。第五部分,思孟学派“内圣外王”的贯通。通过对思孟学派具体思想的研究,我们对其“内圣外王”之道进行了总结,且通过与荀子思想的比较,进一步指出思孟学派“内圣外王”的特色。并以郭店简《成之闻之》、《六德》篇为例对思孟学派贯通内圣外王的思想进行研究。第六部分,思孟学派对后世的影响及其现实价值。首先,对思孟学派在后世的影响,尤其是对宋代儒学及现代新儒家的影响进行了研究。其次,对思孟学派的思想在当代仍能发挥其现实价值的部分予以研究。第七部分,结语。对全文进行总结。

【Abstract】 This text bases on the bamboo and silk manuscripts and literature, to study the thought about "inner sage and outer king" of Zisi-Mencius school. This text is mainly constituted by the following seven parts.The first part is introduction. The author clarifies the meaning of study, present study condition, purpose and method of study. First, the excavated bamboo and silk manuscripts are combined to research the thought about "inner sage and outer king" of Zisi-Mencius school can makes up the insufficiency of present research. And make the ancient doctrine to play its value in contemporary society once again. The author pointed out the direction of future research and development. In the course of the study, the author discussed its theory through their thinking, and do not appraise the value of their thoughts and deficiencies on modern sight.The second part is the analyses of the Zisi-Mencius school, "inner sage and outer king" and related questions. School is an academic term of a modern academic context. Academic controversy is all about the school who understand differently. The author studied the school in modern academic context. The author discussed the historical background, the change, and the character of Zisi-Mencius school. The "inner sage and outer king" did not originate from the Confucian classics. The author reviewed the evolution of "inner sage and outer king" from Taoist classics to the Confucian classics, and discussed the mean in Confucianism.The third part is the study of the thought about "inner sage" of Zisi-Mencius school. The author analyze the relation about the original five elements and Zisi-Mencius’five elements. The theory of human nature is the maximum features of Zisi-Mencius school. And discuss the ancient popular traditional theories of human nature. I study the relation between the Heaven and the human, which is a background of produce about theory.The fourth part is the study of the thought about "outer king" of Zisi-Mencius school. "Shan rang" is the most character at the beginning of the warring States period in the political. Combined with the bamboo and silk manuscripts, I study the thought of "Shan rang" of the Pre-Qin Confucianism and study the political thought of the school of Zisi-Mencius school. Finally, I study the thought about "resisting a place with morals" of Zisi-Mencius school. The fifth part is the study of the thought about "inner sage and outer king" of Zisi-Mencius school. Through the study of the specific researching, I summarized the thought about "inner sage and outer king" of Zisi-Mencius school. And research the thought about "inner sage and outer king" thought the text of the’chengzhiwenzhi’and ’liude’.The sixth part is the study of the influence and the real value of Zisi-Mencius school. First, Zisi-Mencius school has a great influence in the Song Confucianism and the Neo-Confucianism. Second, Zisi-Mencius school is valuable in contemporary society.The seventh part is the conclusion for the full text.


