

The Study on Shanxi Dialect History Words of Ancient Literature

【作者】 张楠

【导师】 乔全生;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 最早对山西方言历史词汇现象进行关注和研究的学者是陈庆延先生,后来有很多专家学者也开展了相关的调查和研究。这些学者主要从两个不同的方面进行了探讨:一种是以山西某个方言点的语言现象为重点调查对象,分析这些词语在山西方言区的保留情况;另一种是从具体的古代文献典籍出发,集中考察了唐、宋、元、明、清时期文献中的山西方言历史词语的使用情况。此外,在山西方言研究具有总结性的报告和有关专著中,都有关于山西方言历史词语的举例分析。同时,其他方言区的学者对某方言中历史词语的研究,也为探讨山西方言中的历史词语提供了参考和借鉴。本课题的研究方法主要采用文献考证法,努力将山西方言历史词语的共时调查与历时演变相结合。在共时调查方面,尽可能采用已掌握的当代山西方言资料,结合实际考察成果,充分重视这些词语在共时条件下的意义及分布情况;在历时演变方面,引用古文献尽可能追溯源头,寻求山西方言词汇发展的历史脉络。具体从以下五个方面的古代文献着手资料准备和相关研究:古代经书、古白话文献、元杂剧作品、山西籍文士的作品等资料。本课题以见于古文献且在今方言中存在,而在普通话中已消失的历史词语为研究内容,重点考察山西方言区的词语。古文献中收录的山西方言历史词语主要分为以下三种情况:第一种,在山西方言中存在,同时在普通话及其他方言区中使用;第二种,在山西方言中存在,但在普通话及其他方言区中消失;第三种,在山西方言和其他方言区中存在,但在普通话中消失。笔者以第二、三种情况为主要研究范畴,在考察山西方言历史词语的过程中,进一步阐释意义、补充考证,努力探索这些词语的演变规律。根据以上研究方法和论述内容,本课题充分利用山西方言这一历史活化石,从古代文献入手寻找相关语言材料,具体分析了八十个山西方言历史词语,其中有些许新的发现和思考。在认真学习和总结前人研究成果的基础上,努力做到去粗取精、去伪存真,充分吸收前人的合理考释,尝试纠正一些不妥释义,努力丰富该领域的研究成果。以此为一些生僻的山西方言历史词语找到确诂,也对古代文献中的词语进行印证诠释。同时,从中探索这些历史词语在古代文献中的发展线索和脉络,为深入研究山西方言词汇史提供相应的佐证,也可为开展其他方言演变史的研究提供帮助,在一定程度上为丰富和促进汉语史研究提供支持。

【Abstract】 The earliest scholar who concerned about the phenomenon of the Shanxi dialect’s history words is Mr. Chen Qingyan, many scholars then proceed to publish a lot of articles. They usually explored the articles from two angles:One method is to survey the linguistic phenomenon in Shanxi dialect, and to analysis these history words which preserved in Shanxi dialect; The other method is starting from the specific ancient literatures, and investigates these Shanxi dialect’s history words used in the literatures during the Tang、Song、Yuan and Ming dynasties. Moreover, in the Shanxi dialect’s summary report, and in the academic works which about sources and evolution of the Shanxi dialect’s history words, also have some examples and analysis. In addition, the history words’investigations on the other dialects also provided valuable reference for us.This subject chiefly makes use of the literature research method, and combines the synchronic investigation with the evolution in Shanxi dialect’s history words consciously. In the area of the synchronic investigation, we use contemporary dialects as more as possible, and combining the true investigation results, we emphasis on these history words’significance and distribution. In the area of the evolution, we should find the ancient literatures as early as possible, and establish the ancient and modern evolution of Shanxi dialect’s history words. From the starting on the following specific five aspects: confucian classics、ancient vernacular literature、yuan zaj、shanxi membership works and so on.This subject mainly study the Shanxi dialect’s history words in ancient literatures. These history words which preserved in Shanxi dialect can be divided into the following three cases:firstly, the words which exist in Shanxi dialect、mandarin and other dialects; secondly, the words which exist in Shanxi dialect, but not exist in mandarin and other dialects; thirdly, the words which exist in Shanxi dialect and other dialects, but not exist in mandarin. This subject emphasis on the second、and the third cases, select these history words which are still being used in Shanxi dialect, thus explain the significance、add the research, in order to establish the evolution law of Shanxi dialect’s history words.Referring the research methods and contents above on, this subject makes use of the living fossil of the Shanxi dialect, from starting on the ancient literatures to find materials, and analyzes 80 Shanxi dialect history words, many new discoveries and thinkings can be found. On the base of the predecessors research of the Shanxi dialect’s history words in ancient literatures, we discard the dross and select the essential、eliminate the false and retain the true, absorb the previous reasonable explanation, add to correct the previous wrong, in order to enrich their areas. In this way, we can not only identify these rare Shanxi dialect’s history words, but also can identify the words in ancient literatures. at the same time, we will find the clues to the historical development in ancient literatures, supply many evidences for the vocabulary in ancient literatures, provid some references for other dialect research, and then enrich and advance the Chinese history to some extent.

【关键词】 山西方言历史词汇古文献
【Key words】 Shanxi dialectHistory wordsAncient literature
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

