

Research on Education for Chinese Athletes in Field of Social Stratification

【作者】 王晓红

【导师】 李金龙;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 目的:建国以来,我国教育取得了历史性突破,很多人受到了良好的教育,在社会分层中拥有教育优势,实现了向上的流动。改革开放后,城市化进程发展迅速,大批农村人口融入了城市生活。随着《运动员聘用暂行办法》的出台,运动员群体的职业转换进入了市场选择机制。在这一过程中,运动员群体由于文化基础薄弱、除体育外无其它专长,面临着种种挑战。国家一直比较关注运动员群体的文化教育工作,相关研究也取得了丰硕成果,但许多问题并未取得实质性突破。教育是城市化进程中社会分层的基本动力,社会发展对运动员群体的文化素质提出了更高要求。因此,本研究将跳出了就事论事的传统思维定势,分析运动员群体的社会分层,剖析运动员群体社会分层中的教育因素,寻求破解运动员群体文化教育难题的路径,具有一定的理论和实践价值。方法:采用了文献法、调查法、个案法、情境分析法、比较分析法、逻辑分析法和数理统计法等。对420名现役运动员、45名退役运动员、67名教练员和45名管理者共计577人进行了问卷调查;对30名现役运动员、15名退役运动员、15名管理者及15名教练员开展了深入访谈,形成研究个案;考察了运动员群体文化教育过程的三种情境。结果:(1)运动员群体的社会分层分为专业社会分层和基本社会分层。运动员群体的专业社会分层,主要反映技术等级、训练层次、训练区域、运动项目和训练状态;运动员群体的基本社会分层着重体现教育水平、收入水平和职业声望三个方面。(2)72.6%的运动员拥有高中(包括中专)和大专学历,呈现出“围城内外的涌动”和“另类收容所”的教育分层结构特征;44.5%和20.2%认为运动员群体在收入水平上处于温饱型和小康型,呈现出“穷人的孩子早当家“和”生活的两极”的收入结构分层特征。(3)80.2%认为运动员属于中等偏上的职业,这一结果与社会公众和国际上对运动员群体的职业声望研究结果(二手资料)均属“中等偏上”相一致。同时,70.2%认为现役运动员群体的职业声望属于中等偏上,36.6%认为退役运动员的职业声望属于中等偏上,两者之间呈现显著差异(P<0.01)。(4)81.1%和68.2%分别认为成绩资本和教育资本在运动员群体的社会分层中起着决定作用。其它指标还包括创业能力(39.9%)、经济收入(35.8%)、安置政策(34.9%)和家庭背景(32.1%)。(5)74.2%、66.4%和52.5%分别认为“文化基础不好”、“运动成绩不好”和“学历文凭不高”是影响运动员群体社会分层的主要因素。除上述因素外,对现役运动员来说,经济收入(36.5%)是影响社会分层的另一因素;对退役运动员和管理者来说,社会保障政策的不完善(均为48.3%)是影响社会分层的另一因素;而对教练员来说,社会关注度不高(58.7%)是影响社会分层的另一因素。(6)从基础教育、高等教育和职业教育三方面讨论了运动员群体的文化教育现状。在基础教育阶段,绝大多数运动员在各级各类学校接受相应教育;在高等教育阶段,运动员群体可以通过免试入学自由选择专业,或通过单招选择运动训练专业和民族传统体育专业;在职业教育阶段,主要是指体育领域中的学历教育和职业培训。(7)对运动员群体“文化素质不高”的争议,53.7%持不认可这一事实,55.2%不接受这一事实,而22%和8.4%的社会公众对运动员群体文化素质感到“不满意”和“很不满意”(二手资料)。与此同时,运动员群体的学历水平与实际水平呈显著差异(P<0.01),另有79.8%认为运动员群体“文化素质不高”并不是必然的,87.6%认为接受教育是运动员群体的一项基本权利。(8)84.2%认为文化教育对运动员群体的社会地位有一定程度的影响;66.8%认为文化教育与运动训练“同等重要”;95.4%认为高水平的文化教育对提高运动成绩有着重要作用;96.3%认为高水平的文化教育对运动员群体的出路有着重要作用,而且73.6%认为文化基础薄弱是影响运动员群体出路难的主要因素。同时,文化教育对运动成绩与退役出路的差异性时呈显著性差异(P<0.01)。(9)60.8%认为“学习时间少”,59.2%认为“训练任务重”,38.3%认为“学习氛围不好”是影响运动员群体文化教育的主要因素。在归因主体方面,67.3%认为应归因于运动员自己,44.3%认为应归因于政府。(10)教育体制的独立性、专业层次的局限性、教学过程的形式化和学习定位的从属性四个方面反映了运动员群体文化教育的特征。从“书写时的惶惑”、“课堂上的鼾声”、“考场内的骚动”对运动员群体文化教育情境进行了客观描述。(11)86.84%认为当前的素质教育“没有效果”或“有很多负面效果”,85.29%认为政府在教育改革方面“没有效果”或“有很多负面效果”(二手资料)。而我国社会发展过程中的高考学龄递减的人口学因素、青少年成长的代价、大学生就业的窘境以及家庭沉重的教育负担都将迫使当前教育必须做出新的选择。结论:(1)运动员群体的专业社会分层由竞技体育的本质特征决定,是竞技体育目标的价值追求。教育水平分层反映了运动员群体的学历层次偏低,收入水平分层反映了运动员群体的收入处于中等水平,但呈两极分化态势;职业声望则反映了运动员这一职业目前仍具一定吸引力,而从现役到退役的职业转换时却呈下降趋势,背离了社会成员向上流动的常态。(2)运动员群体社会分层的标准的成绩资本和教育资本,其它社会分层指标反映了竞技体育改革过程中“等、靠、要”的传统观念正在发生改变,是否具备创业能力成为体现运动员群体社会地位的重要因素。(3)影响运动员群体社会分层的主要因素是文化基础不好、运动成绩低和学历文凭低。对不同的群体而言,现役运动员、退役运动员和管理者还存在较强的体制依赖心理,而教练员则希望通过提高社会关注度来提高运动员群体的社会地位。(4)就运动员群体的文化教育现状看,基础教育、高等教育和职业教育都得到了一定程度的发展。但基础教育阶段,运动员群体的文化基础不扎实,直接影响继续教育;高等教育阶段,只有少数运动员能够获得升学机会,而且多局限于体育专业;职业教育阶段,其学历教育与职业培训也局限于体育专业。因此,应该加强运动员群体的基础教育,同时拓宽专业选择渠道。(5)业内人士和社会公众对运动员群体“文化素质不高”的争议存在较大分歧。业内人士和社会公众对运动员群体教育权利和文化素质的诉求,认为通过体制改革能够破解这一难题,加强运动员群体的文化素质是政府义不容辞的责任。(6)就文化教育对社会分层的影响看,文化教育对运动员群体的社会分层具有显著作用,文化教育和运动训练都是竞技体育的重要组成部分,而且文化教育在运动员群体职业转换中也起着关键作用。因此,应该加强运动员群体的文化教育工作。(7)影响运动员群体的文化教育诸多因素主要体现在学训矛盾和教育氛围方面,在体制内无法得以解决,必须在体制外寻找方向。同时,将制约运动员群体文化教育的因素归因于运动员群体本身超越了其自身能力之外,政府应该构建一套完善的文化教育体系来提高运动员群体文化素质。(8)运动员群体的文化教育特征及其情境考察反映出运动员群体的文化教育并没有得到有效解决。(9)建议运动员群体文化教育体系的重构实施三步走的战略布局。第一,近期目标:加强义务教育,解决运动员群体的基本生存需求;中期目标:拓宽专业领域,谋求运动员群体的体制外职业转换;长远目标:融入普教序列,形成体育与教育相生共荣的新格局,并通过素质教育的革命实现竞技体育的教育回归。(10)当前素质教育存在着诸多困局,建议采取以下措施实现优质的素质教育:缩短学习时间,减轻学业负担;缩编班额规模,关注每个学生;加强体育教育,健全学生体魄;开展技术教育,培养创新能力;加快保障力度,引导教育方向。

【Abstract】 Purpose:With Chinese education making a historic breakthrough after 1949, many people have been received a better education. They are possessed of educational advantages in social stratification, and achieve upward Social mobility. After reform and opening, a large number of rural populations have access to urban life with the rapid development of urbanization. With the introduction of "Interim Measures for athletes to employ", the career transition for athletes has been into the market selection mechanism. In this process, athletes have been to face all kinds of challenges, due to cultural foundation being weak and without another expertise in addition to sport. Although the education for athletes has been concerned in recent years and research has also yielded fruitful results, many of the problems has been no substantive breakthrough. Education being a fundamental driving force of social stratification during the process of urbanization, social development puts a higher demand of education for athletes. Therefore, this paper will jump out of the traditional way, analyze the social stratification for athletes, probe the educational factors in field of social stratification and find the path to decipher the educational difficulties for Athletes. Thus the paper should have being some theoretical and practical value.Methods:This paper uses with literature review, survey method, case study, scenarios analysis, comparative analysis, logical analysis and mathematical statistics.577 objects were be surveyed in questionnaire surveys, including 420 active athletes,45 retired athletes,67 coaches and 45 managers; 75 objects were be deeply interviewed in interview method; three scenarios were be described.Results:(1) Social stratification of athletes was divided into professional social stratification and basic social stratification. The professional social stratification mainly reflects the technical level, training level, training area, sports programme and training status; the basic social stratification reflects the education level, income level and occupational prestige.(2) 72.6% of athletes is in high schools (including technical secondary school) and tertiary education, showing the educational features of "a surging of inside & outside of Besieged City" and "another kind of asylum".44.5% and 20.2% show that athletes be at the level of subsistence and well-off in income level, showing the income features of " the poor man’s child as early as masters" and " two extremes in life".(3) 80.2% shows that athletes are above average. The result identifies with the public and the international prestige (secondary dates) being "above average". Meanwhile,70.2% shows that occupational prestige of active athletes is above average,36.6% shows that occupational prestige of retired athletes is above average with the significant difference between the two (P<0.01).(4) 81.1% and 68.2% respectively show athletic performance and educational capital play a decisive role in social stratification of athletes. Other indexes include the capacity of entrepreneurship (39.9%), economic income (35.8%), resettlement policies (34.9%) and family background (32.1%).(5) 74.2%,66.4% and 52.5% considered of "worse educational foundation", "lower athletic performance" and "lower academic diploma" are the dominant factors in social stratification of athletes. In addition to those factors, on the active athletes, income (36.5%) is another factor, on retired athletes and managers, inadequate social security policy (both 48.3%) is another factor; while coaches, the social concern is not high (58.7%) is another factor.(6) Educational status for athletes is discussed from basic education, higher education and vocational education. In basic education, most athletes in different schools receive relevant education; in high education, the athlete can choose any college and profession what he likes, or a single-admission of sports training and national traditional sports; in occupational education, athletes mainly choose sports in the field of vocational education or vocational training.(7) The issues of "lower educational level" show that 53.7% don’t agree this fact,55.2% don’t receive this fact. The public of 22% and 8.4% respectively shows that the educational quality of athletes being "dissatisfied" and "very dissatisfied" (secondary dates). At the same time, the difference is significant between certification level and acctual educatioal level (P<0.01). 79.8% shows that "lower educational level" is no guarantees,87.6% show that education is a fundamental right for athletes.(8) 84.2% shows that education has negative impact for sosial status of athletes.66.8% shows that education and training are "equally important". 95.4% shows that higher education plays important role to improve athletic performance.96.3% shows that education plays important role to solve the retired outlet of athletes, and 73.6% shows that lower education basis is the principal factor of the retired outlet of athletes. At the same time, education has significant difference between athletic performance and retired outlet of athletes (P<0.01).(9) These principal factors influencing education for athletes are found that 60.8% of "shorter learning time",59.2% of "heavier training mission", and 38.3% of "worse learning atmosphere".67.3% reveals the people who are responsible should be athletes themselves, and 44.3% be the governors.(10) The educational characters of athletes are the independence of educational system, the imitations of professional-level; the formalizations of teaching process and the subordination of educational orientation. The educational scenarios of athletes are analyzed from "trembling when writing", "snoring in classroom" to "disturbance within examination".(11) 86.84% reveals that the recent all-around education has "no effect" or "negative effect"(secondary dates). Education should make a new choice owing to demographic factors, growing price of young people, employed difficulties of college students and heavily educational burden of family.Conclusions: (1) The professtional social stratification of athletes is de be determined by the essential characteristics of sports, and it is the value of the pursuit of sports ultimate goals. Educational level of athletes shows that the provided certificate is lower. Income level shows that the income of athletes is mid-level and two-tier tendency. The occupational prestige shows that this occupation is being attractive in recent years.The occupational prestige from active to retired athletes is downward, and it deviates from down-top social mobility for the members of society.(2) The standards for social stratification of athletes are the athletic performance and educational capital. Another indexes reflect that the traditional concept of "waiting, dependent, asking" is being changed during the reform of sports. The capacity of entrepreneurship is another factor for social status of athletes.(3) The dominant factors in social stratification of athletes are "worse educational foundation", "lower athletic performance" and "lower academic diploma". For different objects, active athletes, retired athletes and managers, have strong psychological dependence, but for coaches, the social concern should be built to upgrade social status of athletes.(4) For educational status for athletes, the basic education, higher education and vocational education has been made some progresses. But in basic education, the educational basis of athletes is not solid, in high education, only a few athletes have access to further education opportunities, and more limited to sports; and in occupational education, the provided certification and vocational training also are limited to sports. Therefore, the basic education should to be strengthened and the professional channels should be to be expanded.(5) The issue of educational level of athletes being high or low has a bigger disagreement between the insiders and the public. They show to the educational difficulties of athletes should decipher trough the institutional reform, strengthen education of athletes is incumbent upon government to do so. (6) Form the impacts, education plays on a significant role on social stratification of athletes. Education and training is all important ingredient, education also plays a vital role in career transition. Therefore, education should be strengthened for athletes.(7) The many impacts for education of athletes mainly reflected in educational atmosphere and contradictions of learning and training. This question can not be resolved within the sport system, only to find another way outside the system. Meanwhile, educational factors due to athletes themselves beyond their own capacity, the government should build a comprehensive education system to improve the educational quality of athletes.(8) The educational characters and the educational scenarios analysis reflect that education of athletes have not been effectively resolved.(9) Three-step strategic layout for reconstruction of the education for athletes should be proposed. Firstly, the short-term goal is strengthening compulsory education to solve the basic survival needs for athletes; secondly, the medium-term goal isbroadening professional areas to seek the outside system convertion for athletes; thirdly, the long-term goal is integrating into general educational sequence to form sports and education a new pattern.(10) There are many dilemmas in recent all-around education. Following measures should be recommended to achieve good quality of all-around education. They are shortening the learning time, reduce academic burden; downsizing the number of class, concern to each student; enhancing the physical education, strengthen students’body; carrying on the technical education, training innovation capacity; and perfecting the security system, lead direction of education.

【关键词】 运动员群体社会分层文化教育
【Key words】 athletessocial stratificationeducation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

