

Study on Marx’s Viewpoint of Leisure and Its Contemporary Value

【作者】 张永红

【导师】 曾长秋;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 休闲是人的一种基本生活范式,研究马克思的休闲观既是完整准确地理解马克思主义的理论关节点,也是倡导科学的休闲理念、实现和谐社会休闲和谐的必然要求。然而,在马克思的所有论著当中,休闲字眼从未出现过,“自由时间”、“余暇”、“有闲者”是马克思使用过的“闲”味明显的几个范畴。可以这么认为,在马克思的理论体系中,休闲处于一种理论无意识状态,他只是在“批判旧世界”和“发现新世界”的过程中隐喻了休闲问题。马克思的休闲观可以用“三个一”予以概括,即:一个根本问题——工人(劳动者)的休闲权,一个文化内核——休闲中的文化精神追求,个宗旨——人的全面自由发展。工人首先必须为争得休闲权而斗争,这是马克思休闲观的逻辑起点,但是,争得休闲权的工人阶级必须通过合理的休闲活动抑或是休闲消费,展开积极的休闲文化追求,最终实现人的全面而自由发展,目的意义上的人的全面发展的实现也意味着劳动者休闲权的最终落实。因此,休闲权也是贯穿始终的根本的问题。自由时间——马克思休闲观最直观的表述,劳动与消费——马克思休闲观的两个重要论证领域,人的全面发展——马克思休闲观的宗旨归依。一般而言,自由时间不能等同于休闲时间,但马克思所指的自由时间是非劳动时间,而且这种非劳动时间有“休息”、“娱乐”、“学习”、“科学”、“艺术”等自由活动的支撑,这种自由时间实际就是我们所理解的休闲时间。只可惜在马克思所处的早期资本主义社会,工人没有自由时间,充其量只在失业时拥有自由时间的假象,也就是说,工人没有休闲时间。劳动是休闲的前提和基础,休闲是劳动的目的与归宿。但是,马克思的劳动理论却告诉我们,劳动与休闲的这种本真关系在不同的历史时期表现不同:原始社会劳动与休闲浑然一体;奴隶社会则是“无酬劳动”基础上的劳闲对立;封建社会是“徭役劳动”基础上的劳闲对立;而在“异化劳动”登峰造极的资本主义社会,工人既无“闲时”,也无“闲钱”,更无“闲情”,完全被排斥在休闲之外;在人类理想的共产主义社会,自由的劳动同时是自主的休闲,劳动与休闲实现了直接同一。马克思的休闲消费观主要隐喻在他关于消费能力、消费意义以及资本主义社会的消费状况等分析之中。马克思认为,消费可以作为一种经济活动,却不仅仅是一种经济行为,休闲消费不应过于强调物质产品的消耗,而应注重人的精神陶冶与品格提升,注重文化的消费与熏陶。然而,在资本主义社会,工人的休闲消费边缘化,资本家的休闲消费庸俗化,休闲消费的合理内核难以得到诠释和落实。人的全面发展是马克思毕生所关注的理论与实践问题,从休闲的视角来考察人的全面发展,休闲是人全面发展的必要条件,同时,休闲现实地促进人的全面发展。不过,马克思反复强调的人的全面发展是在无产阶级解放基础上的“每一个个人”、“所有的个人”、“全部的个人”的全面自由发展,个体的发展始终处于目的和核心的地位,正是在这个意义上,马克思追求的实际上是作为目的意义的休闲自由。考察马克思休闲观的当代价值,这是理论探讨的责任。当前,构建社会主义和谐社会已成为时代强音。休闲是人之为人的一种基本生活样态,和谐社会的构建当然离不开休闲和谐。休闲权是马克思休闲观的首要的、根本的问题,休闲和谐首先应体现为休闲的权利平等。当前,我们更应关注弱势群体的休闲权利,落实法理意义上已经明确的劳动者休闲权。休闲权的实际平等是实现人与人、人与社会和谐的必然前提。休闲和谐还应关注人的精神文化生活,休闲中的人们不能愉悦了身体却迷失了精神,满足了物质欲望却忘却了文化精神的陶冶与提高。用马克思的休闲观作指导,清理被“毒化”、“西化”的文化,高雅被“庸俗化”的文化,实现休闲的文化本真回归,也是实现人自身和谐的重要条件。休闲是一种休息、是一种休养,休闲的过程也是给自然减压与放假的过程。在休闲中回归自然、关爱自然,在休闲中实现人与自然的和谐相处,这是休闲自由必然承载的责任!

【Abstract】 Leisure is a basic human paradigm. Studying Marx’s viewpoint of leisure is not only the theoretical key to a complete and accurate understanding of Marxist, but also a necessary requirement to promote scientific leisure concept and to achieve harmonious leisure in a harmonious society. However, the word "leisure" never appears in any of Marx’s publications. "Free time", "spare time", and "unoccupied person" are some of the categories of obvious "leisure" taste that Marx used. It can be said that, in Marx’s theoretical system, leisure is in a theoretical unconscious state. He just implied "leisure" in the process of "criticizing the Old World" and "discovering the New World".Marx’s viewpoint of leisure can be summarized with the following three "Ones":one theoretical focus-the leisure right of workers (laborers), one rational core-the pursuit of cultural spirit in leisure, one theoretical purpose-the all-round and free development of human beings. Workers must first fight in order to win the right of leisure, which is the logical starting point of Marx’s viewpoint of leisure. However, the working class, after winning the right of leisure, must pursue active leisure culture by means of reasonable leisure activities or leisure consumption, finally achieving the all-round and free development of human beings. The realization of all-round development of human beings also means the final implementation of laborers’leisure right. Therefore, the right of leisure has always been the focus of the viewpoint. Marx’s viewpoint of leisure is identified and reflected mainly in the following aspects:free time-the most intuitive representation of Marx’s viewpoint of leisure; labor and consumption-two important argument areas of Marx’s viewpoint of leisure; all-round development of human beings-purpose of Marx’s viewpoint of leisure.In general, free time can not be equated with leisure time. However, Marx’s "free time" refers to non-working hours, and these non-working hours are supported by such free activities as "rest", "entertainment", "learning", "science" and "art", which is actually our understanding of "leisure time". Unfortunately, in the early capitalist society in which Marx lived, workers did not have free time; they had at best the illusion of free time in times of unemployment. In other words, workers did not have leisure time.Labor is the prerequisite and basis for leisure and leisure is the purpose and destination of labor. However, in different periods of human history, the true relationship between labor and leisure showed different historical features:in a primitive society, labor and leisure integrate with each other; in a slave society, labor and leisure confront with each other on the basis of unpaid labor; in a feudal society, labor and leisure confront with each other on the basis of paid labor; in a capitalist society, when alienated labor reaches its peak, workers have neither "free time", nor "spare money" or "leisurely mood", being completely excluded from leisure; in human’s ideal communist society, free labor is also autonomous leisure, labor and leisure achieve a direct identity.Marx’s viewpoint of consumption leisure is mainly implied in his analysis of consumption power, consumption significance and consumption situation in a capitalist society. Marx believed that consumption can be an economic activity, but not just an economic activity; leisure consumption should not lay too much emphasis on the consumption of material goods, but should focus on spirit cultivating and character upgrading of human beings and on culture consumption and edification.Human’s all-round development is a theoretical and practical problem about which Marx was concerned all his life. He examined the all-round development from the perspective of leisure:leisure promotes human’s all-round development and is a necessary condition for it. However, the all-round development of humans that Marx repeatedly stressed refers to the free and comprehensive development of "every individual" and "all individuals" based on the emancipation of the proletariat. Individual development has always been at the purpose and core status. It is only just in this sense that what Marx pursued is in fact the freedom of leisure as a purpose.Studying the contemporary value of Marx’s viewpoint of leisure is the responsibility of theory exploration. At present, building a harmonious socialist society has become a strong tone of the times. Leisure is a basic living state of man, and it is an important part of social harmony; building a harmonious society is, of course, inseparable from leisure harmony. The right of leisure is the theoretical focus of Marx’s viewpoint of leisure and leisure harmony must first of all be reflected in the equality of leisure rights. At present, we should pay more attention to the leisure rights of vulnerable groups and implement laborers’ leisure rights that have been legally made clear. Real equality of leisure rights is a necessary prerequisite to achieve harmony among human beings and harmony between human beings and society. Leisure harmony must also be directed to human’s spiritual and cultural life. People in leisure should not lose their spirit while pleasing the body or forget the cultivating and improving of their culture while meeting their material desire. Taking Marx’s viewpoint of leisure as a guide, we should try to clean up the "poisoned" and "westernized" culture, elevate the "secularized" culture, and realize the true return of leisure culture. This is also an important condition for achieving a human’s own harmony. Leisure is a kind of rest, leisure is also a kind of recuperation. The process of enjoying leisure is at the same time a process to give the nature decompression and holidays. Returning to nature in leisure, caring nature in leisure and achieving harmony between human beings and nature in leisure are responsibilities that the freedom of leisure is bound to undertake.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

