

Research of Urban-innovation Construction and Evaluation System Based on Competitiveness Enhancement

【作者】 张双武

【导师】 王国顺;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 国内外的研究和发展实践都表明:提升竞争力是城区创新建设的主要目的和宗旨,因此,基于竞争力提升的城区创新建设及评价体系的研究,能为国内城区创新建设提供重要的理论支撑和可操作的现实对策,该课题的研究具有理论研究和实际指导的双重意义。论文从相关概念的界定及城区创新建设的理论基础入手,从竞争力理论、区域创新理论、创新集群理论等视角分析城区创新建设的相关理论基础;阐述了国内外城区创新建设的经验与启示:分析了美国硅谷的内源性城区创新建设借鉴与启示,日本筑波的外源驱动型城区创新范式的借鉴与启示,以及上海浦东新区、天津滨海新区等国内城区创新建设的经验借鉴;探讨了基于竞争力提升的城区创新系统结构,包括城区创新系统的构成要素,城区创新系统结构类型,以及城区创新建设竞争力提升的影响因素;重点探究了基于竞争力提升的城区创新建设机制:包括创新集群培育机制,产学研互动网络构建机制,创新体制与创新环境优化机制等三大机制;在此基础上,构建了创新城区竞争力评价指标体系,该指标体系由1个目标层——创新城区综合竞争力,4个准则层——创新资源竞争力、创新环境竞争力、创新网络运行状况竞争力、创新绩效竞争力,34个具体指标构成,并运用SPSS软件中的主成分分析法对长沙大河西先导区与上海浦东新区、天津滨海新区创新竞争力进行定量评估和动态对比分析,揭示出三城区创新竞争力的动态变化特征以及大河西先导区创新竞争力的比较优势和劣势;最后以长沙大河西先导区为例进行了实证研究,通过对比分析长沙大河西先导区与上海浦东新区、天津滨海新区创新发展状况,揭示出大河西先导区创新发展中的问题,针对这些问题以及创新竞争力不足的主要表现,提出了政策建议与对策。

【Abstract】 According to the researches and empirical analysis in China and abroad, we find that:enhancing the competitiveness of urban-innovation construction is the main object and mission of its evaluation system; therefore, the research of how to construct the evaluation system and related index system for the urban-innovation construction can provide important theoretical support and reality operational direction in China. The study of this subject has double meanings of theoretical research and empirical direction.The paper starts from related concepts and theories:competition theories, district innovation theories, innovation and evaluation system theories, and in the detailed construction process, we tried to integrate and systemize these theories. Then the paper explained the experiences and inspirations of urban-innovation construction in China and abroad as below:analyzed the endogenous urban-innovation of Silicon Valley-based innovation in America, the exogenous urban-innovation of Tsukuba Science City in Japan, the urban-innovation construction of Pudong New District and Tianjin Binhai New District in China. The paper also discussed the urban-innovation system structure based on competitiveness enhancement, which includes:the key elements, the structural types, the influence factors for competitiveness enhancement. And then the paper mainly discussed the urban-innovation construction mechanism based on competitiveness enhancement, which includes: innovation cluster cultivation mechanism, interactive network construction mechanism of manufacturers, universities and researchers, innovation system and innovation environment optimization mechanism. Based on these, the paper constructed the urban-innovation competitiveness evaluation system, which includes one objective level-comprehensive urban-innovation competitiveness and four-principle levels:innovation resources competitiveness, innovation environment competitiveness, innovation network operation competitiveness and innovation performance competitiveness, and such an evaluation system were also constructed with 34 detailed indexes. After that, the paper used the main components analysis tool of software SPSS to quantitatively evaluate and dynamically compare the innovation competitiveness of Changsha Pioneering District, Shanghai Pudong New District and Tianjin Binhai New District, explored the dynamic change characteristics of the innovation competitiveness in these three districts and the comparative strengths and weaknesses of innovation competitiveness in Changsha Pioneering District. At last, the paper conducted empirical analysis through using the example of Changsha Pioneering District, and through the comparative analysis of innovation development in three districts, exposed the problems in the innovation development of Changhsha Pioneering District, and then in accordance with problems and the performance of insufficient innovation competitiveness, the paper proposed some policy suggestions and countermeasures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

