

Integrated Optimization Model and Algorithm of Train Plan and Diagram on Dedicated Passenger Network

【作者】 周文梁

【导师】 史峰;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 客运专线网络列车开行方案与运行图综合优化指在一定客运专线网络结构和运输设施条件下,以铁路客运网络上各起讫点之间旅客出行需求量为基础,以旅客运输市场为导向,以提高旅客出行服务水平以及方便车站客运组织作业为目的,科学合理地安排旅客列车开行等级、数量、编组结构、开行起终点、经由线路以及各旅客列车在所经车站的到达、出发或者通过作业时间等内容,体现从客流到列车流的组织方案。由于长期的运输能力紧张,我国铁路的旅客运输组织侧重于满足旅客运输的数量需求,而对旅客出行质量方面的要求并不能给予很好的满足。随着我国铁路客运专线的建设,以“四纵四横”铁路快速通道和四个城际快速客运系统为主的客运专线网的形成极大地提高了铁路运输能力。因此,对如今面对旅客高质量的出行服务需求以及其它旅客运输方式的激烈竞争的铁路企业而言,进一步优化客运专线网络上开行旅客列车,提供高质量的旅客出行服务水平是其旅客运输组织中迫切需要解决的关键问题,具有较强的现实意义。论文首先分别对旅客列车开行方案和列车运行图进行单独优化研究,设计基于弹性需求的客运专线网络列车开行方案优化方法和基于定序优化的网络列车运行图铺划方法;然后以客运专线网络列车开行方案和列车运行图整体作为研究对象进行综合优化,设计两者的综合优化方法,主要研究内容如下:(1)考虑客运专线网络上旅客列车开行质量对路网上各起终点之间旅客出行需求量的影响,在分析铁路旅客运输出行需求的主要影响因素,建立客运专线旅客运输出行需求量与其影响因素之间的弹性需求函数关系的基础上,通过描述旅客列车开行效益和旅客出行效益,利用铁路运输企业与旅客之间的Stackelberg博弈关系,建立了基于弹性需求的旅客列车开行方案的双层规划模型。(2)结合旅客列车开行方案及其双层规划模型的特点,以模拟退火算法作为整个求解算法的基本框架,用于求解上层规划模型中的旅客列车开行方案,而以基于弹性需求的GP算法作为给定旅客列车开行方案条件下客流分配算法嵌套其中,用于求解下层规划模型,设计了旅客列车开行方案双层规划模型的模拟退火求解算法。(3)在考虑旅客列车始发时间域和维修天窗的基础上,以旅客列车旅行时间最少为优化目标,建立客运专线列车运行图优化模型;通过扩展客运专线松弛列车运行图的多平行四边形和有向图表示形式,进而在生成初始松弛旅客列车运行图的基础上,利用其有向图以平移列车作业时间、交换列车作业顺序、变更列车停站方案和调整列车始发时间域等冲突化解策略优化列车运行图,构建基于定序优化的客运专线列车运行图的铺划方法。(4)结合客运专线列车运行图优化模型和网络列车运行图中作业间隔的衔接区间属性,以旅客列车旅行时间最少为优化目标,建立客运专线网络列车运行图优化模型;通过扩展网络松弛列车运行图的有向图表示形式,建立网络松弛列车运行图的定序优化线性规划模型,组合平移列车作业时间、交换列车作业顺序、变更列车停站方案以及调整列车始发时间域等冲突化解策略,设计基于定序优化的客运专线网络列车运行图铺划方法。(5)在构造基于旅客列车运行图旅客换乘网络,准确描述旅客出行过程中各项出行费用的基础上,以客运专线网络列车开行方案和列车运行图整体作为优化对象,结合客运专线网络列车开行方案双层规划模型和网络运行图优化模型,以铁路企业运营效益最大为优化目标,以车站整备能力、车辆总数和列车编组辆数等能力资源限制以及列车到发作业相容性为约束,建立旅客列车开行方案和运行图综合优化的双层规划模型。(6)通过基于客运专线线路网络、旅客列车开行方案以及旅客列车运行图等不同信息层次换乘网络的客流分配将旅客列车开行方案和旅客列车运行图的优化有效结合起来,设计了基于模拟退火的旅客列车开行方案与运行图综合优化算法。

【Abstract】 Integrated optimization of train plan and train diagram on dedicated passenger network is to arrange the grade, number, marshalling structure, starting and terminal station, running route, arrive and depart time at passed station scientifically and rationally for each train, which is based on the railway transportation facilities and passenger travel demands, oriented by passenger transport market, aims to improve the passenger travel services level and facilitate the passenger station organization operation. It can reflect the organization plan from passenger flows to train flows. Due to the intense capacity of railway transport, the railway passenger transportation organization focuses to meet the demand quantity of passenger travel, while the demand quality of passenger travel can not be satisfied in our country for long time. With the construction of dedicated passenger railway, the conformation of dedicated passenger network mainly constituted by four-vertical-and-four-horizontal fast-track railway and four inter-city fast passenger transport system, which can improve the capacity of railway transport greatly. Therefore, it is a key issue in railway passenger transportation organization for railway enterprise to further optimize the running trains on dedicated passenger network and provide high quality travel service level for passengers, when confronting with high quality travel service demand and fierce competition with other passenger transport modes nowadays. It has practical significance to integrated optimize of train plan and train diagram on dedicated passenger network.Firstly, the passenger train plan and train diagram are optimized respectively in this paper. A method for optimizing the passenger train plan on dedicated passenger network with elastic demands is designed and a method for drawing train diagram on dedicated passenger network based on fixed order optimization is proposed. Then an integrated optimization method for passenger trains plan and train diagram on dedicated passenger network is put forward. The main contents are as follows.(1) Considering the fluctuation of passenger travel demand caused by the quality varying of passenger train plan on dedicated passenger network, based on analyzing the influence factors of railway passenger travel demand, establishing the railway passenger travel elastic demand function and calculating the train running profit and passenger travel benefit, the bi-level programming model for the passenger train plan with elastic demands is set up by utilizing the stackelberg game relation between railway enterprise and passengers.(2) Combining the characteristics of passenger train plan and its bi-level programming model, the optimal algorithm based on the simulated annealing algorithm is designed to optimize the passenger train plan. The simulated annealing algorithm, which is regarded as the basic framework of the whole algorithm, is used to solve the upper programming model for passenger train plan, while the adjusted GP algorithm based on elastic demand is used to solve the lower programming model for flow distribution in conditions of certain passenger train plan.(3) Considering the passenger train departure time domain and comprehensive window maintenance, the model for drawing the passenger train diagram for dedicated passenger lines is built to minimize the travel time of passenger train. Through extending the multi-parallelogram and diagraph of the relaxation train diagram, the method for drawing train diagram of dedicated passenger line based on fixed order optimization is designed, which applies the diagraph to optimize the train diagram by moving operation time, exchanging operation order, changing stop plan and adjusting passenger train departure time domain on the basis of drawing relaxation train diagram. (4) Considering the time interval constraint among all direction train operation of the station, the model for drawing the passenger train diagram for dedicated passenger network is built to minimize train travel time based on the train diagram optimization model of dedicated passenger line. Through extending network diagram’s digraph and building order optimization linear programming model of network relaxation diagram, the model’s solution method based on fixed order optimization is designed combining with moving operation time, exchanging operation order, changing stop plan and adjusting passenger train departure time domain.(5) Through accurately describing the passenger travel costs based on the passenger train diagram, Combining the bi-level programming model of passenger train plan and the optimization model of train diagram on dedicated passenger network, the bi-level programming model for integrated optimizing the passenger train plan and train diagram is established to maximize the passenger train operating benefit with the constraint of preparedness capacity of the station, total number of vehicles, number of train vehicles and compatibility of train running time.(6) The optimization of passenger train plan and train diagram are combined effectively by the flow distribution based on different transfer network with different levels of information such as passenger railway network, passenger train plan and train diagram. The integrated optimization algorithm of train plan and diagram is designed on the basis of simulated annealing algorithm.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

