

A Study on Regional Transport Network Hierarchical Property and Opitmization Design

【作者】 曾明华

【导师】 李夏苗;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 针对当前区域综合交通运输网络结构、交通运输网络资源合理配置等体现可持续发展特征的综合交通运输网络研究相对滞后的现状,深入研究区域交通网络时空结构演化及基于此的交通网络规划具有重要的理论价值与工程实践意义。交通网络层次性作为常见基本现象,其演化机理及其与交通网络性能之间的演化关系是社会经济、自然环境、交通系统自身等多方面因素及其内部要素在动态时空中相互交织复杂作用下决定的。现有研究往往利用少数几个宏观指标对交通网络演化规律进行探讨,对层次性的研究也大多局限于解释性阐述,且通常从单一层次着手处理问题,或割裂“供”与“求”的关系,或割裂区域空间结构与交通系统之间客观存在的动态互馈关系。结果导致了各层次交通模式分布不合理,功能紊乱,难以适应区域空间结构、经济发展要求及不同交通需求。本文从系统论的角度,综合考虑多种因素之间的动态作用关系,协调交通“供”“需”动态平衡过程,将动态互馈作用关系与宏观静态分析“动”“静”结合地构造由多种动力机制协同主导的网络演化动力系统,研究交通网络及层次性的演化机理,并在此基础上利用层次性研究可持续交通网络规划与设计理论,以进一步丰富和发展综合交通系统规划理论与方法,为建设资源消耗少、环境污染小,能有效提高要素集聚能力,促进产业和人口合理分布的区域交通网络提供一种新的解决方案和发展模式。主要研究工作如下:(1)交通网络层次性实证以长株潭城市群交通网络为背景,研究了各中心城市和整个城市群交通网络的特性。研究分析表明:整个长株潭交通网络是比较抗失效的,长沙市及长株潭交通网络则是最为有序的;长株潭城市群交通网络是小世界网络而不具有无标度性。特别地,重点探讨了交通网络层次性这一极少得到专门定量化论证的基本重要性质。揭示了交通网络异配性,并结合n-聚集系数-n-度关系定量地刻画交通网络层次特征,通过实证证明了交通网络具有显著的层次组织结构特征。(2)交通网络性能与层次性的演化关系结合道路用户外部性和交通产生模型,建立了交通系统最优模型,并利用交通系统和区域空间结构之间的动态互馈作用、区域间经济联系的概念以及无标度网络模型,设计了交通网络演化规则。进而,在微观机理融合宏观机制的思想指导下构建了交通网络演化模型与算法,揭示交通网络演化规律。实例研究表明,随着网络的演化,出现了层次现象并越来越清晰,更为重要的是,交通网络总费用随之下降;利用介数中心性定义了一种新的交通网络熵,该网络熵也呈现减小趋势,揭示了交通网络渐进地向有序演化,交通系统性能得以不断优化。该研究结论为最优交通网络规划提供了方向与理论基础。(3)多层次多模式综合交通网络优化结合交通网络层次特征和交通负外部性定义了广义路径费用,构建了多层次多模式综合交通网络Logit-随机均衡的非线性规划模型,并构造了多层次多模式交通网络设计算法。通过算例网络的数值试验,着重分析了网络广义费用总量的层次结构弹性与需求弹性,以及模式分离参数对不同层次结构网络的广义费用总量的影响与模式分离参数取定不同值的情况下平均广义费用的需求弹性。研究表明:在考虑层次性的情况下所设计的综合交通网络能更好地适应需求的增长,且层次结构网络对模式分离参数是不敏感的。进而,扩展研究并建立了带弹性需求与路段容量约束条件的多层次多模式交通运输网络模型与算法。其一,细化定义了交通运输模式分担率,并结合Logit模型,研究了带能力约束的多层次多模式弹性需求交通网络随机均衡及其等价变分不等式;并提出层次均衡条件,推导出弹性需求情况下的多层次多模式确定性均衡配流问题的等价变分不等式。其二,建立了更切合实际的城市群立体物流网络双准则双层规划模型,融合增广Lagrange对偶方法设计了具有近似全局最优搜索能力的双层规划遗传算法。(4)交通网络资源优化配置方法与交通网络层次规划基本框架在充分分析算法的实践与理论基础上,定义了层次因子,并提出确定交通网络的层次数目和层次因子的方法;在Dial算法的基础上引入层次因子设计了交通网络结构优化算法。由该算法得到的交通网络总阻抗在层次因子的某一合理取值范围内小于Dial算法所得的总阻抗,且交通网络的总阻抗随较高层次路段的层次提升而减小,而交通网络的尾气排放总量却随较高层次路段的层次提升而增大,但它无论如何都小于由Dial算法所得到的结果。由此可见,通过将网络层次状况控制在合理范围内就能有效地调节和优化交通网络资源配置。籍此,提出了基于层次性的交通网络资源的优化配置的一般方法。其次,基于交通系统与区域空间结构之间的动态互馈机制和公交导向性开发策略开展客流预测研究,并在明晰用地组团区位特征下的各层次道路功能,限定各层次间的交叉、衔接与转换关系后,结合交通网络资源优化配置方法,设计了城市道路网络层次规划方法的基本框架。该方法是从定量建模与系统分析角度进行的,且考虑了路网的组织结构,能保证路网整体优化及动态调整。

【Abstract】 There are not enough quantitative researches in regional comprehensive transport network reflecting the characteristics of sustainable development such as comprehensive transport network structure and optimal transport network resources allocation. So it is significant in practical engineering and theoretical development to intensively study regional transport network spatio-temporal structure evolution mechanism and laws and application in transport network design and planning.Transport network hierarchy, as a common basic phenomena, whose evolution mechanism and evolutionary relationship with transport network performance are determined by the intertwined interactions of many elements of economy and society, natural environment, and transport system itself. Most existing researches model transport network with a single hierarchy level, separating demand and supply, and ignoring the dynamic interaction mechanism between transport system and regional spatial structure, which result in a defective transport system, with unreasonable distribution and obscure function in all levels, difficult to adapt to regional spatial structure, economic development requirements and changes in traffic demands.From a systematical way, this dessertation research, comprehensively considerates dynamic interactions among several elements, dynamic equilibrium of traffic demand and supply, and coordinates dynamic interaction mechanism and macro-static analysis to formulate transport network evolutionary dynamic system synergisticly dominated by some dynamic rules. Hereafter, evolutionary mechanism of transport network and its hierarchy property are studied, followed by investigation of sustainable multilevel transport network planning and design theory. These researches can enrich and improve the current theories in integrated transport system planning, provide a kind of novel solution approach and development pattern for regional transport network planning with low resource consumption, little pollution, and the ability to effectively enhance manufacture factors convergency and to promote the reasonable distribution of industry and population.The study is mainly reflected in the following aspects.(1) Transport network hierarchy existenceTaking the case of Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration traffic network, network properties are investigated. Investigations and analyses show that the traffic networks have small-world behavior but without scale-free property, and that, among the five traffic networks, the Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration traffic network is strong resilient against failure, and that traffic networks of Changsha and the urban agglomeration are the most orderly systems. More importantly, traffic network hierarchy that received few quantitative proof, has been focused on. The authors are inspired to analyze traffic network hierarchy with disassortativity and to employ the n-degree-n-clustering coefficient relationship to quntitatively characterize hierarchy in the traffic networks. An exciting conclusion is drawn, through numerical results and analyses, that the traffic networks are proved to be hierarchically organized.(2) The evolutionary relationship of transport network performance with hierarchyCombining with traffic produce model, a traffic system optimal model is constructed taking the road users externality into account. The dynamic interaction mechanism between traffic system and regional spatial structure and scale-free network model together with the economic relation concept are invited to design traffic network evolutionary rules. Furthermore, a traffic network evolutionary model and algorithm to disclose the traffic network evolution laws has been established in the guidance of microscopic dynamics and macroscopic mechanism. A case study shows that, during the process of network evolving, hierarchy emerges and turns clearer, and what is more significant is that the total network cost decreases; the computation of a new transport network entropy defined by betweenness centrality illustrates that the network entropy becomes smaller and the traffic network evolves to a more orderly structure with improving performance. The results can provide theoretical groundwork for optimal transport planning.(3) Multilevel multimode comprehensive transport network optimizationGeneralized path cost is formulated with traffic negative externalities and transport network hierarchy involved in. Nonlinear programming is established for Logit-stochastic equilibrium model of multilevel multimode comprehensive transport network. All lead to an algorithm for multilevel multimode transport network design. A series of numerical experiments of example network have been carried out according to the proposed algorithm. Hierarchy elasticity and demand elasticity of nework total generalized cost are defined and focused on; and also the impact of mode split parameter on the total generalized cost of networks with different hierarchical structure and demand elsticity of average generalized cost with different mode split parameter value are analized. Analyses show that the designed comprehensive transport network with transport hierarchy can better adapt to the growth of traffic demands without great network performance deterioration and that hierarchical transport network is relatively insensitive to the change of mode split parameter value.Following foregoing studies, extended studies of multilevel multimode transport network models and algorithms have been carried out under the consideration of elastic demand and link capacity constraints. Firstly, after transport mode split finely defined based on hierarchical property, a multilevel multimode transport network stochastic equilibrium model has been proposed. The equivalent variational inequality of the stochastic equilibrium is presented with equivalence proof established. Formulating the hierarchical equilibrium conditions in the light of Wardrop equilibrium principle, the equivalent variational inequality of the determinate equilibrium model, corresponding to the former transport network stochastic equilibrium model, is established. Secondly, a more practical bi-criteria bi-level programming model has been proposed for urban agglomeration three-dimensional logistics networks. A genetic algorithm to obtain approximate global optimum, fused in which a solution approach of Lagrangian dual that could overcome the defects of the widely-applied Frank-Wolfe method, is presented for the bi-level programming.(4) Optimal allocation approach for transport network resource and basic framework of transport network hierarchical planningAfter the analyses of bases for algorithm design from practical and theoretical aspects, a definition of hierarchy factor is formulated and two approaches to determine which are proposed. Furthermore, hierarchy factors are applied to design a new transport network structure optimizing algorithm (TNSOA) basing on the typical Dial’s traffic assignment algorithm. The total impedance of the transport network obtained by the algorithm proposed decreases when upgrading the hierarchical level of link in the higher level and is less than by Dial’s when the hierarchy factors are controlled in a certain domain, and that the total exhaust emission of the transport network obtained by TNSOA increases when upgrading the hierarchical level of link in the higher level and is anyhow less than by Dial’s. The allocation of transport network resources can be effectively optimized and adjusted through controlling the network hierarchical level. All of the aforementioned investigations have finally contributed to an optimal allocation methodology of transport network resource.Then, basic framework of transport network hierarchical planning is investigated. After the passenger traffic forecast method studied under the guidance of the interaction mechanism between traffic system and urban spatial structure and the transit oriented development strategy, following with clarifying road function in different hierarchical level in the circumstance of location characteristics of land groups, constraining the cross, connection, conversion means between certain hierarchical levels, optimal allocation approach for transport network resource is invited to propose a basic framework of urban road network hierarchical planning method. The planning method and procedures are obtained through systematical analysis and quantitative modeling, guaranteeing the choiceness, optimization and dynamic adjustment of the whole road network designed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

