

The Principal Function Zone Construction in Hunan Province

【作者】 丁于思

【导师】 高阳;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 主体功能区建设是我国首次提出的新概念,国外尚无相应研究,国内的研究刚刚起步,具体到一个省域范围的主体功能区建设,更是鲜有涉及。主体功能区建设指主体功能区的划分、规划和考核。主体功能区建设旨在规范空间开发秩序,形成合理的空间开发结构,是国家“十一五”规划提出的重大战略举措,是贯彻实施科学发展观、实现区域可持续发展的重要体现。作为我国中部的重要省份,湖南将在中部崛起战略规划中具有举足轻重的地位。主体功能区建设是湖南实现人口、环境、经济全面协调发展的良好契机。因此,研究湖南主体功能区划分、规划、建设绩效考核的理论、方法和实践,对推进湖南主体功能区的建设是完全必要的,具有十分重要的理论价值和现实意义。为此,论文在分析相关理论以及湖南自然概貌和经济社会发展现状的基础上,对湖南主体功能区划分、规划、绩效考核进行了系统研究。主要工作和创新如下:(1)提出了基于国土空间综合评价和聚类分析相结合的湖南主体功能区划分方法。限于目前还没有成熟的主体功能区划分方法,本文通过全面分析湖南自然概貌和经济社会发展现状,并根据主体功能区划分要求,从资源环境承载能力、现有开发密度和发展潜力三个方面构建了湖南省主体功能区划分的指标体系,并采用熵值法对湖南省14个地州市进行了国土空间综合评价,评价结果符合各市的经济发展情况和全省发展战略;同时分别采用基于K-means聚类和层次聚类方法,对各地州市进行了聚类分析,两者分析的结果相吻合,且与国土空间综合评价的结果相一致。据此得出了湖南14个地州市主体功能区划分的备选方案,表明所提出的方法是可行的。该备选方案可为湖南省主体功能区的划分提供参考,划分方法亦可为其他省市主体功能区的划分提供借鉴。(2)提出了湖南四类主体功能区规划的总体方案和相应的区域政策体系框架。主体功能区规划的研究尚处于起步阶段,本文通过引入Logistic曲线分析区域可持续发展过程,并根据区域发展的空间和资源供求模型,指明了区域可持续发展的基本条件,依此构建了区域可持续发展能力函数,揭示了区域可持续发展机制,明晰了四类主体功能区的开发过程和规划方向;在此基础上,提出了湖南主体功能区建设的四大规划目标和三大战略任务;从功能定位和发展任务两个视角,提出了湖南四类主体功能区规划的总体方案;构建了包含财税政策、投资政策、产业政策、土地政策、人口管理政策和环境保护政策等六大政策工具的湖南主体功能区相应的区域政策体系框架,可为湖南有关部门提供决策参考。(3)构建了湖南四类主体功能区建设绩效评价的指标体系。鉴于主体功能区建设绩效考核指标体系的研究尚不多见,而政府绩效考核指标体系的研究相对较多,且考核内容更多地是关注经济建设,本文针对湖南四类主体功能区各自的特点和建设方向,初步遴选了建设绩效评价指标,并通过问卷调查和统计分析,对指标进行了筛选和优化,构建了较为完整的湖南重点开发区、限制开发生态区、限制开发农业区以及禁止开发区的建设绩效评价指标体系。相对于以往采用统一的指标和标准进行区域建设绩效评价而言,论文采用分类构建指标体系,有利于进行客观的绩效评价,从而推动区域协调发展。该指标体系亦可为其他省市提供参考。(4)建立了基于主成分法和模糊ANP的湖南主体功能区建设绩效评价模型。由于主体功能区建设是一个长期的、系统的过程,因而其绩效评价的结果应能进行横向和纵向比较,以便客观评价主体功能区建设的绩效。为此,本文提出了主客观相结合的组合赋权法来确定建设绩效评价指标的权重,并构建了湖南主体功能区建设绩效评价模型。即应用主成分法确定指标的客观权重,基于模糊ANP确定指标的主观权重,并采用最小离差平方和作为目标函数,将主客观权重组合以得到综合权重;然后将绩效评价指标的指标值与权重进行集结,得到了建设绩效的评价值。最后以湖南重点开发区为例,运用上述方法,得到了湖南重点开发区建设绩效评价指标的权重,并对湖南省长沙市、株洲市和湘潭市进行了评价。实证表明,本文提出的评价指标和评价方法是可行的和有效的。

【Abstract】 The topic of principal function zone construction is not adequately studied by the foreign researchers. Domestic researchers pay a lot of attention on this newly developed concept. However, there is no consensus of theory on it. With respect to the provincial principal function zone construction, there are fewer researches involved in this issue. The principal function zone construction consists of regionalization, planning and performance assessment. The principal function zone construction aims to normalize spatial development order and form the rational space development structure. It is not only a significant strategic initiation proposed by the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, but also a great reflection of the implementation of scientific development view and regional sustainable development. As an important province in central China, Hunan Province plays an important role in the Plan of Grow-Up of Central Region. The principal function zone construction is a great opportunity to improve the harmonious development of population, environment and economy. Therefore, research on the theoretical and empirical methodology of principal function regionalization, planning and performance assessment of Hunan Province will contribute significantly to the theory and practice for principal function zone construction. Consequently, this paper studies on the principal function regionalization, planning and construction performance assessment of Hunan Province based on the analysis of status of Hunan natural profile and social economy development. The key ideas and main innovations are shown as below.(1) The approaches for Hunan principal function regionalization based on territory evaluation and clustering method are proposed. Considering the lack of mature principal function regionalization method, this paper qualitatively analyzes the status of Hunan natural profile and social economy development and builds Hunan principal function regionalization indicator system from perspectives of resource environmental bearing capacity, existing development density and development potential according to the requirement of principal function regionalization. An entropy method based comprehensive territory evaluation is proposed to conduct the evaluation with the real-world data on fourteen municipal regions of Hunan Province. The result of evaluation complies with the economic development status of each regions and the Hunan development strategy. Meanwhile, K-means clustering and hierarchical clustering are adopted respectively to conduct the clustering with the same real-world data. Two kinds of results are similar and consistent with the result of territory evaluation. This paper calculates a set of alternatives of Hunan principal function zones based on the two kinds of clustering results as the reference to support the decision process of government.(2) An overall scheme of four types of Hunan principal function zone planning and the corresponding policy system framework are proposed. The research of principal function zone planning is on its early stage. The Logistic Curve is introduced to interpret the process of region sustainable development. The basic requirements of region sustainable development are presented according to the supply-demand model of space and resource, from which derive the ability function of region sustainable development. The mechanism of region sustainable development is further discussed and the process of development and direction of planning is analyzed. Base on the above analysis, this paper identifies four planning goals, three strategic tasks and an overall scheme of four types of Hunan principal function zone plan. As part of the Hunan principal function zone plan, the policy system consists of fiscal policies, investment policies, industry policies, land policies, population management policies and environment protection policies. The planning result and policy system framework can provide the reference for relevant government department.(3) Four types of Hunan principal function zone construction performance assessment indicator systems are built respectively. The performance assessment indicators are proposed according to the characters and goals of Hunan four types of principal function zone construction. The comprehensive construction performance assessment indicator systems of Hunan key development zone, Hunan restricted development ecological zone, Hunan restricted development agricultural zone and Hunan prohibited development zone are built respectively after selection and optimization of indicators by questionnaire and factorial analysis. Comparing to the previous unified region construction performance assessment indicator system, the classified Hunan principal function zone construction performance assessment indicator systems are helpful to objectively assess the construction performance and promote the region harmonious development. The indicator system established in this paper is the guidance for other provinces’principal function zone construction.(4) The main-elements analysis and ANP and fuzzy set theory based performance assessment model is created. In order to assess the performance of principal function zone construction objectively, the result of assessment should be analyzed comprehensively. The weights of indicators are determined by weight determining method combining subjective and objective approaches. The objective weights determined by main-elements analysis and the subjective weights determined by ANP and fuzzy set theory are combined by the methods of minimum square sum of deviation. The values of construction performance assessment are calculated with the indicators value and weights. This paper applies the proposed approach to obtain the weight of Hunan key development zone construction performance assessment in the context of Hunan province and shows the effectiveness of the proposed performance assessment model with a case study evaluating the construction performance of Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan. The empirical study proves that the indicator system and performance assessment methods of Hunan principal function zone construction proposed in this paper are feasible and effective.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】F224;F299.22
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1412
  • 攻读期成果

