

Study on the Models of Human Pulse-condition and on the Simulation of Computational Vessel-diagnosis

【作者】 徐学军

【导师】 陈志刚;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 人体是一个多层次流动的信息系统,每个层次的信息都对理解生命系统的运行提供有益的视角。面对复杂的生命系统,必须整合不同视角的所有信息才能最终理解生命的本质。自然中业已发现的四种相互作用中,引力相互作用是最弱的,并且,在将它与电磁相互作用对比分析时,发现还存在一个与引力相互作用相对应的作用力,也就是说在相对运动的中性物体之间,除了万有引力作用之外,还存在一个力的作用,我们将这种力定义为T场力的作用。T场效应使人体的血液循环系统、经络系统、神经系统三者在运动中独立存在,并保持动态平衡,以维持人体健康生存。人体中血液的锥形定向流动和所构建的一个完整闭环自控调节系统,使其脉搏波的波动反映了人体血流流变信息。中医切脉是为了使脉诊能反映生命信息的协同性,我们定义了脉韧、脉波、脉长、脉位、脉律作为一维脉象的描述参数,以寸、关、尺三部位浮、中、沉应指体现三部九侯,从而全面获得人体血气能量信息。中医再结合望、闻、问所获信息并融合分析,确定人体健康状态。在对人体这种生命形态的研究过程中,综合宏观层面和微观层面所获信息的认识,提出了探求人体的本质就只能是人们对于爱因斯坦的相对论、薛定谔的量子力学、传统的中国医学、现代计算机信息技术和生命科学基础等理论的汇聚、集大成于这个生命系统之中。从血液的射流形成T场,从T场的作用反映到脉象,从脉象看经络状况,从经络研究神经系统,从神经系统探讨人体智能调节,从调节系统分析人类智能,从人类智能确立人类意识,对所有这些信息的处理、整合和理解就是生命科学革命爆发的前期美景。本论文的主要工作和创新性成果如下:1、建立基于相对运动的物体之间产生T场的学说,类比电磁场规律研究其性质而客观存在,T场与引力场相互激发产生T波,是宇宙中与电磁波相提并论的一种客观实在。但是,由于宏观世界体现的相互作用很弱,人们并未能关注到它,因此也未能真正理解生命的本质,生命是能自我繁殖并能实现至少一个热力学功循环的物理系统。这个物理系统的相互作用就是依靠T场效应为其信息之间的相互传递与处理,遵循的是量子力学规律,也就是量子计算机技术,其最大特征是处理信息时能实现量子叠加性和量子相干性,这就意味着人体是一个广泛地与相对论、量子力学和宇宙论等理论相关的宏观实体。2、基于场论研究的思维,在物质运动的相互作用规律存在T场效应的框架下,从“切”的经验着手进行理论依据分析,在中医药学的形成历史背景与研究方法中探讨生命人体整体层次的本质信息。对中医学术思想的内核、中医诊疗理论的精髓、中医脉象及人体脉搏系统的研究现状进行了全方位归纳分析,提出了天人合一的真谛在于自然中T场存在的本质。因此,要解决和排除人体的故障和疾病,必须用天人合一、形神统一的思想去把握这个宏观实体,求得T场环境中的量子自控系统的平衡,这就是支撑几千年中医的理论基础所在。3、为了验证上述理论的正确性,研究以人体血气能量作为研究对象,提出脉图描述的五项指标和人体血气能量供应原理框图研究中医基础理论,依据分布式心血管系统模型结构,建立了人体脉象的仿真电路研究模型,并且用MATLAB技术对其进行仿真分析。4、综合中医脉诊的常见位置,研究脉搏波在沿肱动脉传播至肘关节时,血管分为桡动脉和尺动脉,在掌部形成掌弓,汇合为血管环的实际情况,建立了脉诊的白箱分析系统以求实现三部九侯的理论突破,并以典型孕妇滑脉为研究对象,提出将仿真结果与中医切脉相应证的思路,确立脉诊协同性地位。5、以目前完全可以确认的生物信息等级次序为线索,揭示生物信息研究的不足,提出几种可能证明所提观点的研究课题和研究思路,并且希望能在相关领域有更大的突破,加快实现人类自身认识和使人类医学从治疗医学到发掘人类潜能的智能医学步伐,探求中医发展之源的生命本质,完善人类对自然属性的认识。

【Abstract】 Human body is a multi-level flowing information system and the information of each level offers a helpful perspective contributing to understand the operation of life system. Only by integrating all information from different perspectives can we get to know the essence of our lives in complicated life system.In nature, gravitational interaction is the smallest one. Among the four found fundamental interaction, Meanwhile, by contrast and analysis with mutual electromagnetic interaction, another interactive force is discovered, which is corresponding to gravitational interaction. That is to say, there exists an unknown interaction between neutral objects in relative motion except gravitational interaction. This interaction is defined T-field interaction by us. Because of T-field effect, the blood circulating system, the meridian-collateral system and the nervous system are independent existence and they maintain homeostasis to keep body’s health.The tapered circulation of blood and the structured entirely closed self-adjusting system make its pulse wave reflect hematic current ingredients and information of every part of human body. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), feeling the pulse can greatly gain the life information of arteria radialis, which show the whole organism condition. For reflecting the concertedness of life information, we defined pulse elasticity, pulse wave, pulse length, pulse position and pulse rhythm as five single dimension parameters and top, middle, bottom which are three different pulse performances in CUN, GUAN, CHI--as three position and nine pulse basic conditions. So, through the combination and analysis with the information from LOOK, LISTEN, and QUESTION in TCM, we can gain the information of hematic energy to make sure whether a person is healthy or not.Among the researches process on human life’s conformation, the discovery of genetic gene makes the order of life clear, Electronic computer and network technology results in the thinking about quantum computer, The realization of micro-level information of human body can only rely on the law of quantum mechanics. Human intelligences can be analyzed only based on quantum coherence and superposition of quantum states. Suppose that human body was also an intelligent automatic control system of T-field environment. So, Einstein’s theory of relativity, Schrodinger’s quantum mechanics, TCM and Modern computer and information technology flock together to help us to know the essence of human body. Hematic flowing produces T-field; T-field influences pulse manifestation; pulse manifestation reflects channels and collaterals; channels and collaterals studies nervous system; nervous system explores human intelligence adjustment; human adjustment system analyzes human intelligence; human intelligence forms human consciousness. All the dealing process, integration and understanding of the information are the proceeding blueprint to the life sciences explosive innovation. The paper’s main tasks and innovative researches consist of the following:Firstly, T-field generates between objects in relative motion and it can produce T-wave when it interacts with gravity. Their law and nature are similar to the law of electromagnetism and electromagnetic wave, to which not enough attention have been paid, because its smallness in macrocosm. And people haven’t really understood the essence of life. Life is able to achieve self-reproduction and at least one thermodynamic cycle of the physical system reactive. Its interaction follows the laws of quantum mechanics and relies on T-field effect to accomplish information transmission and processing. Besides its biggest characteristic is achieving quantum superposition and quantum coherence when it process information, which means human body is a macro-entities with widely concern relativity, quantum and cosmology.Secondly, we, ground on the field-research thought and under the frame that T-field effect exists in the interaction of materials motion, analyzes the core of academic thought in TCM, the kernel of diagnosis theory in TCM, the pulse manifestation, and research actuality of pulse system all-directionally by combining diagnostic experience, historical background and traditional medical research approaches and finally found the essence that there exists T-field in natural unity. Therefore, only by grasping the natural and spiritual unity to keep the balance of quantum control system in T-field environment can we cure the disease; which is the theoretical basis of TCM.Thirdly, to probe the accuracy of this theory, hematic energy of body will be an object of study and five parameters of pulse and block diagram of hematic energy research the basis theory of TCM. A circuit simulation model of human pulse is built by following distributed cardiovascular system model and emulation analyses it by using software, Matlab.Fourthly, a white-box analytic system was established for the reality of a circulus vasculosus that made up of palmar arch, arteria radialis and arteria ulnaris was existence when pulse wave propagate down the brachial artery to elbow joint and the smooth pulse of pregnant woman will be used in computer emulation to confirm the assumption.And finally, we, using the hierarchical order of currently completely-confirmed bioinformation, propose some research topics and ideas, which can be used to prove the correctness of our proposals through the clue of bioinformation, is not enough. Hoping this theory will contribute to the breakthrough of psychological consultation and hypnotism and the understanding of us from medical treatment to Preventive Medicine, convalescence medicine, AI in medicine, and eventually perfect the knowing of essence of life and natural property of mankind.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】TP391.9;R241.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】640
  • 攻读期成果

