

Theory & Methods of Three-Dimensional Cadastral Model

【作者】 文小岳

【导师】 朱建军;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 地籍管理是维护土地合法使用,保障土地所有者和使用者权益,维持社会生产秩序的重要手段,在社会管理和经济活动中发挥着重要作用。尽管数字地籍实现了地籍测量、管理、应用全过程的数字化,拓展了传统地籍管理模式和手段,其基础是二维的地籍空间数据库;然而,随着城市空间利用多元化的不断深入,这种地籍管理模式已不能真实、直观地表现土地的三维立体化利用情况。当前,三维空间信息技术与地籍管理的结合,产生了一种崭新的地籍管理模式-三维地籍管理。本文围绕三维地籍的数据模型、数据集成管理、空间索引、空间关系表达等展开研究,详细研究内容包括以下几个方面:(1)系统地回顾了现有地籍管理的现状,进一步研究、总结了地籍管理的基本特征,并进行分类,进而分析归纳了传统二维地籍管理模式中存在的局限性;然后,从三维地籍研究现状着手,总结了三维地籍的特征以及分类,探讨了三维地籍的研究内容。(2)深入分析了二维和三维地籍数据模型的数据需求与模型结构,系统研究了三维地籍实体的基本类型,结合三维地理信息系统的数据模型,研究了三维地籍数据模型的基本特征;然后,对面向对象的三维数据模型进行扩展,提出了面向地籍的三维数据模型(CO3D),详细阐述了CO3D的基本概念和数据结构,并通过实例分析了C03D的数据存储方式。(3)为了充分利用已有的二维地籍数据,减少三维地籍建立的难度,保持地籍管理工作的连续性,并能够有效反映地籍的二维和三维空间特征及相互联系,剖析了二维地籍与三维地籍的集成管理的必要性,进而提出了二维地籍与三维地籍数据集成管理的模式,并对其进行分类;然后,提出了二维地籍向三维地籍数据转换的基本框架,叙述了数据转换的算法,并通过实际算例验证了所提转换算法的可行性。(4)为了提高三维地籍空间数据的查询与检索效率,本文在总结空间数据索引特征的基础上,系统分析了基于网格的空间索引方法存在的不足;进而,依据地籍空间数据的基本特点和地籍管理的基本特征,提出了面向地籍的基于道路网的三维地籍空间索引方法,详细叙述了该空间索引创建和维护过程。(5)为了表达三维地籍的空间关系,首先研究了地籍空间关系的基本特征与分类,进而提出了基于面向地籍的三维数据模型的空间拓扑关系显式表达与存储模型,并详细论述了在空间拓扑关系查询过程中空间关系向结构化查询语言的映射策略,并通过实际算例验证了本文所提方法的正确性。(6)为了验证本文三维地籍数据模型的研究成果,本文详细介绍了三维地籍数据管理实验系统原型的开发环境、体系结构,并给出了实验系统运行结果。

【Abstract】 Cadastral management is an important means to protect the legitimate use of land, the interests of land owners and users. It can maintain order of social. It plays an important role in the social management and economic activities. Today, the digital cadastral can use digital surveying technique and modern management in the whole. These modern techniques expand the traditional cadastral management methods. However, it is still based on two-dimensional Cadastral Spatial Database. With the rapid development of use of city space, this cadastral management method can not show the utilization of the 3D Cadastral directly. So, we present a new three-dimensional cadastral management method combined with 3D spatial information technology and cadastral management. This paper focuses on 3D cadastral data model, data integration management, spatial indexing and spatial relations. The major works implemented are presented as follows:(1) This paper reviews and sums up the basic characteristics of cadastre management in detail. We also analyze and summary the limitations of the traditional two-dimensional model of cadastral management. Moreover, we sum up the characteristics of three-dimensional cadastre and discuss the direction of the research of 3D cadastre.(2) This paper analyses the data requirements and model structure between two-dimensional cadastral data model and three-dimensional cadastral data model in detail. Combined with the data model of three-dimensional Geographic Information System, we study the basic entities types of 3D cadastral and characteristics of three-dimensional cadastral data model systematically. In the paper, we extend the 3D object-oriented data model and present a new three-dimensional data model for cadastral (CO3D). Moreover, we explain the basic concepts and data structure, analysis the data storage of it by example.(3) In order to utilize the traditional two-dimensional cadastral data fully, this paper introduces an integrated model to manage the two-dimensional and three-dimensional cadastre cadastral data. This model can show the basic spatial characteristics and relationship between two-dimensional cadastre with three-dimensional cadastre effectively.It can reduce the difficulty in establishing three-dimensional cadastre system, and it can also help to keep the management of cadastral continued. This paper classified the new model and put forward a basic framework to convert the two-dimensional cadastre data to three-dimensional cadastre data. We also describe the data conversion algorithm which is verified by actual examples.(4) In order to improve the spatial data query and retrieval efficiency of the 3D cadastral, this paper present the three-dimensional spatial index method based on road network cadastre. This method can remove the fault of grid-based spatial index method. We describe creation and maintenance process of the spatial index in detail.(5) In order to express the spatial relationships of three-dimensional cadastral, this paper put forward explicit expression of spatial topological relations and storage model for 3D cadastral. We discuss the mapping strategy from topological spatial relations to structured query language in the query process and proved it truly through practical examples.(6) In order to validate our research results in the 3D cadastral, this paper develop a 3D cadastral data management system. This paper show development environment and architecture in details, and presents the results of the experimental system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

