

Conflict of Energy Interest in Globalization and Law Regulation

【作者】 沈明宇

【导师】 漆多俊;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 全球化是人类历史发展到一定阶段的必然产物,它使各种生产关系在全球范围内得以重整。能源全球化是经济全球化的一个方面,它的形成与扩张,首先是因为能源的有限性和分布的非均衡性,从而导致国家之间、地区之间对能源的渴求和相互依赖;其次在于能源资源的巨大经济作用和政治、军事意义,能源产品是兼有经济、政治、军事和外交等多重属性的特殊产品;再次在于能源给人类带来福利的同时,也对人类生存环境造成了日益严重的负面影响。对于能源全球化引发的诸多冲突问题,迫切需要进行法律调控。而要进行有效的法律调控,必须发挥各个国际能源活动主体的积极性和创造性。全球化中能源活动主体包括三类:跨国石油公司、资源主权国家、国际能源组织。这三类主体的法律人格和法律地位不同,它们在国际能源活动中的作用也不同。通过研究发现:跨国石油公司的人格在母国法上具有平等性,其权利能力与其他公司无二致;但在东道国法上却受到诸多限制,其权利能力是不完全的、不充分的,跨国石油公司为摆脱人格上的种种限制而采取一系列合法的、非法的对策和措施,给国际能源合作造成了双面影响。资源国家的法律地位不可动摇,对本国石油资源享有永久主权,但这并不意味着石油资源只能由资源国独占独享。我们认为:宝贵的石油资源应当成为各国都能分享的世界财富,但这种分享必须通过公平的对价获取,而不是掠夺或霸占。然而,一些石油生产国与消费国却不这样认为,它们之间一直存在利益冲突和争端,并常有激化的时候以致不能通过双方协商的方式解决。这就需要无利害关系的第三方介入,加以必要斡旋、调停或者规制,国际能源组织便因此而生。由此推知:随着国家与国家之间、地区与地区之间需要调控的冲突增多、烈度和广度增大,一个更广泛的乃至全球性的新型国际能源组织必将顺理成章地诞生,这个组织我们暂命名为“世界能源组织”(简称“WEO”)。成立WEO的宗旨是:平等地保护各国能源安全;可持续地、最合理地利用能源资源,在能源生产消费的同时,切实保护生态环境;充分利用法律手段和平解决国际能源争端。在全球化活动中,跨国石油公司一直是最为活跃的行为主体,它的行为不仅涉及到本身的兴衰存亡,而且对东道国的政治经济具有举足轻重的影响。它与石油资源国之间的博弈从未停息过,如何对其进行法律调控成为石油资源国非常核心的决策事项之一。本文通过梳理资源国政府与跨国石油公司的交往历程,挖掘并提炼出两者之间的合作规律,阐释和论证了资源国政府对跨国石油公司的七种法律调控模式,这些调控模式对国际能源合作具有重要指导意义。我国在调控能源利益活动中已做了许多可喜的尝试,“走出去”和“引进来”两大战略的实施,为许多国家树立了学习榜样。“和谐”、“公平”、“互利共赢”、“共同发展”等理念正逐渐传递给全世界。“既要保障本国能源安全,又要促进世界各国能源经济共同发展”,是中国政府和人民一贯坚持的立场和长期奋斗的目标。我们应构建完整严密的能源法律体系,将冲突控制在适当范围;明确我国参与国际能源合作的宗旨和原则,将世界承诺变成法律;巧妙地进行法律制度设计确保国家石油公司抗击冲突的能力;将能源战略规划法律化,有计划有步骤地主导国际能源市场新秩序;使我国成为拉动世界能源经济的火车头,奔向“互利共赢、和谐发展”的世界目标。

【Abstract】 Globalization is the inevitable outcome at a certain stage of development of the history of mankind. It makes all kinds of production relationship be restructured in the world. Energy globalization is one of economy globalization, It’s formation and expansion of is, first of all, because of the limitation of energy resources and non-equilibrium of distribution so that it leads to the desire for energy and interdependence among countries or local regions; Secondly, it lies in the enormous economic role and political, military significance of energy resources, energy products are a special one with combination of economic, political, military and foreign affairs; The third reason is that energy brings welfare to mankind while it causes increasing and serious negative impact to the living environment of human. Therefore there is an urgent need of law regulation to such much conflict in energy globalization. However if we want to make effective law regulation and control, all various organs in energy must play their enthusiasm and creativity.In globalization main organs include three categories:multinational oil companies, sovereign states with energy resource, international energy agencies. These three subjects have different law personality and legal status, and so their roles in international energy activities are also different. We found in research that:multinational oil company’s personalities in their home state’s laws are of equality, their right capability goes for the other companies; but these companies in the law of the host country are subject to such restriction so that their right abilities are incomplete, inadequate. In order to cast off these constraints in personality, some cross-border oil companies have been making a series of legal or illegal policies and measures while bringing double-sided influences to international energy cooperation. The legal status of the state with energy resource cannot be shaken, the sovereignty over their oil resources is permanent, but that does not mean that their petroleum resources are exclusive only by them. We believe that:the valuable oil resources should be shared by the world’s different nations under a fair method of price but not looting or robbing. However, some oil-producing and consuming countries do not think so, there has been a conflict of interest between them, and which is often intensified and cannot be settled down by their own consultations. It requires a disinterested third-party’s intervention by taking the necessary mediation or regulation. In nation an international energy agency will be created. As the conflicts of energy interests between or among countries and regions are increasing and more difficult to be dealed with, a broader and even global international energy agency is bound to be birth. We temporarily named it "World Energy Organization" ("WEO"). The purpose to establish WEO is:to equally protect the energy security of all kinds of different countries; to use energy resources by the sustainable, and most rational manner; to ensure protection of the ecological environment during the period of energy production and consumption; and to make full use of legal means to peaceful settle down international energy disputes.Transnational oil companies have been the most active actors during energy-globalization, their actions are concerned with not only their own survival, but also a decisive impact on the politic and economy of the host countries. The game between oil resource-countries and transnational oil countries has never been stopped, how to regulate their activities becomes one of the core matters by decision-making of the oil resources-countries. In this paper, after combing co-operation process between the governments with oil resources and the multinational oil companies, it mined and extracted some cooperation rules between them, and explained and demonstrated seven models of legal regulation by the resource-governments to the transnational oil companies, and which have an important guiding significance to the international energy cooperation.China has been doing a lot of good tries in regulating energy interest conflict. The implementation of two major strategies of "going out" and "bringing in" have set a role model for many countries such ideas as "harmonious", "win-win", "joint development", "fair" are gradually being passed on to all the world. It is that Chinese government and people have always maintained their position and have being working for long-term goal not only to protect national energy security, but also to promote the common development of all countries around the world. We should build a complete and tight energy legal system, in order to control the conflict in energy interest. And clearly write the purpose and principles that China is taking part in international energy cooperation, in order to turn the promises and consent to the World into our law to be enforced possibly. we make clever institutional arrangements in law to improve the competitiveness of China’s energy enterprises. Through legislation in mark out energy stratagem, China will gradually dominate and lead a new world energy order. Finally China will become an engine in driving the world’s energy economy, running for the world goal of "mutually beneficial and win-win situation, harmonious development".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】F416.2;D912.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】645
  • 攻读期成果

