

Research on Urban Traffic Control and Guidance System Based on Multi-Agent and Game Theory

【作者】 何增镇

【导师】 张起森;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 智能交通系统是本世纪交通运输发展的方向。城市智能交通系统包括多个子系统,其中交通控制系统和交通诱导系统都是关键的子系统。交通控制和交通诱导则是现今城市交通的两个重要管理手段,二者之间存在着密切联系且功能互补。控制与诱导的一体化研究是智能交通系统的主要发展方向,对这部分的研究有很强的现实意义和理论价值。本文主要是针对现代城市交通复杂、多变、分布式的特点,充分运用Multi-Agent的理论与技术、博弈论的思想与方法来对城市交通控制诱导系统进行深入的研究。首先,分析城市交通控制系统中控制与诱导的协调关系,以及诱导策略与交通流分布、出行者路径选择行为相互影响关系,并考虑系统最优(S0)和用户均衡(UE)原则在城市交通控制系统中的关系后,建立诱导信息条件下的SO-UE协调博弈模型。这样就可以确定出行者依据用户最优原则选择路径,模型的目标是实现系统最优,决策变量是诱导信息和交通信号配时,方法则是利用诱导信息影响出行者的路径选择。简化实例模拟验证了该模型的预期效果。其次,运用Multi-Agent的理论与技术、博弈论的思想与方法来设计城市交通控制诱导系统的Multi-Agent协调博弈模型,以及模型中各类的Agent,并探讨Multi-Agent博弈模型的博弈协调机制、博弈过程与协调算法,并选定系统研究的评价指标,最后进行简化模拟试验。试验结果表明,基于Multi-Agent博弈的协调控制能够有效地实现城市区域交通控制与交通诱导的协调,从而有利于实现交通畅通。再次,在研究城市交通控制诱导系统的Multi-Agent博弈模型时,会涉及到其中的一些关键技术问题的解决,比如,Multi-Agent博弈模型中Agent之间的通信机制问题和移动Agent的旅行Agent问题。在文中,提出几种优化移动Agent定位与通信机制的建议,以及用具有更强的全局最优解搜索能力的改进型蚁群算法来更好地解决旅行Agent问题。最后,在城市公安智能交通系统的体系框架内,考虑城市交通控制诱导系统中控制与诱导的协调博弈、SO-UE协调博弈、Multi-Agent协调博弈,在交通信号控制系统和交通诱导系统的一体化基础上,结合城市交通监控指挥中心的建设,设计城市交通控制诱导系统应用方案。总而言之,基于Multi-Agent和博弈论的城市交通控制诱导系统的研究将探索采用最新的理论与技术解决交通问题的新途径,利用Multi-Agent和博弈论的理论和技术的特点与优点,为寻求交通问题的更好解决提供新的思路和方法,并且基本上可实现控制和诱导真正的协调,以及系统最优和用户均衡两个原则的有效协调,可有效提高城市路网效率和实际通行能力,对城市交通组织和管理具有一定的指导意义和应用价值。

【Abstract】 Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is the orientation of development of transportation. Urban Intelligent Transportation System consists of several subsystems, and urban traffic control system and traffic guidance system are the key ones.At the present time, traffic control and traffic guidance are two important methods of urban transportation management. And there is the close connection between them and they can complement one another. Research on the more closely integrated system of traffic control and guidance is the main orientation of ITS researches.This research has a great of academic and realistic meaning.For the Characteristics of urban traffic are complex, levity and distribution, the Multi-Agent Technology and Game Theory are adopted in the in-depth research of the urban traffic control and guidance system.Firstly, coordination between traffic control and traffic guidance in the urban traffic control and guidance system is analyzed. And SO-UE coordinated model under the condition of guidance information is built.In the model, SO is the system optimization,and UE is the user equilibrium. And a simplified simulation has been done with the desired results.Secondly, a game theoretical Model based on Multi-Agent of the urban traffic control and guidance system is built with Multi-Agent technology and game theory. And all kinds of Agents in the model are designed, and then the coordination mechanism, game process and algorithm are discussed. At the same time, evaluating indicator of the research is chosen. Then, a simplified simplified simulation has been done with the good results, which the control with the game theoretical coordination based on Multi-Agent contributes towards efficient road use, better traffic flow in the city.Thirdly, some vital technology problem of the game theoretical Model based on Multi-Agent need to be solved for the research of the system, such as communication mechanism between the Agents in the model and Traveling Agent Problem of the Mobile Agent. In the paper, several praposals are offered for optimization of communication mechanism of the Mobile Agent, and an improved Ant Colony Algorithm is proposed to solve the Traveling Agent Problem. Fourthly, in the frame of Urban Police ITS, a slassical urban traffic control and guidance system is designed with the game theoretical Model based on Multi-Agent. At the same time, urban traffic management and command center is design in detail.In a word, research on urban traffic control and guidance system based on Multi-Agent and Game Theory can deliver a new idea and methods to solve traffic problem in big city, and the system can actually contribute towards efficient road use, better traffic flow, greater road safety and improved accessibility in the city.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

