

Research on Modelind, Simulation and Virtual Test of Riding Comfort of Passenger Railway Vehicle

【作者】 彭波

【导师】 杨岳;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 交通设备与信息工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国铁路客运正迎来跨越式发展的历史机遇,追求高品质的乘坐舒适性是伴随这一发展历程的必然要求。采用先进的理论分析模型和计算机仿真技术,研究铁路客车的乘坐舒适性是保证列车运行品质的基础内容和关键环节。静态乘坐舒适性和振动舒适性是决定乘坐舒适性的两大重要因素。然而,目前针对铁道客车的静态乘坐舒适性研究,尚缺乏考虑人体特征差异的坐姿舒适性定量分析方法和评价模型。在振动舒适性研究中,尚欠缺综合考虑乘员质量参振作用、车体柔性和空间特征的理论分析模型。对于乘员质量在轻量化高速客车中的参振影响,以及目前的运行平稳性标准在卧车车辆上的适用性问题,还欠缺深入研究。另外,在仿真技术方面,还没有能够将集动力学仿真与视景仿真于一体的虚拟试验技术用于铁道客车振动舒适性的分析模拟。为此,本文对以上问题进行深入系统的研究,具体内容如下:(1)采用几何建模和特征建模技术,建立了具有不同人体百分位参数化建模功能的人体CAD模型。利用循环干涉检查方法进行人-椅CAD模型自适应匹配,实现了不同尺寸人体“虚拟乘坐”的要求,为坐姿几何舒适性的分析评价提供了客观依据。在此基础上,以性别、人体百分位及坐姿关节角度构成三层因素集,以不同设计方案的座椅构成评价集,建立了列车座椅几何舒适性三级模糊综合评价模型,应用该评价模型可定量分析比较不同设计方案列车座椅的几何舒适性。(2)分析了坐姿人体振动生物力学特性和柔性车体特征,综合考虑乘员质量和车体柔性的参振影响,建立了坐姿人体-柔性车体垂向耦合动力学模型。在此基础上,建立了包含车体自由度和坐姿人体自由度的耦合振动系统运动方程,通过化多轮激励为单轮激励,实现了轨道不平顺激励下的随机振动仿真。运用该模型对轻量化高速客车在满乘和空载两种情况下的随机振动响应进行了定量对比分析,结果表明乘员质量的参振作用明显,忽略乘员质量的影响会带来较大的计算误差。(3)分析了卧铺的隔振作用与卧姿人体的垂直振动响应特性,针对卧车的结构特点,建立了“人-铺-车辆”空间振动系统动力学模型。在此基础上,建立了考虑车厢空间位置的卧姿人体头-臀部位的随机振动响应模型。应用卧姿人体全身振动舒适性评价标准,建立了铁路卧铺客车人体振动舒适性仿真流程。运用该模型分析了Sperling指标和GB/T18368-2001指标在卧铺客车振动舒适性评价中的差异性、卧铺参数的影响,以及不同铺位振动舒适性的区别。(4)深入开展了铁道客车振动舒适性虚拟试验方法研究。以虚拟试验场的建立作为虚拟试验的前提基础,采用自建理论模型和多体动力学软件作为虚拟试验计算引擎,以虚拟仪表作为虚拟试验数据可视化工具,构建了铁路客车振动舒适性虚拟试验系统体系结构。在虚拟试验数据传输机制上,以基于虚拟试验场的轨道线路空间数学模型为联系纽带,统一定义虚拟样机环境和虚拟现实环境中的轨道线路工况,有效保证了动力学仿真与视景仿真在虚拟试验过程中的有机联系和集成。(5)在振动舒适性虚拟试验场的构建研究中,利用三维CAD建模、虚拟现实模型优化、纹理映射和DOF建模技术,建立了列车三维视景虚拟现实模型。建立了基于真实地形DEM数据的虚拟试验场,建立了基于分段函数的轨道线路空间数学模型,实现了分段线路由局部空间坐标向地形空间坐标的映射转换机制。研究了程式化的轨道线路地形空间形位数据的生成方法和实现技术。(6)开展了基于虚拟样机技术的铁道客车振动舒适性多体动力学仿真研究。通过编制文本解析程序,实现轨道线路拐点数据由虚拟试验场向虚拟样机建模环境的自动转换。基于Adams/Rail实现了面向铁道客车振动舒适性分析的多体动力学仿真,为振动舒适性虚拟实验提供了强大的车辆运动属性支持。(7)在铁道客车动态视景仿真研究中,利用车辆运动学数据文件集生成的车辆图像帧序列驱动列车视景模型,能够准确地模拟列车在虚拟试验场既定轨道的动态运行。利用Measurement Studio开发工具,建立了铁道客车振动舒适性虚拟试验仪表,实现了车辆运行速度、振动加速度及舒适性指标的实时动态显示。

【Abstract】 The railway passenger transportation of our country is meeting with a historic opportunity of great-leap-forward development, which is accompanied by the inevitable requirements of high quality riding comfort of passengers. To study the riding comfort of railway passenger vehicles with advanced theoretical analysis model and computer simulation technology is the basic contents and crucial sections to ensure the running quality of vehicles. Static comfort and vibration comfort of vehicles are two important factors influencing the riding comfort of passengers. However, in previous research of static comfort there lack quantitative analysis method and evaluation model for analyzing the sitting comfort with consideration of various characteristic of human body. In present research of vibration comfort, there is no theoretical analysis model with comprehensive consideration of passenger masses, the flexibility and spatial characteristics of carbody. Further study of the vibration effect of passenger masses on lightweight high-speed passenger vehicle and the applicability of applying present riding comfort evaluation standard on the sleeping cars are still not carried out. Additionally, in the aspect of simulation technology, the virtual test integrated with technologies of virtual prototype and virtual reality is not applied in the analysis and simulation of vibration comfort of railway passenger vehicles. To solve the above problems, systematical studies are carried out in this paper. The detailed contents are as follows:(1) Using geometric and feature modeling technology, the CAD models with various human body percentiles through parametric modeling is established. A circular interference check method is used to implement adaptive match between CAD models of human body and seat to realize analysis and evaluation of human body with various characteristics. As a result, the objective basis for virtual test of geometric comfort of sitting human body is provided. On this basis, a three-level fuzzy assessment model for evaluating the riding comfort of train seat is established. The three-level structure factor sets in the model are composed of genders, human body percentiles and joint angles, and the assessment sets are composed of series of train seats with various design schemes. While the assessment model can quantitatively compare the geometric comfort of different train seats.(2) The biomechanical vibration properties of seated human body and the flexibility characteristic of carbody are analyzed, and a vertical coupled dynamic vehicle model including sitting human-bodies and flexible carbody is built with comprehensive consideration of the influence of passenger masses, structure characteristic of carriages and flexibility of carbody. On this basis, the motion equations of the coupled dynamic model with freedoms of vehicle and sitting human body are derived. Through converting multi-excitation to single-excitation of wheelset, the random vibration simulation excited by track irregularity is realized. This model is used to carry out a quantitatively comparative analysis of the random vibration responses of the vehicle in conditions of full-load and no-load. The results show that the passenger’s effects as coupling vibration factors are obvious, thus ignoring of the influence of crew’s masses may result in bigger miscalculation.(3) The vibrating isolation effect of sleeping berth and the vertical vibration response characteristic of supine human body are analyzed. A spatial dynamic system including supine human body, sleeping berth and vehicle is built with considering of the special compartment structure of sleeping car. Applying the vibration comfort assessment standard for supine human body, the simulation flow of vibration comfort of human body in sleeping car is built. With this model, it analyzed the difference between Sperling index and GB/T18368-2001 index for evaluating the vibration comfort of a railway sleeping car, the influence of sleeping berth parameters and the difference of vibration comfort of various berths.(4) The virtual test method for vibration comfort of railway passenger vehicles is carried out in a deep sense. To build a virtual proving ground is the basis and precondition of virtual test. The frameworks of virtual test of vibration comfort of railway passenger vehicles are established with self-built theoretical model and multi-body dynamics software as the computation engine for virtual test, and virtual instrument as tool for visualization of virtual test data. In the transmission mechanism of virtual test data, the spatial track mathematical model defined in virtual proving ground is applied as a tie to uniformly determine the conditions of rail lines within both virtual prototype environment and virtual reality environment, which guarantees an effective connection and integration between dynamic simulation and vision simulation.(5) In the study of construction of virtual proving ground for vibration comfort test, three-dimensional virtual reality model of train is built through three-dimensional CAD modeling, optimization of virtual reality model, texture mapping and DOF technology. The virtual proving ground based on real terrain DEM data is built, and the spatial mathematic model of track based on piecewise functions is established, and the mapping mechanisms for local coordinates of every sectionalized line converted to landform spatial coordinates is realized. The stylized generating method and realization technology of geometric data of track in landform are discussed.(6) The research of multi-body dynamics simulation of vibration comfort of railway passenger vehicles based on virtual prototype technology is carried out. Analytical resolution program is developed to automatically transfer the inflexion data of tracks extracted from virtual proving ground to prototype environment. The multi-body dynamics simulation for vibration comfort of railway passenger vehicles is realized based on Adams/Rail, and it provides powerful support of vehicle kinematics properties for virtual test of vibration comfort.(7) In the research of dynamic visual simulation of railway passenger vehicle, the image frame sequences generated from the vehicle kinematics data for driving the scene model of train can accurately simulate the train running in the established orbits on virtual proving ground. Using development tools of Measurement Studio, the virtual instruments are established to present vehicle speed, acceleration of vibration and vibration comfort index in real time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

