

Research on Logistic Alliance Cooperative Mechanism

【作者】 唐建民

【导师】 王国顺;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 物流联盟是商业伙伴通过协同运作物流来共同制定战略定位和提高运作效率的重要组织形式,协同则成为物流联盟管理中新的游戏规则。物流联盟整体价值能否大于合作伙伴单独创造价值之和,关键在于物流联盟能否产生协同效应。本文以盟主型物流联盟为研究对象,从协同视角探讨物流联盟价值增值机制及其演化的被组织策略。本文运用了协同理论、战略联盟理论、物流管理理论、组织行为理论等理论,以严密的逻辑推理与实证分析相结合的分析方法对物流联盟协同机制在以下六个方面展开研究:物流联盟协同有何研究价值?指导本研究的理论依据是什么?物流联盟协同形成机制是什么?物流联盟协同实现遵循何种机制?采取什么样的策略能够克服约束从而确保物流联盟系统朝着高级有序方向自我完善?如何对物流联盟协同绩效进行评价?围绕协同机制构建物流联盟协同的形成机制、实现机制和约束机制是本研究的主要工作。分析范式上扬弃了传统管理理论的还原论分析模式,采用了协同理论的整体论分析模式,在分析微观结构和局部机制基础上研究个体之间及其与整体的关联性,把协同放在由形成机制、实现机制和约束机制有机整合而成的框架内来考虑,从而实现微观与宏观、局部与整体的协调和统一。通过本文的研究得到以下重要结论:(1)物流联盟已由成本效率型传统物流职能合作向盟主主导的顾客价值响应型一体化生产组织方式转变。传统物流职能合作(外包)是工业化大规模生产时代企业为提高生产效率而把成本视角由企业内部转向企业外部的产物,然而,成本效率观念已经不能适应以满足顾客实时物流需求为核心的敏捷化市场竞争需要,没有盟主主导的交易型物流合作难以形成紧密的战略伙伴关系,只有通过合作伙伴协同运作确保物流形态连续变化的快速、敏捷、灵活、创新的响应型物流才能够满足顾客个性化的动态需求。(2)形成机制的研究确立了物流联盟协同的价值空间范围,为合作伙伴达成战略共识指明了方向。合作伙伴结成物流联盟一般有三个方面的价值追求:规模效益和范围效益;进入新的市场或创造新的商机;学习内化增强差异化能力。物流联盟创造价值的形式和过程表现出演化的特点,会随着合作伙伴母公司战略意图、竞争环境及顾客需求的变化而变化。实证分析检验了物流联盟的形成机制主要体现在对这三个方面的价值诉求。(3)实现机制提出了物流联盟协同实现的具体的操作过程和方法,为联盟协同管理提供了理论上的指导。物流联盟协同实现机制包括五个主要环节:需求评估、伙伴选择、合作治理、评价控制、适时调整,管理者需要用系统和流程的观点对其中的每一项工作进行精心安排和认真实施,才能实现局部效率与整体优化的协调和统一,才能确保物流联盟协同运作及总体目标的实现。实证分析表明本文提出的协同实现机制模型在物流合作实践中具有较高的认同度。(4)约束机制贯穿整个物流联盟协同过程,具体体现在形成机制和实现机制之中。看似设计合理的物流联盟不能实现“2+2>4”的协同效应的原因:一是合作伙伴在战略、文化、技能、信息和时间诸方面的差异严重阻碍了相互之间的沟通交流与宽容信任,使合作伙伴之间难以合作、协调与同步;二是物流联盟的垂直、水平、组织和地理四类边界使物流、信息流、资金流和知识流不能有效越界流动,从而不能有效协调合作伙伴的行为,致使物流联盟活动陷入无序化状态。实证分析检验了企业在物流合作过程中的具体做法与本文提出的协同约束机制相符合。(5)对物流联盟协同绩效的评价有助于修正和调整合作行为。综合DEA方法和模糊评价法的合作伙伴选择方法有助于盟主企业选择、淘汰、优化合作伙伴;依据平衡计分卡原则构建包括结果、过程和支持要素的指标体系能够更全面地反映物流联盟绩效;标杆法促进合作伙伴向行业中的最佳物流实践看齐;结合标杆法与平衡计分卡构建的评价指标体系,不仅能够客观反映物流联盟的运行状况,而且能够促进物流联盟不断地调整到行业中的最佳运行状态;评价子系统绩效,可以在保证总体运作最优条件下使各子系统发挥更高运作效率,用模糊综合评价法对总体绩效评价可反映物流联盟总体战略目标的实现情况。

【Abstract】 Logistics alliance is an important organizational form for business partners to jointly develop strategic positioning and improve operational efficiency through collaborative management of logistics. Thus, collaboration becomes a new rule in the logistics alliance management. Whether the overall value of logistics alliance can exceed the total value brought by independent business partners lies in whether the logistics alliance can produce the synergetic effect. This paper explores the value-added mechanism and organized evolution strategy of logistics alliance from the aspect of collaboration by focusing on the "leader-member" logistics alliance.In this paper, adopting synergy theory, strategic alliances theory, logistics management theory, organizational behavior theory and other related theories to rigorous logical reasoning and empirical testing method at the following study:What is the research value of Logistics Alliance synergies? What is the theoretical basis for Guiding this study? what is formation mechanism of logistics alliance synergy? Logistics Alliance achieve synergies followed what mechanism? What kind of rules enacted to overcome logistics bottlenecks in order to ensure orderly league system toward the direction of advanced self-improvement? Cooperative Alliance for the logistics of how to evaluate performance? One of the primary tasks of this research is to construct the formation mechanism, implementation mechanism and regulation mechanism of logistics alliance. The analysis paradigm adopts the holistic analysis model of collaboration theory by incorporating the merits of the reductionism analysis model of traditional management theory. On the basis of the analysis of the micro-structure and partial mechanism, it investigates the relevance between individuals as well as between individual and its entity, and studies collaboration within the analysis framework integrating formation mechanism, implementation mechanism and restriction mechanism in order to achieve the coordination and harmonization between micro and macro as well as part and entity. In this paper, the importment conclusion is as follows:(1) Logistics Alliance has been cost-effective type of traditional logistics functions of co-operation to the value of integrated production-based organizations to respond to changes in the way. Traditional logistics outsourcing are the industrialized mass production of the product of time, enterprises improve production efficiency and cost perspective to shift from internal to external enterprises. However, the concept of cost-effectiveness can not adapt to meet customer demand for real-time logistics as the core of agile competition in the market required, and it is difficult to form close strategic partnership without leader-led transaction logistics cooperation, through the collaborative partners to ensure that the logistics operation for changes in shape fast, agile, flexible, innovative responsive logistics to be able to satisfy the customer’s personality of the dynamic demand.(2) Study of formation mechanism can identify the scope the logistics alliance collaboration and direct the strategic consensus among partners. Partners to form logistics alliance generally have three aspects of the value of the pursuit of:economies of scale and scope of benefits; access to new markets or create new business opportunities; study internalization ability to enhance differentiation. Logistics Alliance value creation process and the form show the evolution of the characteristics of the parent company as partners strategic intent, competitive environment and customer needs change. The empirical analysis examines the formation mechanism of logistics alliance reflecting the pursuit of value in these three aspects.(3) Implementation mechanism provides the operational process and methods for the logistics alliance collaboration as well as the theoretical guidance of collaborative management for alliance. Logistics Alliance Cooperative implementation mechanisms include the five major components:needs assessment, partner selection, governance structure, control and evaluation, and timely adjust. Required from the system and the flow point of view of each job carefully and conscientiously implemented, in order to achieve the coordination and unity of partial efficiently and overall optimization and ensure coordination of logistics operations and the overall league goals. The empirical analysis indicates that the collaborative implementation mechanism revealed by this model is highly regarded in the practice of logistics alliances.(4) Restriction mechanism is embodied in the formation mechanism and implementation mechanism throughout the whole process of logistics alliance collaboration. Seemingly well-designed Logistics Alliance can not achieve"2+2> 4" synergy due to:first, synergy partners at the strategic, cultural, and understanding aspects of information and time difference has seriously hindered the communication between the trust and tolerance, so that it is difficult co-operation between partners, coordination and synchronization;Second, logistics alliance’s vertical, horizontal, organizational and geographic boundaries is unable to promote the logistics, information flow, capital flow and knowledge flow to flow cross borders, in this way, it can not effectively coordinate the cooperative partners and will lead the logistics activities into a disorder state. The empirical analysis tests the hypothesis that during the process of collaboration the enterprises focus on the solution of problems regarding the collaborative restriction mechanism.(5) The logistics of the evaluation of the performance league will modify and adjust cooperative behavior. The method to select partners combing DEA and fuzzy evaluation method helps the leader enterprises choose, eliminate and optimize partners; Based on the principle of building a Balanced Scorecard, including the results of the process and support elements of the indicator system be able to more fully reflect the performance of logistics Alliance; Benchmarking law partners to promote industry logistics best practice in line; combination of benchmarking and the balanced scorecard method to build the evaluation index system, not only be able to objectively reflect the operation of logistics league status, but also be able to foster the development of logistics constantly adjust to the league’s best run industry conditions; evaluation subsystem performance, you can guarantee the overall functioning at the optimal conditions so that the subsystems exert greater operational efficiency, with Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method on the overall performance evaluation can reflect the overall strategy for the logistics league goals.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

