

A Study on Running of Consulting Institutions in Science and Technology Fields Through Province and Ministry

【作者】 何为东

【导师】 钟书华;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在当代全球新公共管理运动背景下,在我国科技管理实践领域,省部科技会商制度正在快速发展。省部科技会商制度是在新的时代特征、社会背景及科技管理实践基础上出现的新的管理方式、运作机制。这是一种管理方式创新、体制机制创新,体现了我国行政管理模式的改革与发展。新时期,省部科技会商制度不管是在理论层面还是在实践层面都有重要意义。从理论角度看,省部科技会商制度是发展府际关系理论、拓展协商民主范畴、创新科技政策范式、构建科技治理模式的有效举措。同时,省部科技会商制度对区域科技经济进步、区域创新能力提升以及国家创新体系建设日益发挥出重要作用。省部科技会商制度的运行主要涉及到会商制度的运行现状、影响因子、动力依据、运作流程、均衡状态以及完善策略等六个方面。基于不同的视角,可以将省部科技会商制度视为政策工具、制度安排或治理模式等不同内涵。从现实来看,省部科技会商制度经历了发起期、发展期与成熟期三个阶段。在会商制度运行中,这一制度正显示出会商主体日益多元化、会商机制进一步柔性化、顶层设计不断受到重视的趋势。当前,会商制度最显著的特征就是地方政府主动性、双向互动互适性、内容突出区域性和系统创新的协同性。在省部科技会商制度运行中,会商议题受到相关影响因子的影响和制约。影响和制约会商议题的主要有四个方面的八个影响因子,即经济实力与科技投入、地缘条件与资源状况、科技基础与产业优势、发展战略与科技计划。这些影响因子之间相互关联、相互影响,省部科技会商制度是影响因子之间相互藕合的结果。省部科技会商制度的形成有其内在动力。基于政策与制度本质上的一致性,省部科技会商制度的动力要素如同公共科技政策一样,有其整合型内生要素框架。从理论与实践的角度,省部科技会商制度形成的动力要素主要有社会制度环境供给、科技经济一体化发展需要、中央与地方政府的府际关系转型、科技管理体制机制的内在演进以及资源优化配置的迫切要求。省部科技会商制度就是由这些多源动力要素汇集而成。省部科技会商制度的运作流程相对可划分为会商工作基础的累积、会商信息汇集与诊断、会商决策与分解执行以及绩效反馈与互动跃进等四个阶段。同时,不同阶段包含有相应内容与环节。在第一阶段,主要包括地方经济实力与科技投入、地方科技基础与科技进步、地方科技规划与政策措施等内容。在第二阶段,主要包括会商信息类型、会商信息来源、信息汇集与诊断等内容。在第三阶段,主要包括会商议题确定、会商平台决策、会商协议分解、会商合作执行等环节。在第四阶段,主要包括会商制度评估、会商制度绩效反馈与会商互动路线图等环节。省部科技会商制度的运行存在非均衡现象,主要表现在两个方面,即制度安排的非均衡与制度结构的非均衡。而其主要根源在于供需因素与利益因素。为实现会商制度均衡,应采取国家引导性会商路线图、区域对接性会商路线图、部门协作性会商路线图、企业主体性会商路线图、第三部门服务性会商路线图等相互对接的系统路线图这一政策工具。当前,省部科技会商制度的运行还存在不足,这一创新型制度还需要完善。而完善的主要策略就是建立健全多元参与的会商网络系统、新型的府际民主会商程序,最终走向府际网络科技治理。府际网络科技治理,是省部科技会商制度经过制度学习与复合路径选择后从合作走向治理的完善模式。其主要内涵有多元的参与主体、网络的府际关系、民主的协商过程、系统的治理结构以及共治的治理目标。

【Abstract】 Under contemporary context of the global new public administration movement, consulting institutions in science-technology management (STM) between province and ministry is growing rapidly in STM practice in China. Consulting institutions is a new management style and operation mechanism under new feature of modern society, social background and STM practices. This management innovation and institutional innovation reflects the pattern of China’s administrative reform and development.In new era, consulting institutions has important significance both at theoretical level and practical level. Theoretically, consulting institutions is an effective governance model which is helpful to develop inter-governmental relations theory, expand the scope of deliberative democracy, innovate STM policy and build effective science-technology governance pattern. Moreover, the institutions play an increasingly important role in the following aspects, such as regional science-technology progress and economic groth, regional innovation capacity and national innovation system.The runing of the institutions constitutes of mainly six aspects which includes definition and overview of present of the institutions of consulting, influencial foctors, dynamical power, operational process, balance state and improving measures.Based on different perspectives, consulting institutions could be considered as different connotation such as policy instruments, institutional arrangements and governance model. Practically, of consulting institutions has been undergoing three stages: initial period, developing period and mature period. In the running of the institutions, it is emboding some new trends such as diverse subject, flexible mechanism and paying increasing attention on top-level design. At present, consulting institutions have some most prominent features such as local government initiativing, two-way interactive nature and bilateral mutual adaptation, highlighting regional content in consulting process and synergies of innovation system.In consulting process,the consulting issues are influencial by some factors.There have eight influence foctors in four aspects such as economic strength and science-technolog input, geographical conditions and resource situation, science-technology base and industrial advantages, development strategy and science-technology plan. Based on relevance of these influencial foctors, consulting institutions is a result of coupling of these influencial foctors. Consulting institutions has its own intrinsic motivation. Based on essential coherence of policy and institutions, consulting institutions in STM between province and ministry has the driving force elements as the same as public science and technology policy which has integrated framework of the endogenous factors. From the theoretical and practical point of view, consulting institutions has main dynamic elements such as the supply of a social system environment, the integration development needs of science-technology and economy, the restructuring of government relations between central and local governments, STM system mechanisms intrinsic evolution as well as the urgent requirement for optimal allocation of resources. Consulting institutions in STM between province and ministry is a result of these multi-source dynamic factors.Relatively, the operational process of consulting institutions includes four stages: cumulative basis for the work, information collection and diagnosis, decision-making and decomposition and implementation, performance feedback and interaction evolution. At the same time, the different stage includes corresponding content and links. In the first phase, it mainly includes the local economic strength and sci-technological input, the local sci-technology base and sci-technological progress, local planning and policies and measures for sci-technologe. In the second phase, it includes the main types of consulting information, consulting information sources, information collection and diagnosis. In the third stage, it includes determining the issues of consulting, decision-making through consulting platform, consulting agreement decomposition and cooperation and implementation. In the fourth phase, it mainly includes assessment for consulting system, performance feedback of consulting system and interactive route map of consulting.The running of consulting institutions exists unbalanced phenomena mainly manifested in two aspects:institutional arrangements unbalanced and institutional structuree unbalanced while the main root factor is the supply and demand factors and interest factors. To achieve the balanced state, we should take a policy tool, namely, a system road map strategy in consulting which include national road map for guiding in consulting, regional road map for docking in consulting, sectoral collaborative road map in consulting, and the subjective road map of enterprise in consulting and service road map of the third sector in consulting.At present, consulting institutions has some deficiencies in operation; this innovative system still needs to be perfected. Response measures should be proposed to improve the current institutions of consulting which include a multi-participation network system in consulting, a new type of inter-government democratic consulting process, a science-technology governance model of inter-government network.Through learning and complex path selection,the institutions of consulting will go towards inter-government network science-technology governance from cooperation.The governance model mainly includes the diverse participation subjects, inter-government network relations, democratic consulting process, systematical governance structure and common governance objectives.


