

Research on Decision Behaviours and Value Forming in Mobile Commerce

【作者】 曾庆群

【导师】 张金隆; 胡斌;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 无线网络传输随着技术的成熟逐渐在社会生产生活中普及,其对未来的影响将是深远和不能忽视的。无线技术应用使的交易行为可以超越任何空间、时间的限制,随时随地进行,传统商业模式也必将受到其影响而面临挑战。本文结合这些变化趋势、挑战,以移动商务环境下行为变化规律为主线,对此进行深入研究。首先,移动商务接受决策行为研究。任何新技术出现后,无论消费者还是企业首先要清楚的是新技术条件下决策行为的变化是什么。移动商务技术已经成熟但要在社会活动中得到广泛接受还存在一定困难,因此有必要分析找出影响移动商务接受决策行为变化的具体因素及其影响方式,以促进移动商务的发展。本文设计了影响移动商务接受度的调查问卷,通过主成份分析方法对其影响因素进行特征分析。研究表明,在众多移动商务影响因素中,消费者实际最为关心的是效用、对身体健康影响等五个方面,应主要从这些方面重点开展移动商务推广活动。其次,实时交易行为研究。移动商务因为其信息获取的实时便利性,决策者在进行决策时所需信息几近于可随时获得,这与以往的决策活动之前需要专门的情报活动阶段有所不同。为此,我们分析了移动商务所带来的决策实时性与交互性问题。我们结合Simon的经典决策理论模型分析了这一过程,建立了移动商务环境下交易决策模型并以移动商务环境下的购买与竞价行为为例进行博弈分析。再次,合作竞争行为研究。在价值链研究中,我们基于博弈方法研究了移动运营商角色选择的不确定性问题。不确定因素可划分为三个层次:企业内部因素,市场环境等外部因素,以及与价值链上与其他企业之间关系的不确定性。以此为基础,提出了基于定性变化过程的博弈均衡求解模型,并通过定性模拟方法使用Visual Studio2005对此进行编程模拟。研究结果给出了各种不同条件下博弈问题可能达到的均衡。接着,价值形成机制研究。在考察了移动商务内外部因素及参与者角色确定问题后,本文从价值链角度,将移动商务全部活动过程纳入到价值链体系中,将参与企业的价值获得过程看作一系列移动商务价值创造构成,创造性地建立了表明资金流和信息流在价值链中流动规律的多智能体模型,并基于AnyLogic进行了模拟实现和运行。研究表明,移动商务活动尚处于初始发展阶段,数据服务提供商和接入服务提供商的收益都处于快速上升增长时期。同时,价值分配和增长比率是不同的,内容服务提供商后期增速明显高于接入服务提供商,表明未来几年将是移动商务各种内容服务大发展时期,移动商务发展将迎来内容服务时代。最后,本文结合深圳市东方嘉盛供应链股份有限公司实际,分析研究了移动商务环境下物流企业决策主要问题与特点,在公司原有基础上设计信息系统的建设及升级方案,指出公司信息系统建设的原则,给出了软件平台建设的基本指导思路,并做了初步的网络拓扑方案设计。

【Abstract】 As the technology matures, wireless networks increasingly popular in social production and life, the impact of which in the future will be far-reaching and can not be ignored. With the application of wireless technology, any transaction can beyond the space or time constraints, in anywhere and at anytime.Based on wireless technology and its social applications, the traditional business model will also be affected by their impact and challenges.This paper will combine the trends of these changes and challenges in logistic company to find out the main influencial factors followed by the route of anlyzing the mobilie commerce and the decision behaviours under the wirless net work environment.First, researches about acceptance decision behaviours in mobile commerce.When any new technology appears, decision behaviours under the conditions of new technologies should be firstly make clear,whether consumers or enterprises. Althought mobile commerce technology has matured, in social activities it is diffcult for mobile commerce to be widely accepted.Following the application analysis of TAM model, the questionnaire of acceptance degree was designed to anaylisis the influencing factors based on the principal component analysis methods. As the result five factors was extracted to replace the privious 2 index system in TAM model. The study has shown that five aspects such as utility and effectiveness of the health from many factors are mostly concerned with the consumers, and we should mainly focus on these aspects from the mobile business promotion activities.Next, real time transaction behaviour research. Because of its ease of access to information in real time of mobile commerce decision-makers can get the information needed for decision making in almost real time access, which is much different from the professional inteligent department to prepare the information in the past. For this reason, we first analyzed problems arising from real-time and interactive nature during the decision-making in mobile commerce. We analyzed this process combined by classical Simon’s decision theory and Game Analysis, the transaction behaviours model was also established with the example of purchasing behaviors under the mobile commerce environment.Then, Cooperation and competetion behaviours research in mobile commerce. During the research the uncertainty of role for mobile operator was analyzed based on Game Theory.the uncertainty can be devided into three layers:Uncertainty from the company, uncertainty from the market and the uncertain relationship between the companies in the chain.Qulitative process simulation was used to establish the game equilibrium model and corresponding programing was inducted. Based on which, the equilibriums under different environments was conducted.Next, mechanisim research of value forming.The participate companies activeties can be seen as a series of mobile commerce value creation process. The company is one part of the total value chain composition, these disparate but inter-related with the mobile commerce activities, constitute a dynamic process of value creation.When the inner and out environment and parter roles were researched, we has creatively established the multi-agent modela that express the laws of funds flow and information flow in the value chain. The main properties and its interactive agent behavior was analyzed verification and simulation of the model was carried out with AnyLogic. The study has shown that Mobile commerce is still at the initial development stage, the data service providers and access service providers are in a rapid increase in revenue growth period. At the same time the value of mobile commerce in the distribution and growth rates are different, the content service providers, the latter part of the growth rate was significantly higher than the value of access to service providers to obtain, indicating that the next few years will be a rapid development period for different content services, the mobile commerce will usher the era of content services business.At last, problems and key decision-making characteristics in logistics companies under mobile commerce environment was researched as the example of easttop logistic company in Shenzhen. The paper designed construction and improving plan based on the orginal base the company and also the primitive net work topology.The principal of information system constructing was pointed out and the basic guiding and ideas was made and aslo corporate network based on mobile commerce system architecture was designed.


