

Study on Behavior Problems and Its Influential Factors of Primary School Students

【作者】 余晓敏

【导师】 吴汉荣;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 儿童青少年健康, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 研究目的1)了解和比较城乡小学生行为问题的发生特征,包括行为问题的发生率、行为问题年级表现特征与变化趋势。2)通过将本世纪初与上世纪90年代研究结果的比较,分析我国城市小学生行为问题的变化趋势。3)考察个体、社交、学业和家庭因素对小学生行为问题的影响作用。通过建构以学业因素为核心的结构方程模型,整合部分影响小学生行为问题的因素,探索众多影响因素对小学生行为问题的共同作用机制。研究方法本研究根据全国第五次人口普查的资料,采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,抽取13个省/直辖市小学生共12234名。其中城市学生7078名,农村学生5156人。采用Achenbach儿童行为量表(CBCL)和自编量表进行调查,对数据进行三个方面的分析。1)通过描述计量资料率、频数分布,χ2检验比较城乡小学生行为问题的发生率、年级分布和年级发展趋势;2)通过对不同时期城市小学生CBCL各因子98百分位常模临界值的比较,分析城市小学生行为问题的发展趋势;3)通过χ2检验和Logistic回归分析小学生行为问题的影响因素,通过Liserl建构影响因素与行为问题之间的结构方程模型。研究结果1.城乡小学生行为问题比较研究1.1行为问题检出率比较:以1992年全国常模为标准,本次调查发现农村小学生行为问题检出率为10.7%,城市小学生行为问题发生率为7.2%,农村小学生行为问题检出率高于城市,差异有显著性意义(p<0.01)。城乡小学男生检出率前三位的因子均为交往不良、强迫性和抑郁。城乡小学女生检出率前三位的因子均为分裂样强迫性、社交退缩和抑郁。1.2年级发展趋势比较:城乡小学女生和城市小学男生行为问题发生率年级发展趋势基本相同:一年级时行为问题发生率最低,之后缓慢增加,到五年级时达到最高峰,六年级时下降。农村小学男生则为一年级时行为问题发生率较高,二年级时下降,之后一直呈上升趋势。1.3年级表现特征比较:1-6年级城乡小学生发生率前十位的行为问题症状比较相似,主要为:“喜欢争论”、“在家不听话”、“注意力不集中,多动”和“不肯好好吃饭”等。2.城市小学生行为问题特征与变化趋势本世纪初相对上个世纪90年代,男生交往不良和强迫性因子98百分位临界值常模得分有增高趋势。女生抑郁、多动、攻击性和残忍因子98百分位临界常模得分有降低趋势。男生和女生体诉因子的98百分位临界值得分都呈现下降趋势。3.小学生行为问题影响因素分析3.1个体因素对小学生行为问题的影响:在小学男生群体中,患有慢性疾病的小学男生行为问题发生率高于健康小学男生,差异有显著性意义(p<0.01)。在小学女生群体中,非独生子女行为问题发生率高于独生子女,差异有显著性意义(p<0.01);双生子行为问题发生率高于非双生子,差异有显著性意义(p<0.01)。3.2社交情况对小学生行为问题的影响:在6个可能与行为问题相关的社交情况变量中,有3个变量进入了小学男生是否有行为问题为因变量的逐步回归模型,其中有一致负相关关系的因素包括与兄弟姐妹以外儿童、与同学关系非常好,有一致正相关关系的变量是与家庭、学校其他成人/儿童相处问题非常大。有4个变量进入了小学女生是否有行为问题为因变量的逐步回归模型中,其中有一致负相关关系的因素包括与兄弟姐妹以外儿童、与同学和班主任关系非常好,有一致正相关关系的是与家庭、学校其他成人/儿童相处问题非常大。3.3学业情况对小学生行为问题的影响:在7个可能与行为问题相关的学业情况变量中,有5个变量进入了小学男生是否有行为问题为因变量的回归模型中,其中有一致负相关关系的因素包括喜欢上学,家长对学业满意度高,家长对家庭作业评价高,有一致正相关关系的变量有留级、完成作业难度高。有4个变量进入了小学女生是否有行为问题的为因变量的回归模型中,其中有一致负相关关系的因素是家长对学业满意度高,有一致正相关关系的变量是留级、独立完成作业和完成作业难度高。3.4家庭因素对小学生行为问题的影响:在11个可能与行为问题相关的家庭因素变量中,有7个变量进入了小学男生是否有行为问题为因变量的回归模型中,其中有一致正相关关系的变量有家庭氛围对孩子敌意、家庭中家人健康问题、其他孩子的学业行为问题、经济问题和住房问题大,其中有一致负相关关系的变量有亲子关系好和孩子有自己的房间。有7个变量进入了小学女生是否有行为问题为因变量的回归模型中,有一致正相关关系的变量有家庭氛围对孩子敌意、家庭中家人健康问题、其他孩子的学业行为问题、经济和住房问题大,其中有一致负相关关系的变量有亲子关系好和孩子有自己的房间。3.5影响因素与小学生行为问题的结构方程模型:结构方程模型分析显示,小学生行为问题的发生是个体、社交、学业和家庭等多种因素作用的结果。这些因素之间存在适度的相关。学业不仅是影响小学生行为问题的重要预测源,而且在众多变量中起中介作用。研究结论与建议1.农村小学生行为问题发生率高于城市。城市和农村小学生CBCL各因子检出率最高的前三位因子比较一致。总体来看,城乡小学生,无论男女所表现出的主要问题是比较一致的,即社会交往不良和负性情绪。家长和老师应该给予小学生在处理人际关系和负性情绪方面予以可靠的指导和指引,让小学生能够得到成人心理上的支持,同伴的接纳和认可,促进人格健康发展。2.从年级发展趋势来看,小学五年级是行为问题的高发期。由于此时的小学生进入了青春早期,自我意识的觉醒带来独立性的需要,相应也会对亲子关系带来冲击,此时的父母应该开始调整与孩子的相处方式,给予小学生更多的独立空间和认同感。3.相对上个世纪,本世纪城市小学男生在交往不良和强迫性两个因子98百分位常模临界值有增高趋势。本世纪城市小学女生抑郁、体诉、多动、攻击性和残忍因子98百分位常模临界值有降低趋势。独生子女政策的普及成为小学女生行为问题的保护因素。4.个体、社交、学业和家庭因素都会对小学生行为问题的发生产生影响,小学生行为问题的发生是各个因素相互作用的结果。学业因素在行为问题的发生过程中不仅是重要的预测源而且起中介作用。减轻小学生学习负担,提供多元的评价系统,让孩子的自我评价提高,让家长对学业满意度提高,对于降低小学生行为问题的发生是必要的。

【Abstract】 Objectives1) To understand and compare the incidence characteristics of behavior problems of urban and rural primary school, including the incidence of behavioral problems, performance characteristics and trend of grades.2) To kown the the urban trend of students with behavioral problem, comparing the results the beginning of this century and 90’ of last century studies.3)To understand the individual, social, academic and family factors on behavior problems of primary school students. Through the construction of academic factors to the core of the structural equation model, integrating some of the factors that affect the primary behavior problems, understand the many factors on a common primary mechanism of behavioral problems.MethodsAccording to the fifth national population census in China,7078 and 5156 primary school students were selected randomly in urban and rural respectively from 13 provinces and areas adopting the multi-phase-atratified-cluster sampling method. The research applies parent-reported Achenbach’s Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) and adopts self-administered questionnaire to collect related influencial factors. The statistics methods employed included:1)By describing the measurement data rate, frequency distribution,x2 test compare the incidence of behavioral problems grade distribution and grade characteristic development trend in in primary school students of urban and rural areas.2) To know the development trend of urban studdents behavior problems, the comparison between score of CBCL each factor 98 percentile thresholds were applied.3) The x2 test and Logistic regression were used to know influential factors of primary school students, behavioral problems. The liserl was used to construct the structural equation model between factors and behavior problems. Results1 Comparison results of behavior problems in primary school students of city and country.1.1 The rate of behavior problem in country and city were 10.7% and 7.2% respectively. There exists significant difference. The top three factors of detection rate in urban and rural primary school boys were bad communication, compulsive and depression. The top three factors of detection rate in urban and rural primary school girls were compulsive, social withdrawal and depression.1.2 Urban and rural primary school girls and urban boys rate of behavioral problems in the same year trend, first grade, the lowest rate of behavior problems, and then increased slowly to reach a peak in fifth grade; sixth grade decreased the incidence of behavioral problems. Rural primary school boys in first grade, higher incidence of behavioral problems, decreased at the second grade, after which the incidence of behavioral problems has been the rise.1.3 The incidence of behavior problems before the symptoms of 10 is quite similar to urban and rural primary school grades 1-6, mainly:like arguments, disobedient at home; inattention, hyperactivity; refused to take food and shy timid.2. Trend and feature of behavior problems in urban primary school studendsBeginning of this century relative of the last century 90’s, boys scores in the 98 percentile threshold of factors including bad communication, compulsive tended to increase, girls scores in the 98 percentile threshold of factors including depression, hyperactivity, aggressive and cruel trended to decrease. Boys and girls,98 percentile threshold of somatic complaints trended to decrease.3. The influence factors of behavioural problem in Chinese primary school students2.1 Boys with chronic diseases have higher incidence of behavioral problems than healthy boys, the difference was significant (p<0.01). Girls been one child have lower incidence of behavior problems than non only child, the difference was significant (p<0.01). Girls been twins have higher incidence of behavior problems than normal girls, the difference was significant (p<0.01)2.2 3 out of 6 social interaction factors associated with children’s behavioural problems were included in a stepwise regression model with behavior problem as dependent variable. Factors having common negative relation with behavioral problems included sound relations with children and classmates, factor having common positive relation with behavior problem included problem of relationship with adult and children.4 out of 6 social interaction factors associated with children’s behavioural problems were included in a stepwise regression model with behavior problem as dependent variable. Factors having common negative relation with behavioral problems included sound relations with teacher and classmates, factor having common positive relation with behavior problem included problem of relationship with adult and children.2.3 5 out of 7 acdemic factors associated with children’s behavioural problems were included in a stepwise regression model with behavior problem as dependent variable. Factors having common negative relation with behavioral problems included like schools, prearens pleased with acdemic achievement and home work, factor having common positive relation with behavior problem included problem of repeat class and hard with home work.4 out of 7 acdemic factors associated with children’s behavioural problems were included in a stepwise regression model with behavior problem as dependent variable. Factors having common negative relation with behavioral problems includeprearens pleased with acdemic achievement, factor having common positive relation with behavior problem included problem of repeat class and hard with home work.2.4 7 out of 11 family factors associated with children’s behavioural problems were included in a stepwise regression model with behavior problem as dependent variable. Factors having common positive relation with behavioral problems included the hostility family atmosphere, dieases of family members; sever behavioural problems of other children in the family, economic and hoursing problems. Factor having common negative relation with behavior problem included good prarent-child realtionship and child have own room.7 out of 11 family factors associated with children’s behavioural problems were included in a stepwise regression model with behavior problem as dependent variable. Factors having common positive relation with behavioral problems included the hostility family atmosphere, dieases of family members; sever behavioural problems of other children in the family, economic and hoursing problems. Factor having common negative relation with behavior problem included good prarent-child realtionship and child have own room.2.5 Result from SEM indicates that the occuration of behavioural problems in primary school students were affected by many factors together. There is relevance among those factocs. Accdemic play an important role in the occuration of behavioural problems.Discussion and Suggestion1. The incidence of behavior problems in rural primary school higher than urban. The top three factors of CBCL in Urban and rural primary highest is same. Urban and rural primary school students, both men and women demonstrated a more consistent the main problem is that social interaction problems and negative emotions. Parents and teachers should give students reliable guidance and guidelines in dealing with interpersonal relationships and negative emotional, enable students to have access to adult psychological support, peer acceptance and recognition, and promote the healthy development of personality.2. From year development, the fifth grade is a high incidence of behavioral problems. At this time the students entered early puberty, self-consciousness brought about the corresponding need for independence, will have an impact on parent-child relationship, then the parents should begin to adjust to the way children live, to give students more space and independence sense of identity.3. Physical, social, academic and family factors will act on the occurrence of an impact on pupils, primary school behavior problems is the result of the interaction of various factors. Academic factor in the occurrence of behavioral problems is important to predict not only the source and intermediary factors. Pupils learn to reduce the burden of providing multi-evaluation system, the child’s self-evaluation to improve, allowing parents to raise academic satisfaction, reducing the incidence of behavioral problems in primary school students is necessary.


