

From Strong Public Nature to Weak Public Nature

【作者】 苏蕾

【导师】 赵振宇;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 媒体评论的公共性是衡量媒介公正和社会公正的重要标准。但纵观我国媒体评论的实践史和学术研究史,媒体评论的公共性话语还是一个待建构的问题。本文以此为逻辑起点,运用哈贝马斯的公共性理论,在公众舆论与媒体评论的关系探讨中试图建构媒体评论公共性话语。该建构分为两个部分:第一,理论建构。通过对公共性意义系统和哈贝马斯公共性理论的梳理,总结出公共性的基本判断维度,并以之为视角研究媒体评论话语实践结构和结构要素的公共性。其结论是媒体评论话语实践的公共性与公众舆论的公共性一致,即以公众为主体,以公共领域为空间,以协商辩论为形式,以达成共识为目的的公共性。具体到媒体评论话语实践的各个维度,这种公共性又可以表现为主体的公众精神,客体的公共问题属性,文本的公开、公正、公平,以及媒介的公共传播。第二,历时建构。我国媒体评论话语实践类型可以分为文人论政类型、党报评论类型、都市报评论类型和网络评论类型四类。本文运用哈贝马斯的强弱公共性理论对文人论政与网络评论的公共性进行研究。文人论政是近代公共知识分子运用现代媒介生产公共舆论的过程,代表了一种具有启蒙性和较强规范性的强公共性。网络评论话语实践则表现为弱公共性,即在网络特殊的媒介性支持中,意见主体和意见交往网络扩大化,意见交流公开化、自由化、互动化,意见有效性显著提高,从而成为最接近哈贝马斯弱公共性的话语实践类型。其次,本文从哈贝马斯批判的公共性和操纵的公共性理论出发对党报评论和都市报评论公共性进行研究。党报评论话语实践以党性为首要属性,不以公共性实践为宗旨,但由于政党利益对公众利益的兼顾性,在局部领域具有一定的公共性。20世纪90年代后期兴起的都市报评论制造了当下的评论繁荣,这种以市民社会和市场经济为基础的评论实践,其公共性表现出复杂性和多面性,一方面针对各类公共问题发表公共性意见,但另一方面公共性又受到政治权力与商业利益的控制,表现出不彻底性、甚至是虚假性。

【Abstract】 The public nature of media critics is the important criteria against which the media justice and social justice are measured. But considering the practice and academic histories of our media critics, we see the public discourse of the media critics is a problem to be constructed. This paper starts with this logical point, employs the publicity theory by Habermas and discusses the relationship between public opinions and media critics so as to attempt to construct the public discourse of media critics. The construction is divided into two parts:First, theory construction. Through inquiring the public meaning system and the public theory by Habermas, the basic judgment dimension of the public nature is summarized. From this point of view, the practice structure and structural elements of the media critic discourse is studied. The author comes to the conclusion that the publicity of the media critic discourse practice is consistent with that of the public opinions-the publicity with the public as its subject, the public domain as its space, a consensus as its goal and in the form of negotiation and debates. In detail, as for various dimensions of the media critic discoursive practice, this publicity is specifically characterized by public texts, the public spirits of justice, fairness and commonality, the objective public problematic and the media’s public transmission features.Secondly, diachronic construction. The media critic discoursive practice falls into four categories:scholars’ political commentary type, party organ’s commentary type, city papers’ commentary and network’s commentary type. This paper employs the strong and weak publicity theory by Habermas to study the publicity of the scholar’s political commentary and network commentary. The scholar’s political commentary is the process during which modern public intellectuals use modern media to spread public opinions, which represents the strong publicity with enlightenment and relative high normativity. The network’s commentary discoursive practice has week publicity. That is, in the special support of network, the opinion body and the opinion communicating network expand, the opinion exchanges become public, free, and interactive and the effectiveness of the opinions increases greatly, thereby the network’s commentary discoursive practice becoming a type that is mostly close to Habermas’s publicity. What’s more, this paper starts with the critical publicity theory by Habermas and the controlling publicity theory and studies the publicity of the party organ’s commentary and the city paper’s commentary. The party organ’s commentary discoursive practice is primarily featured by party spirit without aiming at publicity practice. However, as a result of balanced consideration of both party interest and public interest, the former has certain publicity in partial fields. The rising city paper’s commentary in the late 1990s creates nowadays’ flourishing commentary. Based on the citizen society and the market economy, the commentary practice possesses complex and multidimensional publicity-on one hand, it offers public opinions on various public problems; but on the other hand, the publicity is controlled by political power and commercial interest, which shows lack of thoroughness and even falsity.

【关键词】 媒体评论公共性话语建构
【Key words】 PublicThe media criticDiscourseConstruct

