

Multiculture Prospect and Choice of Television Discourse

【作者】 徐锐

【导师】 石长顺;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 广播电视传播学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 北京奥运开幕式,是我国建国以来最盛大的国家庆典,充分调动民族经典符号与现代科技手段,展示了古老中国的伟大文明与共和国和平崛起的宏愿,赢得世界性赞誉。在3.14拉萨骚乱、奥运火炬海外传递受阻、汶川大地震等纷纷扰扰的国际舆论背景下,少数海外媒体表达了对中国、对北京奥运的抵制与质疑。在远非平等的国际话语秩序内,在北京奥运会这个世界性的文化交流场域中,我们应积极向世界说明历史的和现今的中国,成为中国意义与价值的有效输出者和阐释者。当前中国的电视研究大多停留在经验实证主义理论的运用上,无法深刻揭示复杂文化语境中电视的文本特性。批评话语分析的理论基础和流派方法,为我们研究北京奥运会开幕式电视文本提供了一种解释性、情境化和建构性的方法。在此基础上,我们整合出一个包括语境分析、文本分析和阐释分析的三维研究框架。通过对中国、日本、美国、英国、法国等5个国家京奥开幕式电视文本的比较,研究符号系统的意义生成机制、意义在跨文化传播过程中的变异及产生的原因,为以后的国家形象传播总结共享机制。语境分析,从历史语境和社会语境两个维度,梳理奥运会开幕式的电视转播史以及2008年中国所处的波诡云谲的国内外媒介环境,从而了解媒介发展(尤其是电视媒体)在奥运文化传播过程中的重要作用,勾勒出中国媒介话语在国际话语体系中的位置,理解京奥开幕式对于中国和世界的意义。文本分析,包括宏观分析和微观分析两个部分。宏观分析,通过描述京奥开幕式意义的符号呈现方式,分析如何利用已有的中国元素来呈现传统文化和现代文明,归纳梳理如何吸收、转化已有的中国元素的意义生成机制。微观分析,将中国CCTV、美国NBC、英国BBC、日本NHK、法国2台的京奥开幕式电视文本进行横向比较。从文本结构、解说框架和镜头语言三个方面着手进行比较,试图厘清各国电视文本意识形态的呈现策略。阐释分析,在分析比较京奥开幕式5国电视文本异同的基础上,运用萨义德的“东方主义”理论,阐释各国电视转播文本在跨文化传播过程中产生变异的原因。由于意识形态的“东西分立”、文化差异的根深蒂固、国家利益至上的必然选择,西方借助强大的信息传播网,用“他们/我们”的话语呈现策略,支配、重构、控制东方。西方社会对北京奥运会的褒贬不一都可以在“东方主义”话语下找到注解。电视话语的共享机制。当东西方文明在北京奥运会期间实现对话与交流时,我们获得了以西方为参照系深刻检视自我的宝贵机会:中国在世界眼中不应该只是一个“经济大国”,更应该是一个“文化大国”。借助奥运文化传播契机,了解电视文本话语秩序的转型趋势,建立更为国际化的议程设置和主题,使我们的媒介话语更和谐地纳入国际话语体系,进一步提升文化软实力,增强传播效果,使世界了解中国、理解中国、信任中国。

【Abstract】 The Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony was the most grand celebration since the founding of thePeople’s Republic of China in 1949 which sufficiently applied the classical sign of nation and the modern technology of world. It had shown the great civilization of ancient Chinese and the great aspirations of peace rising as well as attained world praise. In the troublous background of international opinion environment including the Lhasa riots, the frustration for the Olympic Games torch overseas transmission, Wenchuan earthquake and so on, the overseas media especially the western media had expressed the resistance and question to China and the Beijing Olympic Games. In the field of culture exchanges for the Beijing Olympic Games, we should positively introduce the China’s image in the past and now and become the effectively exporter and elucidator to the significance and value of China.At the present, Chinese TV studies have mostly applied on positivism theory which is unable to deeply reveal the TV text attribute in the complicated culture context. The theories and schools of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) provide an interpretative, contextual and constitutive method to research the TV text for the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony. On this basis, we had intergated a three-dimension analytical framework including context analysis,text analysis and explanation analysis. Compared to the Tv text of CCTV, NBC, BBC, NHK and France channel 2(F2), we should research the generative mechanism of textual meanings of semiotic system, the significance variation and the reason in the intercultural communication and sum up the sharing mechanism for the nation’s image communication in the future.The context analysis including historical and social context analysis, we should comb the history of television relaying about the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony and the complicated the public opinion environment at home and abroad in 2008. So then, we can understand the importance of the media development in the course of the Olympic culture diffusion, outline the position which the Chinese media discourse in the international discourse system, comprehend the significance of the Beijing Olympic Games to China and world.The text analysis includes macro-analysis and micro-analysis. In the macro-analysis, we should describe the symbolic meaning of the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony, analysis how to use the exsiting Chinese elements to present traditional culture and contempory civilization, conclude the generative mechanism of textual meanings which to absorb and transform the exsiting Chinese elements. In the micro-analysis, we should compare with the Tv text of CCTV, NBC, BBC, NHK and F2 from 3 aspects including text structure, explanation framework and realflow and get down the representation strategies of ideology in the TV text of each country.The explanation analysis, on the basis of the differences from 5 countries’ TV texts, have applied on the theory of Said, that is Orientalism which contributes to explain the reasons for the misreading of TV texts in the interculture communication. Because of the ideology antagonism between the East and West, deeply rooted cultural difference and the highest state interests, the Western with the help of the powerful network have applied the discourse strategy about "them/us" for dominating and reconstructing the Eastern. We can find the explanatory notes from the critically-acclaimed attitude about the Beijing Olympic Games in the western society.The last part is the sharing mechanism of the TV discourse. In the course of the Beijing Olympic Games, the civilization clash between the east and the west, we could obtain the precious chance which reflect upon ourselves contrasting the Western. Though we seemed to the world, China should not be a economic giant but a cultural giant. We should draw support from the chance of the Olympic cultural communication, understand the restructuring tendency of the discourse order about the TV texts, construct the more international agenda-setting, promote the soft power of Chinese culture, increase the effect of communication and make the world to understand and trust China.


