

On North American Tradition of Political Economy of Communication

【作者】 陈世华

【导师】 张昆;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 政治经济学作为一个传播研究中的主要路径,在过去的六十年里给传播研究增添了新的活力,其对现存政治经济权力和传播体制的批判使她成为了传播研究中的异类。尤其是在经验研究占统治地位的北美,传播政治经济学一直处于边缘地位。不像经验传播研究在北美大学和研究机构有广泛而分散的落脚点,传播政治经济学研究者相对集中和紧凑,他们之间的学术传承大多是父子、师生、同事、夫妻,并互相合作,体现了一个较为单纯的谱系。正由于这种集中和紧凑使传播政治经济学体现了鲜明的学术传承和理论意旨的一致性,彰显了一个传播研究分支学科的身份。本研究以知识谱系的写法,梳理北美传播政治经济学的起源、流变、分化和繁衍的“印迹”,再现北美传播政治经济学的轮廓和原貌,理解其主要视野和处理传播的路径,提炼其的理论精髓,思考其对中国传播工业和传播研究的启示和借鉴。全文分为思想渊源、奠基、繁衍、拓展、总结等几部分。本文从探索北美传播政治经济学的思想渊源开始,接着分析了两个奠基人斯麦兹和席勒的思想与学术,然后梳理了北美传播政治经济学的几个亚领域:电影政治经济学,新闻政治经济学、信息政治经济学、因特网政治经济学,以及传播政治经济学领域内外的跨学科取向,并将北美传播政治经济学的理论精髓概括为“我们不自由的传播”,体现她与其他传播研究学派的区别,分析北美传播政治经济学者如何运用政治经济学的路径分析传播工业的“不自由”,这种不自由的传播又是从哪些方面得以体现,以及他们对不自由后果的认识和自由传播的期待。本文最后思考北美传播政治经济学对中国传播工业和传播研究的启示,认为中国传播工业应该进行公共讨论,实现公共控制,反对商业化,促进媒介自治。中国的传播研究应该采纳政治经济学的视野、寻求和告知真相,坚持独立的姿态和左翼的批判取向,坚持现实主义的认识论,而且要批判与建言并行,通过清晰浅显的表达方式,为中国的传播现实服务。

【Abstract】 Political Economy adds new energy to communication research as a main approach in last sixty years. It’s an alien in the field of communication research because of its criticism to existing political economy power and communication system. Political Economy of Communication is on the margin especially in the North American academic sphere dominated by empirical research. The political economists of communication are centralized and concentrated, which is different from empirical research that has a broad and dispersive standpoints in North American universities and research institutes. Most of academic transitions in this field are father-son, teacher-student, colleagues, even couples. In this tradition, they collaborate with each other frequently and coauthor a lot of works, which demonstrates a pure genealogy and a same approach to apprehend communication. This dissertation summarizes the imprinting of origins, changes, division, and propagation, to represent the contour and understand its main perspectives and approach addressing communication, to conclude its theoretical essence, to reflect the inspirations and merits to communication industry and communication research in ChinaThis dissertation includes four parts of origins, foundations, divisions and conclusion. This paper starts from summarizing the intellectual origins, then analyzes two founding fathers of the field, Dallas Smythe and Herbert Schiller’s thoughts and research. The following part illuminates 4 sub-fields arising from political economy of communication according to different subjects, political economy of film, political economy of news and media, political economy of information, political economy of Internet, then clarifies new approaches in this field and the interdisciplinary approaches combining with outside approachesFurther more this article concludes the theoretical essence of North American tradition of political economy of communication to be "Our Un-free Communication", to understand their main approaches to address communication, to exhibit the difference between NAPEC and other schools of communication research. This paper argues how the NAPEC scholars using the political economy approach to analyze the Un-free feature of North American communication industry, as well as their cognition to consequence of Un-free communication and the expectation of free communication.Last part is the extension of research topic, which argues the inspirations of political economy of communication to communication industry and communication research in China. This part recommends that the communication industry in China needs public discussions, public control, anti-commercialism and media autonomy. The communication research in China should adopt political approach, seek and tell the truth, insist on independent stance and left-wing critical orientation, use realistic epistemology, they should raise criticism with suggestion, combine theory with praxis to serve the communication reality in China through clear and plain teaching and expressing styles.


