

Research on Complete Sets of Mechanical Polishing Technology for Aluminum Wheel Hub Surface

【作者】 陈义

【导师】 吴昌林;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 铝合金汽车轮毂(轮毂)的表面抛光是电镀前的一道重要工序,要求表面材料去除均匀、无过抛变形,且表面粗糙度Ra在0.5μm内。而由于压铸生产的轮毂原始表面粗糙度大、需抛光面积大,且形状复杂、多样,轮毂生产企业普遍依赖熟练工人抛光,存在工人劳动强度大、粉尘污染严重、劳动力短缺、抛光效率低及表面质量不稳定等问题,严重制约了该行业的发展。目前,一方面国外的轮毂机械自动抛光设备,由于其抛光加工生产方法的局限,使得并不普遍适用于国内轮毂制造企业的轮毂表面抛光;另一方面现有研究的自动机械抛光技术及设备等,对于大型粗糙曲面工件的高效、高质量抛光加工,还存在较多的问题和不足。因此,本文在课题作为浙江省科技厅新产品试制计划项目与金华市重点项目,紧密结合企业生产实际的背景下,针对现有机械抛光技术研究及设备存在的问题和不足,研究了大型粗糙曲面工件的高效率、高质量抛光加工方法,研究了其中的关键技术,开发了相应的机械抛光设备及控制系统等,为这类型工件的抛光加工提供了有效的理论借鉴及实际参考,并有助于改善现有工件的抛光加工还普遍依赖于手工抛光模式的行业现状。针对现有数控抛光刀位数据生成方法研究存在的不足,提出多磨具弹性磨轮抛光的基于恒去除率系数约束的抛光刀位数据生成方法,以及表面材料去除控制方法,用以保证粗糙曲面工件表面材料的快速均匀去除,提高表面抛光质量。通过多磨具抛光的刀位数据生成和表面材料去除仿真,验证了提出的刀位数据生成方法的合理性,并表明了多磨具相比传统单磨具抛光粗糙曲面,在获得相同表面材料去除深度的情况下,表面材料去除更均匀,抛光效率更高。针对回转特征曲面和径向对称分布特征曲面高效抛光,提出一种具体的单工位多磨具联动机械抛光加工工艺。基于该工艺,以轮毂曲面抛光加工为例,设计了多磨具抛光机床,研发了适应的开放式软、硬件控制系统。通过在多磨具抛光机床上的轮毂工件曲面的抛光实验及生产表明,抛光后的表面材料去除均匀,表面光顺,无变形情况发生,测量表面平均粗糙度值Ra可保持在0.5μm内,证实了提出的单工位多磨具联动机械抛光及其刀位数据生成方法的合理性。针对具有回转特征的大型工件复杂表面抛光,提出一种旋流式滚磨机械抛光加工方法。通过研究其抛光机理,得出了切削速度和切削角与工件在游离态磨料中自转速度和公转速度的关系,为该类型工件的抛光工艺提供理论依据。实验的结果表明,采用旋流式滚磨抛光方法,当公转转速N=72r/min,自转转速n=108 r/min时,工件的表面能在含碳化硅微粉的树脂磨料块中经30-40min获得Ra0.5gm内的粗糙度值,为实际的旋流滚磨机械抛光生产工艺提供了参考。基于上述研究,提出将非自由磨具类的单工位多磨具联动机械抛光与自由磨具类的旋流式滚磨抛光集成的大型工件曲面成套机械抛光工艺。对于轮毂类工件的表面抛光,在获得稳定的抛光表面质量的前提下,与人工抛光相比,效率约提高了70%,与其它单磨具机械抛光方式相比也具有质量和效率上的优势。此外,研究的成套机械抛光设备及工艺的应用,也为轮毂制造行业在提升形象、减少污染、改善工人工作环境、降低对熟练工人的依赖度等方面,起到重要的经济效益及社会效应。

【Abstract】 The surface polishing is the important procedure before electroplating for aluminum alloy auto wheel hub(hub), require removal of surface material evenly, without polishing deformation, and the surface roughness Ra of 0.5um or less. However, because of the hub of cast production original surface roughness is large and required polishing large area, and the shape of a complex, diverse, Almost all the hub production enterprises depend on skilled workers for polishing, there are some problems about labor intensive, dust pollution serious, labor shortages, low efficiency, and instable polishing quality, which seriously restricted the development of enterprises.At present, the one hand, foreign mechanical equipment for polishing hub surface, due to its limitations of polishing production methods, making do not generally application to domestic hub manufacturing enterprises for the surface of polishing; the other hand, existing studies of mechanical polishing techniques and automated equipments, etc., for the rough surface of workpiece achieve high-efficient, high-quality polishing, there are some problems and shortcomings.Therefore, in the background as a trial project of new product, Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Department, and Jinhua City key project, in close connection with the actual production, against the mechanical polishing technology for the study of existing problems and deficiencies, this paper studied the high-efficiency, high-quality polishing methods for the rough surface of large workpiece, and studied which the key technologies, developed the corresponding mechanical polishing equipment and control system. These studies will provide effective ideas and reference for the type of workpieces surface polishing, and help solve the problems created by manual polishing mode for hub surface.Against the NC polishing cutter location data generation method for the study existing deficiencies, a multi-abrasive flexible wheel polishing cutter location data generation method based on the constant removal rate coefficient and surface material removal control method are proposed, to ensure that the rapid decrease of workpiece surface roughness and uniform removal of surface material, and improve surface quality. Through the multi-abrasive polishing cutter location data generation and surface material removal simulation, verified the cutter location data generation method is reasonable, And multi-abrasive than single-abrasive polishing rough surface, in the case of the given the same surface material removal depth, the surface material removal more uniform and higher polishing efficiency.For the rotating surface and the radial symmetric distribution surface, a single-station, multi-abrasive linkage mechanical polishing process is presented. Based on the way, to the hub surface polishing as an example, a multi-abrasive polishing machine tool is designed, and developed the corresponding open hardware and software control systems to achieve efficient polishing workpiece surface. Through the surface polishing experiments and production in the multi-abrasive polishing machine tool, polished surface of material removal uniformity and surface smoothing, no deformation occurred, measuring average surface roughness Ra is about 0.5μm. Confirmed the single-station multi-abrasive linkage mechanical polishing and cutter location data generation method are reasonable.For the rotary feature large workpiece with complex surfaces polishing, a swirl-type rolling mechanical polishing method is proposed. By studying the mechanism of polishing, and provide a theoretical basis for the polishing process. Experimental results show that the use of swirl-type rolling polishing method, when the revolution speed N=72r/min and rotation speed n=108r/min, in 30-40min, the hub surface was polished and obtained the roughness value of Ra0.5μm in resin blocks containing silica powder.Based on the above studied, a complete set large surface mechanical polishing process is proposed, the single-station, multi-abrasive linkage mechanical polishing in the non-free abrasive class and the swirl-type rolling polishing in the free abrasive class were integrated. Compared with the manual polishing, in the premise to obtain stable polished surface quality, polishing efficiency has been increased by 70%, and than other single-abrasive mechanical polishing methods also have quality and efficiency advantages. In addition, the use of complete sets of mechanical polishing equipment, but also for enterprises to enhance their image, reducing pollution, improving the working environment of workers, reduce dependence on skilled workers and so on, play an important economic and social effects.


