

Study on the Structure Adjustment of Regional Higher Education

【作者】 李锦奇

【导师】 别敦荣;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 高等教育结构调整是推动高等教育大众化水平的重要路径。由于每一所高校都是办在特定的区域,属于特定类型和层次的大学,因而高等教育的功能发挥和价值彰显都必然具有区域性特点。区域高等教育结构调整研究可以为区域高等教育与区域社会经济之间的良性互动提供科学合理的思维框架和实践模式。本研究在理论分析和事实分析的基础上,以辽宁省为个案,对区域高等教育结构调整进行了系统探讨。本研究界定了区域高等教育结构调整的时间、空间和概念,认为区域高等教育结构调整是市场经济体制下,知识经济与高等教育大众化所催生的高等教育改革与发展的重要路径;所谓区域高等教育结构是指区域高等教育系统的各要素、各单元相互关联的方式和组织形式,它既包括层次结构、科类结构、形式结构和地域结构等宏观结构,也包括学科结构、人员结构和权力结构等微观结构。其次,本研究探讨了区域高等教育结构与规模、质量、效益的关系,以及区域高等教育结构与国家高等教育结构的关系,认为高等教育结构的规模、质量与效益是区域高等教育结构调整中的三个重要要素,三者之间相互依存相互制约;国家高等教育结构与区域高等教育结构是系统与要素的关系,区域高等教育结构调整旨在通过要素最优化来促进系统优化。区域高等教育结构调整的价值选择和思路设计往往是建构在不同的科学理论和社会理论假设之上的。其中,人力资源开发理论解释了区域高等教育结构调整的目标定位问题;系统自组织理论解释了区域高等教育结构调整的动力机制问题;波特竞争模型理论解释了区域高等教育结构调整的策略安排问题;社会三元结构理论来解释了区域高等教育结构调整的保障体系问题;学科专业发展理论解释了区域高等教育结构调整的学科走向问题。计划经济体制下区域高等教育结构的状态是新形势下区域高等教育结构调整的现实基础。计划经济体制下区域高等教育结构调整是一种政府主导型模式,是以指令性计划来平衡供需关系,带有明显的封闭性和单一性特征,突出弊端在于高校与社会脱离,致使政校关系不顺、办学形式单一、高校缺乏特色、办学效益低下、专业结构比例失调、人才资源浪费与结构性短缺并存等问题。发达国家和地区、我国部分省市在高等教育结构调整方面都进行过探索和实验,为我国区域高等教育结构调整提供有益的启示和借鉴。为社会政治经济服务,正逐步成为美国高等教育发展的主导方向.以社会需求为导向的各种形式的高等职业教育占美国整个高等教育的比重在日益增大。美国高校在教育管理、办学形式、招生制度、课程与教学、人事制度、科学研究等方面拥有充分的办学自主权,有利于高校伸展个性,办出特色。上海市一直坚持高校布局与产业发展、城市建设相结合,促进高校布局相对聚集和资源共享。黑龙江省则利用理工学科门类的优势,充分发挥高校经济助推器的作用。市场经济体制重视劳动力市场供求规律,它为区域高等教育结构调整提供了一种内在的调节和激励机制,总体上要求区域高等教育结构与社会经济发展对人才的需求结构相吻合。为此,区域高等教育结构调整的基本目标是关系合理,功能互补;科学定位,办出特色;功能整合,效益优先。区域高等教育结构调整应该贯彻适应性原则、整体优化原则,非均衡化原则和兼顾性原则。区域高等教育结构调整策略,是以解决高等教育与区域经济社会协调发展和高等教育内部协调发展为目的,在综合考虑经济结构、产业布局、人口变化、人力资源市场化配置以及高等教育的结构布局现有状况基础上,对高等教育的宏微观结构调整提出的具体行动方针与作出的战略方向选择。新时期我国区域高等教育结构布局调整策略,既取决于高等教育结构布局形成的内外部关系变化的趋势,也取决于区域高等教育结构布局的现状与未来可能的走向等因素。辽宁省高等教育结构调整既是辽宁省高等教育结构变迁的必然趋势,也是辽宁省经济结构、产业结构和人口变化的现实诉求。辽宁省高等教育结构存在的问题主要表现在类型结构狭窄、专业结构趋同、体制结构单一、层次结构不合理,缺乏领军高校等问题。辽宁高等教育结构调整的总体思路是以发挥高等教育规划的宏观调控功能、引导省域内高等学校合理分层定位为基础,促进各类高等教育协调发展;以通过重点建设、打造省域高等学校顶尖水准,为引领,辐射和带动其他层次高等学校共同发展;以建立省域高等学校战略合作联盟和以科类结构调整带动省域高等学校宏观布局合理化为主要手段,提升省域内高等教育的整体水平,最终形成一个区域内托起“三大经济圈”重点与支柱产业发展、区域外辐射国内及东北亚相关行业与领域的、科学高效“内部区域一体、对外辐射开放”的结构体系。

【Abstract】 Structure adjustment of higher education is an essential measure to promote popularization of higher education. Since each of the colleges and universities have been run in a particular region and belong to a particular type and level, function and value of higher education have regional characteristics. Research on structural adjustment of regional higher education can provide scientific thinking framework and practice mode for the good interaction between regional higher education and regional socioeconomic. Based on theoretical analysis and factual analysis, this study takes Liaoning province as a case, conducting a systematic study of structural adjustment of the regional higher education.A number of the relationship involved in structural adjustment of regional higher education. First of all, this study defines the time, space and concepts of structural adjustment of regional higher education. Underlying market economy system, structural adjustment of regional higher education is an important path for higher education reform and development, which was born by the knowledge economy and popularization of higher education. The so-called regional higher education structure refers to interrelated methods and organizational forms of the various elements of the regional higher education system. It includes not only macro-structure such as hierarchy structure, science class structure, formal structure and geographical structure, but also micro-structure such as disciplinary structure, personnel structure and the power structures. Secondly, this study explored the relationship between the structure of regional higher education and scale, between the structure of regional higher education and quality, between the structure of regional higher education and efficiency, as well as the relationship between structure of regional higher education and structure of national higher education. Believe that size, quality and efficiency of higher education restructure are the three key elements in structural adjustment of regional higher education and Mutual restraint among interdependent Structure of national higher education is a big system and structure of regional higher education is one of the elements. Regional higher education restructuring is aimed at optimizing the elements to promote system optimization. The value choices and design ideas of the structural adjustment of regional higher education are often constructed in a different scientific theories and assumptions of social theory. Among them, human resource development theories to explain the targeting issues of structural adjustment of regional higher education, the system self-organization theory to explain the dynamic mechanism issue of the structural adjustment of regional higher education, Porter’s competitive model theory to explain the strategy for regional higher education restructuring arrangements, ternary structure of social theory to explain the regional security system issues of structural adjustment of higher education, the professional development of academic theories to explain the alignment of subjects of the structural adjustment of regional higher education.Under the planned economic system, the state of the regional higher education structures is the real basis for the restructuring of the higher education in the new situation. Adjustment of regional higher education structure under the planned economic system as a government-led model is to balance the relationship between supply and demand by mandatory plan, which is with the characteristics of the closure and unity. The obvious disadvantage is from what the university detaches the community, which result in some questions during the being not smooth the relationship between government and school, a single form of school, the lack of features in University, school inefficient, professional structure of an imbalance, the mix of wasteful human resources and structural deficiency.We conducted to explore and experiment to the aspect of the restructuring of higher education in the developed countries and regions, some of China’s provinces and municipalities, which provided the useful inspiration and reference for Regional higher education restructuring in our country, and serviced for socio-political economic. It is gradually to be the leading direction in the development of American higher education. Various forms of higher vocational education with social needs as a orientation accounted for the proportion of the entire U.S. higher education increasing. American Universities have full autonomy in running schools, such as educational management, school forms, student enrollment system, curriculum and instruction, personnel systems, and scientific research and so on, which is benefit to show and run the college, features. Shanghai has been insisting the combination of college layout, industrial development and urban construction in order to promote the Universities layout relative accumulation and resource sharing. Helongjiang province, where used the advantages of polytechnic disciplines, give full play to the function of economic booster in Universities.Market economic system, which attached importance to the law of supply and demand in the labor market, provided an inherent mechanism of regulation and incentives for adjustment of the regional higher education structure. Therefore, the basic aim of adjustment of regional higher education structure is of reasonable relationship and functional complementation, scientific orientation and unique, functional integration and giving priority to efficiency. Adjustment of regional higher education structure should implement the principle of the adaptability, global optimization, non-equalization and balance. The restructuring of regional higher education aims at the harmonious development of higher education as well as regional economy by putting forward the concrete policy and strategies for the micro-structure adjustment of higher education with the full consideration of economic structure, industrial distribution, population change, human resource market allocation and higher education structure nowadays. The strategies for the restructuring of regional higher education for the new era not only rely on the internal and external relationship changes towards higher education structure but also rely on the past and future structure of regional higher education.The restructuring of higher education in Liaoning province not only is the inevitable trend of structural change of higher education, but also is the realistic demands of the economic structure, industrial structure and demographic changes in Liaoning Province. Problems in higher education structure in Liaoning province are mainly manifested in narrow type structure, professional structural convergence, institutional structure of a single, irrational hierarchy the lack of leading colleges and universities and so on. The general idea of restructuring of higher education in Liaoning Province is, by playing the macro-control function of higher education planning, to guide the reasonable stratification and position in the provincial colleges and universities, and promote the coordinated development of various types of higher education. To lead, affect and spur common development in other levels of universities is by key constructing and creating the top standard in the provincial Universities. Establishing the strategic alliance of the provincial Universities and spurring the rationalization of the macro layout by the categories of structural adjustment raise the overall level in the provincial colleges and universities, which are as a major method, and ultimately forming a more proper structural system.

  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2787

