

Luo Zhenyu’s Study on Philology

【作者】 谭飞

【导师】 程邦雄;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 罗振玉,著名的古文字学家、金石学家、考古学家、校勘学家、收藏家、出版家、书法家。他一生著作达189种,校刊书籍642种。在古文字研究领域,他取得了极高的成就。我们使用计算机将罗振玉相关著作文本化等方法,在全面观照罗振玉文字学相关著作的基础上,系统总结了罗氏古文字考释的方法与特色以及其古文字考释的经验与教训,全面归纳出罗氏对古文字特点及文字发展演变规律的认识。通过将罗振玉与孙诒让、王国维进行比较,设立甲骨文、金文、石鼓文等专题进行讨论,第一次全面、系统、深入地对罗振玉文字学进行了研究。本文共分9章。第1章“绪论”,主要介绍选题缘起及研究的价值、研究涉及的材料、研究方法、相关研究综述等。第2章至第4章是“方法论”部分,包括第2章“据形考释”,第3章“据音考释”,第4章“据义考释”。这一部分总结了罗振玉考释古文字的方法,在归纳考释方法的同时,还随文对其考释中的失误作了讨论。第5章“罗振玉的文字学观点”,是对罗振玉在古文字考释中表现出的文字学观点的归纳。第6章和第7章是从学术史的角度对罗振玉文字学研究的纵向与横向的比较研究。第6章“罗振玉古文字研究的发展”将罗振玉前后期古文字研究著作进行了比较,第7章“罗振玉与孙诒让、王国维之比较研究”则分别将罗振玉与孙诒让、王国维在古文字研究方面进行了比较。第8章“罗振玉古文字专题研究”,设立专题对罗振玉古文字研究涉及的领域分别进行了讨论,对其各个领域的成就得失进行了总结与评述。第9章“结语”,总结了罗振玉文字学研究的主要特点、主要成就、失误及原因。本文在前人研究的基础上,主要有如下一些创新。1.首次全面深入地考察了罗振玉文字学相关著作,丰富和完善了近代文字学史。2.首次对罗振玉考释古文字的方法进行了全面归纳与分析。在此基础上,还对科学的考释方法及其应用中应注意的一些问题作了讨论。3.首次对罗振玉的主要文字学观点作了系统全面的归纳整理与评述,有益于对文字学思想发展史的整理与研究。4.本研究中关于文字的本形溯义的相关整理研究与再讨论,为词汇学、训诂学提供补充和修正。在对罗振玉文字学著作的全面考察的基础上,我们发现罗振玉文字学研究有涉猎范围广、著录与考释并重、多角度综合考察、注重字形的历史发展、见解独立、治学严谨等主要特点。罗振玉古文字研究的主要贡献有:1.文字学史方面(1)考证出了甲骨出土地与甲骨记载的年代。考证河南安阳小屯村为殷墟。通过甲骨刻辞中出现的人名与《史记》所载之商王名相合者甚多,“乃恍然悟此卜辞”“实为殷王室之遗物”。(2)大量的著录为后世研究者提供了宝贵的资料。著录广泛涉及甲骨文、金文、碑石刻文、玺印封泥、钞币、符牌、镜铭、地券等。(3)研究成果特别是文字考释,大大地推动了古文字学的发展。《增订殷墟书契考释》中讨论的字达571个,且大部分是正确的,为通读卜辞,从而进一步研究卜辞内容提供了可能。此外,他还有考释简牍文的《流沙坠简》,考释石鼓文的《石鼓文考释》等。2.考释方法方面(1)明确提出“由许书以溯金文,由金文以窥书契”的考释方法,主张将甲骨文置于古文字发展的历史中进行研究,是从理论上明确提出历史比较的第一人。(2)将甲骨文资料与历史典籍相互参证,是“二重证据法”的开创者和第一实践者。(3)主张考释文字应注意卜辞的通读。在考释古文字时,尽力考量其在辞句中的位置和作用。因为有了通读卜辞的意识,所以罗振玉更自觉地据文例句式来推析古文字。(4)注重部件分析,对甲骨文字的构形系统已有一定的科学的认识。3.文字学理论方面(1)文字发展观念。把甲骨文放在文字发展演变的链条中进行考察,广泛地将甲骨文与金文、石鼓文、碑刻文字以及《说文》小篆、别体、或体、古文、籀文等进行比较。对文字发展过程中的繁化、简化、分化、省变、讹变等现象进行了研究。(2)对古文字特点有初步的认识与归纳。如义近部件可以置换,繁简并存,正书反书往往无别,构件位置不固定,常用词组有合书现象等。当然,罗振玉研究中也有一些失误,主要原因为:1.对差异缺乏细致分析,混讹形似形体。2.对部件组合义分析不够,轻言增省。3.从《说文》的释义出发分析甲骨文形体,附会而误。4.仅据形联想,结合卜辞文句推析验证不够。

【Abstract】 Luo Zhenyu is one of the earliest scientists who study the ancient Chinese character, specialist in gold and stone, archaeologist, emendator, collector, publisher and calligrapher. He left to us 189 masterpieces and 642 collated editions of books. He acquires great achievement in the field of the ancient Chinese character research.We input Luo’s masterpieces into the computer. On the basis of the complete study on Luo’s philological works, we summarize his methods and characteristics, experience and lessons of verifying and explaining ancient Chinese characters systematically. We conclude his understanding of the ancient Chinese character’s features and evolution rules. We compare Luo Zhenyu with Sun Yirang and Wang Guowei, and discuss several special subjects about oracle-bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, and stone drums inscriptions and so on. It’s the first time to study Luo’s philology completely, systematically and deeply.The thesis consists of nine chapters.Chapter one introduces basic information, such as research subject selection, research value, literary materials, research method and previous literature. From Chapter two to Chapter four is the part about methodology. Chapter two is’verifying depending on structure’, Chapter three’verifying depending on pronunciation’, and Chapter four ’verifying depending on meaning’. In this part, we summarize Luo Zhenyu’s method of verifying and explaining ancient Chinese characters, and meanwhile discuss his failure in this aspect. Chapter five discusses Luo Zhenyu’s view on the philology. It’s a conclusion of his views on philology. Chapter six and Chapter seven is the horizontal and vertical Comparison of Luo Zhenyu’s philology research from the aspect of academic history. Chapter six is the development of Luo Zhenyu’s research on philology. We make a comparison between his former and latter works on ancient characters. Chapter seven compares Luo Zhenyu with Sun Yirang and Wang Guowei. Chapter eight is monographic study on Luo Zhenyu’s philology. In this chapter, we discussed according to different subjects in different fields involved in Luo Zhenyu’s philology research, summarized and commented the achievements and lessons of his research in these fields. Chapter nine is conclusion, including the main characteristics, main achievements, failures and reasons of Luo Zhenyu’s philological research.Based on the previous research, this thesis has made some innovations as follows:Firstly, we studied Luo’s philological works completely and deeply for the first time. Our work enriches and perfects the academic history of philology. Secondly, we summarized and analysed Luo Zhenyu’s methods to verify and explain ancient Chinese characters completely for the first time. Furthermore, we discussed about the scientific methods and some problems needed to be paid attention in practice.Thirdly, we concluded Luo Zhenyu’s views on philology systematically and completely for the first time. It’s helpful for the research on the development history of thoughts of philology.Fourthly, the study and discussion about verifying the original meaning from the original from is a makeup and correction for lexicology and exegetics.We concluded the main features of Luo Zhenyu’s philological research based on the studies over all his works as follows:His research covers wide fields. He paid the same attention to the description and textual research in his research. He did a multi-angle study based on the comprehensive survey of the ancient Chinese character materials. He traced back to the origin and perceived the evolution history of the ancient Chinese characters. He has independent viewpoint in study. He is serious with his study.The main contributions of Luo Zhenyu’s philological research as follows:First, finding out the place of oracle bones being found and the age of the oracle bones recorded. He pointed out that Xiaotun village of Anyang City in Henan Province is Yin Dynasty ruins. He realized that the oracle bones are relics of Shang Dynasty according to the fact that many names appearing in the oracle bones are the same as the names of Shang kings recorded in Shiji.Second, a large number of descriptions provide valuable materials for the later researchers. The descriptions include oracle-bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, tablet inscription, script on seal and sealing clay, banknotes, tallies and tablets, mirror inscriptions, land purchase certificates, etc.Third, his research results, especially the study of ancient Chinese characters promote the rapid development of paleography.571 characters are discussed in Zengding Yinxu Shuqi Kaoshi and most of them are correct. Based on his achievement it is probable to read through the contents of the oracle inscriptions and analysis them. Moreover, he studies bamboo slips in Liusha Zhuijian and scripts on stone drums in Shiguwen Kaoshi.Fourth, he clearly puts forward the method of textual research:from Shuowen Jiezi tracing back to the inscriptions on bronzes, from bronze inscriptions tracing back to oracle-bone inscriptions. He argues that we should put the research on the oracle bone inscriptions into the development history of ancient Chinese characters. He is the first man who proposes the historical comparative method theoretically.. Fifth, he is the inaugurator and practitioner of the method of "dual evidence". He claims that the unearthed oracle-bone and bronze inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty and the historical books and records can be proved by each other.Sixth, he arguing that reading through oracle inscriptions should be paid more attention when clarifying the ancient characters. He arguing that reading through oracle inscriptions should be paid more attention when clarifying the ancient characters and trying best to analyze their positions and functions in the sentences. He did a good job in this aspect.Seventh, he pays great attention to the analysis of character components. He has a certain scientific knowledge about the formative system of the inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells.Eighth, he researches ancient Chinese characters based on the background of Chinese characters’development. He puts his research in the chain of the development of Chinese characters. He compares oracle-bone inscriptions with bronze inscriptions, stone drums inscriptions, tablet inscriptions and all kinds of Chinese character types in Shuowen such as Xiaozhuan, Bieti, Huoti, Guwen, Zhouwen and so on. He studies the simplification, complication, differentiation, omission and erroneous evolvement in the development of Chinese characters.Ninth, Luo Zhenyu summarizes the characteristics of ancient Chinese characters. For example, he found that synonymous parts of characters can be used generally, there is no difference between complex and simplified forms nor between the characters with their components in different position, the position of the components is not fixed and the commonly used words usually write in a character’s position, etc.Of course, there are some failures in Luo Zhenyu’s research, the main reasons as follows:He didn’t make a meticulous analysis of the structure differences so that he confuses the similar writing forms.He didn’t analyze deeply the meaning of components combination. He simply claims that it’s a simplified form or a complicated form while not making careful analyses.He analyzed the shape inscribed on bones and tortoise shells from the explanation of Shuowen so that he drew wrong conclusions.Sometimes, he drew a conclusion only depending on structural analysis but not verify in sentence context.


