

An Empirical Study of Wuhan Lakefront Landscape Changes

【作者】 武静

【导师】 李保峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 武汉市因多湖多水而闻名,素有“百湖之市”的雅称,湖泊是武汉城市格局中最具特色的景观要素之一。武汉城市的自然山水格局承载着整个城市发展与演变的历史文化。追根溯源,武汉湖泊在历史变迁过程中出现的不同干扰因素使武汉湖泊面临着“优于水而忧于水”尴尬处境。特别是近几十年,武汉城市开发的力度不断加大,城市人口的快速增长,城市湖泊陷入十分难堪的地步,湖泊数量锐减,水面面积急剧缩小,湖泊淤积严重,部分湖泊逐渐沼泽化。人为因素的干扰造成水土流失,使湖泊变浅,库容量降低,生产与生活污水大量直接排入湖中,导致湖泊水质严重恶化、滨湖景观被大量高速植入的建筑群密封,滨湖物种被破碎化的土地和固化驳岸驱走,滨湖历史文化景观被城市化大量破坏,武汉滨湖景观正面临巨大的挑战。本研究正是基于此现状展开,通过对武汉水系大量的田野调查、历史卷宗整理、归纳总结和利用GIS数据采集、分析处理、统计输出的研究方法分析武汉市城市湖泊形成成因和演变过程展开系统的研究。笔者力求从景观规划的角度揭示导致武汉湖泊演变的驱动机制,根据GIS的数据分析和网格统计的方法对武汉滨湖区域的用地性质改变、物种栖息改变、人文景观改变、游憩景观改变以及视觉景观改变等景观元素进行分析并提出相应的建议和意见,以期望为城市湖泊的综合治理和保护开发提供理论依据,为城市建设与管理提供决策支持。大量历史资料表明,武汉湖泊历史可以追溯到古云梦泽时期,那时的江汉平原湖泊的变迁过程属于自然淤积的演变过程,表现为自然属性的演变,对于现代有深远影响是从清代张公堤的建设工程开始,武汉市的湖泊不断接受着人类活动的破坏,属于人为干扰因素占主导的演变过程。本文在针对武汉滨湖的演变从人文、历史、审美、生态等角度出发,对武汉湖泊的滨湖景观人文、安全、视觉、游憩、物种栖息等景观影响因素进行深入分析,并提出相应的规划建议和对策。随着城市不断扩张,交通道路的修建、防洪堤坝的建造、大量滨湖公园的建造,以及农业用地和建设用地的大量需求导致武汉湖泊不断被分隔和填埋。面对湖泊自然性的消融、掠夺性蚕食和破坏性开发等发展模式,本研究旨以独特的历史视角揭示武汉滨湖景观演变的趋势和规律,并基于可持续性发展的目标提出对武汉滨湖景观优化建议。

【Abstract】 Known as "the city of hundreds of lakes", Wuhan City is famous for its abundant lakes and water, which constitutes one of the most characteristic landscape elements of Wuhan’s urban configuration. Wuhan’s natural hill and lake layout carries the history and culture of Wuhan’s evolution and development. However, Wuhan’s lakefront landscape is facing a daunting challenge. Wuhan has been forced to an embarrassing point where "it is affluent in and worrying about lakes" by various factors appeared in its development. Especially in recent decades, lakes with Wuhan are becoming quite disconcerting because of roaring urban population and increasing urbanization. Specifically, to start with, the number of lakes drops dramatically; their area shrinks quickly; there is serious silt deposit in current lakes. Next, with industrial production waste water and domestic sewage directly dumped into those lakes, water quality of the existing lakes deteriorates gravely. Furthermore, lakefront landscape is isolated and sealed up by large quantities of buildings constructed at a surprisingly high speed; lakefront inhabitants are dispelled by fragmented habitat and solidified embankment; many historical and cultural attractions are destructed by urbanization. Therefore, Wuhan’s lakefront landscape is confronted with a grave challenge.On the basis of this situation, the formation causes and evolvement of Wuhan’s lakes are analyzed systematically in this study through plentiful field studies, through the collection, classification and summation of related historical literature and through data acquisition, analysis and processing, and statistical output using Geographic Information System (GIS).The author strives to reveal the driving mechanism of the evolvement of Wuhan’s lakes from the perspective of landscape planning, to analyze changes in the quality of land used, inhabitant species, human spectacles, and recreation and relaxing facilities and sight at Wuhan lakefront regions by the method of GIS data analysis and grid statistics, and to present related suggestions, expecting to set up a theoretical foundation for comprehensive treatment and protective development of urban lakes and to provide decision-making support for urban building and administration.A great deal of historical literature demonstrate that Wuhan’s lakes dates back to the ancient Yunmengze Lake when the changes of lakes in Jianghan Plain (Wuhan lies in the east of Jianghan Plain) are dominated by natural deposition, and demonstrates that human activities that has far-reaching impact on Wuhan’s lakes start with the building of Zhanggong Embankment in the Qing dynasty, after which those lakes are continuously exposed to human destruction and Wuhan’ lakes changes are ruled by human intervention. The last two chapters of this dissertation, from the perspectives of culture, history, aesthetics and ecology, conduct in-depth analysis of factors influencing Wuhan’s lakefront landscape, such as human culture, safety, vision, play and rest, as well as inhabitants, offering relevant planning suggestions and solutions. As a result of continuing urbanization, strong land demand in agriculture and the building sector, such as land for building of road networks, flood-preventing embankment and many lakefront parks, Wuhan’s lakes are filled and divided on a continuous basis. With regard to natural disappearance, rapacious nibbling and destructive development of Wuhan’s lakes, this dissertation discloses the evolvement tendency of Wuhan lakefront landscape and the laws behind it from a special historical perspective, and presents lakefront landscape optimization advice on the basis of sustainable development.


