

Research on the Model of Running Agricultural Universities in China

【作者】 沈振锋

【导师】 别敦荣; 周艳;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国高等农业院校从最初的农务学堂,经过百余年的发展,大多已发展成为行业特色非常鲜明的多科性大学。我国的高等农林院校在人才培养、科学研究、社会服务等各方面为我国的经济与社会发展做出了巨大贡献,特别是在当前建设社会主义新农村的历史机遇中,在解决农村、农业和农民问题等方面发挥着其他类型高校所不可取代的作用。在新的形势下,我国农业大学如何发展已成为当前高等农林教育面临的十分突出的课题。大学办学模式是描述大学办学过程中各要素的地位、作用及其相互关系的简化形式,是办学理念、内部学科结构、办学程序和内部治理结构的复合体。与其他类型的大学相比,我国农业大学办学模式具有行业性、区域性、应用性和多样性四个主要特点。我国农业大学办学模式的变迁经历了四个主要的阶段。这四个阶段可以概括为四种模式,即以实业教育形式创立,形成高等实业学堂体系为主举办农科教育的被动开放模式;农业教育体系开始成形,以民国的独立学院、专门学校和综合大学农学院办农科教育,以综合大学农学院为主,属开放模式和封闭模式并行,开放模式为主导;新中国成立后,对旧教育的改造,形成的独具特色的“行业办学模式”,属于封闭的行业主导办学模式;农业大学的分化与重构,独立设置农业大学办学和综合大学农科教育重建,属于封闭模式向开放模式转化阶段,农业大学办学模式呈现多元发展的格局。我国农业大学办学模式发展的四个阶段并不是截然分立的,存在“共时的多样性”和“共时的进化性”。大学学术与职业性的双重属性是大学在社会中发挥作用的前提,也是我国大学办学模式流变的最终动因,办学模式的流变过程是我国农业大学为了应对此双重属性而不断寻找动态平衡的过程。经过百余年的建设与发展,我国已初步建立起了适应经济社会发展的高等农业教育体系,高等农业教育规模实现了跨越式发展;农业高校形成了比较完善的教育教学资源,积累了丰富的办学经验。但是不容忽视的问题是:农业高校办学条件相对较差,可持续发展能力弱;学科专业结构及其设置仍不能适应经济社会发展需求;师资队伍数量、结构和质量存在的问题比较突出;原创性高水平科研成果不多,科技成果转化乏力。国家建设高等教育强国战略、“三农”深刻变化等迫切需要大力发展高等农业教育。但是,长期以来高等农业教育一直未得到应有重视,如今发展空间越来越受到综合性大学的挤压,城乡二元结构下的弱势农业也影响了直接为农业服务的农业院校。农业高校要紧紧围绕国家发展现代农业,走中国特色农业现代化道路的战略需求,进一步加强农业基础学科建设,扎实办好传统农科专业,稳步调整专业结构,努力形成结构合理、特色鲜明、有较强竞争力的学科专业体系,为农业提供亟需的农业科技成果,解决重要的农业技术问题,培养亟需的各类农业人才。农业高校要打破以学科研究型为主的单一人才培养模式,要把培养更多创业型人才、实用型人才纳入人才培养目标体系;要围绕农业生产实际,完善专业体系,优化课程结构,注重将学科发展新成果和生产实用技术渗透到教学内容中,强化学生动手能力和综合知识运用能力。要实现农林院校的良性发展,国家应强化农业教育立法及政策调控力度,应扶持农业高校纳入我国高等教育重大发展战略规划,加大对农业高校的支持力度;国家应重点支持若干所重点农林高校建设成高水平特色型大学;积极鼓励地方农业院校建设成为以农业学科为优势和特色,具有示范功能的高水平地方性大学;国家及有关部门应在资金投资上加大对农业院校办学经费的投入。建议国家出台优惠政策,鼓励和引导企业参与农业院校的产学研合作,促进科技成果转化;落实好农科专业免费政策,完善国家助学政策体系。办学模式的演变是一个历史过程,其中既包含着办学主体在具体条件下的主体选择性和历史复杂性,也体现着办学主体为了追求更具竞争力的实践方式而不断驱动办学模式演变的内在机制。

【Abstract】 With over one hundred years of development, derived from agricultural school in late 19th century, most of the Agricultural Colleges and Universities in China have been transformed into the forms of multiversity with distinctive professional features. Chinese Agricultural Colleges and Universities have made significant contribution to the economic and social development of China in ways of personnel training, scientific research and social service. Also, it has been playing an irreplaceable role in providing solutions to issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers especially, in current historical turning point of constructing new rural of socialism. Under unprecedented circumstance like this, the issue of how to develop Agricultural Colleges and Universities in China has come to be more and more protruding and concern-arousing.A mode in running Colleges& Universities is a simplified pattern to specify the status and functions and intercourse of each element in the process of operating, thus, it is a complex of series of philosophies and goals, structures of school subjects, procedures of operating and the management of Colleges& Universities. Compared with Colleges& Universities of other kinds, Chinese Agricultural Colleges& Universities have four features of industrial organizations, regionality, applicability, and diversity. There are mainly four stages through which the running of Agricultural Colleges& Universities has gone, namely, firstly, the stage of passive mode during which the industrial education was established and the advanced agricultural industrial school was formed. Secondly, the system of Agricultural education came into being in Man Kwok in the form of Independent College, Special School and Agricultural Universities. In this system, with Agricultural Universities as its mainstream, it is known as the coexistence of mode of open& close in which open outweigh close. Thirdly, with the foundation of PRC and the reconstruction of out-dated mode of education, a distinctive mode of industry-running took its shape which was closed and industry-oriented. At last, with the disintegration and reconstruction of Agricultural Colleges& Universities, the establishment of independent running of Agricultural Colleges& Universities, the mode is gradually changing from close to open and presents a pattern of diverse development. There is one thing to note that the above mentioned four stages are not isolated from one another, but are interacted with one and another in the form of synchronic diversity and evolution. The double nature of academy and vocation in university is a prerequisite of its role-play in social development, it is also an ultimate factor of the change of the modes which are processes in which dynamic balance is sought to deal with its double nature.After over a century’s development, the system of Agricultural Education to tailor the economic and social development has been taken its overall shape with its spurred scale, comparative complete resources of teaching and enriched teaching experiences. But there are problems that one can not ignore:the poor teaching facilities and conditions, the lack of ability in sustainable development, the structure and setting of schools that can not meet the community’s requirements, the scarce number, unbalance component and low quality of teaching staff, the shortage of original scientific researches at high level, the inability of the conversion from scientific researches to productivity. Agricultural Colleges& Universities education needs to be improved at a fast pace with the nation’s strengthening strategy of development of high school education and the call of the construction of agriculture, farmer and rural area. But, the fact is, Agricultural Colleges& Universities education has never been attached importance to and its existence is being under threat by other non-Agricultural Colleges & Universities and is lagged by the weak agricultural industry.With the core value of developing modern agriculture and the strategic requirements of Chinese-style agricultural development, Agricultural Colleges& Universities should further enhance the construction of basic agricultural school, be excellent in traditional Agricultural majors, adjust its expert structure, try to form a balanced system with rational structure, distinctive features and competitive schools to provide the society with needed scientific achievements, solve some major technical problems in agriculture and train all kinds of talents that are needed in the field of agriculture. At the same time, Agricultural Colleges& Universities should get rid of the mono mode of talents training focused on the mono-school research-oriented and set the target of training more entrepreneurial and realistic talents. Also, Agricultural Colleges & Universities need to better complete their expert structure, optimize the curriculum structure, mix the new results in science with the practical productive technology in the teaching program, increase the students’ability in applying theories to practiceTo ensure the benign development of Agricultural Colleges& Universities, the government should enforce the act in education and the control of policy. Besides, it should put the development of Agricultural Colleges& Universities into its scheme of strategic high education development with more financial and political support. Furthermore, the government should play a major role in granting the construction of high-level agricultural universities of some chosen key Agricultural Colleges& Universities. The local Agricultural Colleges& Universities are encouraged to be transformed into high-level local universities with model-role. Still, the government and relative departments should invest greatly to the development of Agricultural Colleges & Universities. It is, hence, suggested that corporations be encouraged and guided to participate in the cooperation of production, learning and research with Agricultural Colleges& Universities with the favorable policies introduced by the government.The evolution of the mode of high-school running is a historical process in which not only contain the subjectivism and complexity of running-entity but also embody the internal mechanism of the changing running-mode that is formed during the course of the pursuit of more competitive practical modes sought by running-entity.

  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2277

