

Incentives of Government Sector & Competition among Local Governments in Higher Education

【作者】 彭红玉

【导师】 张应强;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代后期,随着地方高等教育规模的迅猛扩张,以及地方政府统筹和管理高等教育的权力和责任不断增加,地方政府在高等教育领域的主体地位日益凸显,地方政府彼此间在高等教育领域的竞争也随之呈现出愈演愈烈的态势。如何解释地方政府间高等教育竞争的种种行为和现象,既是揭示和剖析地方政府高等教育行为动机和治理水平的需要,也是深化和拓展“地方政府竞争”这一研究主题的需要。政府激励是从地方政府及其官员内部特征出发研究地方政府竞争的一个重要视角。经济学研究中有关政府部门的激励理论是本研究的理论基础,被用来分析地方政府高等教育竞争的背景,描述地方政府高等教育竞争现象,揭示地方政府竞争的动机,也被用于挖掘地方政府高等教育竞争的正面影响和负面效应及其产生的制度根源。地方政府直接参与高等教育资源竞争,其中以纵向争夺中央资源为主,也开始出现横向的高等教育市场资源竞争。高等教育资源竞争只是地方政府高等教育竞争的表面现象,在地方政府官员个人的政治晋升激励和控制权收益激励以及维护地方综合利益的水平竞争激励下,地方政府高等教育竞争往往同彼此间的政治竞争、经济竞争和综合实力竞争交织在一起,高等教育资源成为地方政府实现综合利益最大化的工具。地方政府高等教育竞争客观上扩大了高等教育规模,增加了高等教育资源总量,实现了某些自下而上的制度创新,一定程度上促进了地方高等教育的发展。然而,由于当前我国地方政府激励制度存在的诸多问题和不足,地方政府高等教育竞争给我国高等教育发展带来的更多的是负面效应。这些负面效应主要来源于:地方政府外部激励扭曲,中央政府主导下的地方政府激励制度设计上的诸多漏洞和缺陷,以及地方政府内部激励制度的缺失。在经济(财政)动机以及满足和迎合选民需要的政治动机的影响下,美国州政府间存在着间接、微妙的高等教育资源竞争。美国州际政府高等教育竞争的状况对规范中国地方政府高等教育竞争具有重要的启发意义。要继续发挥地方政府竞争的正面影响和消解地方政府竞争的负面效应,必须进行地方政府激励制度改革,从制度层面矫正地方政府高等教育竞争的激励扭曲,修补地方政府激励制度的漏洞和缺陷,提高地方政府内部激励程度。地方政府高等教育竞争的制度规范须从中央政府、地方政府和社会等三个层面进行。治理结构是一种激励系统。本研究表明,地方政府高等教育竞争中出现的激励问题,以及由此带来的对高等教育发展的消极影响,很大程度上与我国传统的高等教育治理机构息息相关。因此消解地方政府高等教育竞争的负面效应,最终倚赖于宏观高等教育治理结构的变革。

【Abstract】 Since 1990s, when the central government started to transfer more higher education authority to provincial governments, especially since the late 1990s, when with the expansion of higher education a new system of dual management by the central and provincial governments, with the provincial government playing the principle role was established, the provincial governments started to possess more powers and more duties to control local higher education institutions, the status of subjectivity of provincial government have become increasingly prominent in higher education. Also, the competition among local governments, especially provincial governments, has been growing fiercer in the field of higher education. How to explain the competition is necessary not only for revealing and analyzing the motivation and governance capacity of local governments in higher educaion, but also for further studies of "the competition among local governments".An incentive theory in public sector was employed to analyze the times backgrounds, describe the phenomena of the competition among provincial governments in higher education, and reveal the motivations of provincial governments involved in higher education competition. This theoretical foundation also provided opportunities to highlight the deep institution source of the impacts of the existing and past competition.The local governments directly invovled in higher education resource competiton, mostly for central resources, but also for higher education market resources.Inspired by a variety of factors, Higher education competition was often intertwined with the political, economic and comprehensive strength competition among local governments.The higher education resources have become the tools of local governments to maximize their comprehensive benefits.To some extent, the higher education competition among local governments promoted the development of higher education. However, it made more negative effects, which chiefly resulted from the distortion of extrinsic incentives, namely provincial governments compete with each other in higher education aiming at their political and economic purposes; the loopholes and dificiencies of local government insentive systems designed by the central government; and the lack of intrinsic motivation from provincial governments.Under the influence of economic and political motives state governments of U.S. indirectly compete for higher education resources, which bring about some enlightment to improve the situation in China.Correction of the disortion of the extrinsic incentives that local governments face, repair of the loopholes and dificiencies of local governments incentive systems and enhancement of intrinsic motivation from local government administrators will be avenues to wipe off the negative effects of competition among local governments.Reform of the system of local governments’incentive must be in practice from three levels-the center government, the local governments, and the society.Ultimately, eliminating the negative impacts of the higher ecuction competition among local governments will rely on the reform of a higher education structure of governance.

  • 【分类号】G649.20;D625
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1192
  • 攻读期成果

