

Floating Bridge of Meaning and Imagination of Faramita

【作者】 王琰

【导师】 石长顺;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 广播电视传播学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 在时空无限延展的全球化时代语境下,电视媒介跨越时空和文化之桥扮演着极为重要的角色,跨国电视媒体对受众注意力资源的争夺也异常激烈。中国华语电视跨文化传播媒体作为中国对外传播体系中重要的组成部分,肩负着传播中华文明、维系文化认同、塑造国家形象的历史使命。本文以CCTV中文国际频道《中国新闻》为个案,导入斯图尔特·霍尔的编码/解码理论为主要研究框架,采用内容分析、文本分析、民族志、扎根理论等质化与量化研究方法,对《中国新闻》的传者编码和受众解码进行了深描探讨,以期通过对现象的分析,探寻中国华语电视跨文化传播意义输出的本相和意义解读的生成机理,从中发现具有解释力的内在规律,进而提出对中国华语电视跨文化传播策略的思考。在编码研究阶段,本研究通过将《中国新闻》与《新闻联播》、《时事直通车》进行内容比较分析,同时结合文本分析方法的运用,从电视话语编码的层面上探讨《中国新闻》的编码策略。研究发现:《中国新闻》在权力场和海外受众场这一充溢着冲突张力的语境规约中努力地寻找平衡点,在话语编码中表现出了其内在的角色和话语冲突。在国内新闻报道上,《中国新闻》“受众本位”的努力与尝试,受到了媒介体制的影响,表现出主题选择和报道立场的不确定性;在国际新闻报道上,《中国新闻》在客观中立的表象之后,隐藏着国家至上的民族主义意识形态。在电视叙事话语运用上,《中国新闻》试图达到人际传播与大众传播的视域融合,但囿于新闻观念和叙事陈规的影响,这种尝试表现出不彻底性。在解码研究阶段,本研究运用参与观察、焦点小组访谈的方式,对来自7个国家和地区的受众观看《中国新闻》的表现和态度进行了调研,并采用扎根理论的质化资料分析方法对调研数据进行了分析。研究发现:来自不同国家和地区受众的收视态度类型主要表现为移情式、批评式、防御式和仪式式四种,而影响收视态度生成的核心因素是批判理性和情感卷入。两者内在元素的对立与和谐决定了不同收视态度的生成。研究显示:来自不同国家和地区的受众在收视态度上表现出了一定的群体差异,这种差异可以通过导入收视态度的影响因素模型进行解释。最后,通过结合编码和解码的研究,从机构、受众和文本三个层面上对中国华语电视跨文化传播策略进行了思考。首先,在制度设计上,要借鉴国际电视传播媒体制度设计的经验,丰富办台主体,创新资源补偿方式;第二,在受众认同上,一方面要凸显“文化中国”,弥合政治差异,另一方面要顺应文化差异,细分受众市场;第三,在文本叙事上,要将全球化话语与本土化元素视域融合起来,构建亲和文本,激发话语移情。

【Abstract】 In the context of unlimited extension of time and space brought by the globalization, television plays an important role in building a bridge across time,space and culture, the struggling of audience attention resource of international television media is extremely serious. As an important part of foreign communication system of China,the cross-cultural communication of Chinese TV programmes shoulders important historical mission in disseminating of Chinese civilization, maintaining cultural identity and creating national image.This thesis has cited China News of CCTV International as an individual example, introduced Stuart Hall’s encoding/decoding theory as the main research framework; Through qualitative and quantitative methods of content analysis, course analysis, Ethnography and grounded theory, this thesis has demonstrated encoding of communicators and decoding of audiences of "China News".It aimed to see the trend of the reality of cross-cultural communication of Chinese TV programmes’output and mechanism of meaning interpretion, to find the inherent law, and propose to the strategy in cross-cultural communication of Chinese TV programmes.In the encoding phase, this thesis has made a comparative content analysis of "China News","Xinwen Lianbo"and "News Express", combined with the use of text analysis, and probed into the encoding strategy of"China News" from the aspect of the TV words encoding. The research has shown that "China News"was trying to balance the political power and oversea audience in the context of conflict, and demonstrate the characeristics of roles and words conflict in words encoding. In domestic news reports, "China News" has tried to be close to people’s livelihood and encountered the resistance of dominant ideology, and has shown that it was influenced by the language in propaganda in aspect of topic choosing and reporting. In the international news report, "China News" has got the attitude of neutrality, and also concealed the ideology that national interest comes above everything. In the television discourse, "China news"has attempted to combine the perspective of interpersonal communication and mass communication,which was influenced by the media system, and this attemption has showed the bourgeois.In the decoding phase, this thesis has made investigation on the behavior and attitude of audience watching "China News" from seven countries and regions through participating in observing and focus group,and then analyzed the data through qualitative method of grounded theory. The reseach has shown that the types of watching attitude from different countries and regions are mainly empathetic style, critical style, defensive style and ritual style, while the key factors which created such attitude are rational criticism and involvement of emotion. The opposition and harmony between the two has determined the different watching attitudes. The watching attitude has also shown some differences between the groups, these differences could be explained by the model of factors which influenced wathing attitude.Finally, through the findings of combining encoding and decoding, this thesis has made an research on the communication strategy of cross-cultural communication of Chinese TV programmes from aspects of mechanism,audience and text.First, in the aspect of system design,the experience of international TV communication media system designing could be learned; Second, in the self-identity of audience, on the one hand, "cultural china " should be highlighted and political differences should be bridged; on the other hand cultural differences should be adapted to and the market shoud be segmented; Third, in the text narrate, globalized words and localization factors should be combined,to construct affinity texts and stimulate empathy.


